raise your hands....

.....If you think our dear westy should get flat shift and launch control to set his ko4 drag legend status in stone and break records?

To retain the legendary status i think he should!
Yes, if he doesnt them a rumour he sucks donkey d*** may get spread around by a known memeber haha.
Reactions: ruffrida

Yes. he needs it.


WOT Box - N2MB Racing

I intend to fit one to the track car at some point, purely for show off reasons.

Do a youtube search for Wotbox and some of them are awesome!
il put my hands up for that even tho i want the fastest 1/4 k04 tittle myself lol
Definately got to do it

Had been reading up on the wot box but if you can included in te map what a bonus
A WOTbox is very different compared to something like Rtech launch control or another tuners equivalent. The mapped in LC is just a lowered rev limiter, where as the WOTbox 2 step launch actually cuts fuel and spark so you get a proper popping banging fire spitting monster. With a WOTbox it'll actually build boost whilst you're still stationary.

Plis the flat shift will let you keep the throttle planted through gear changes so boost doesn't drop off

Theres two different types of "mapped in" launch control

The type your talking about is rubbish, but you can also do full on WOT box style popping/banging anti lag launch control and no-lift-shift with completely stock ECU hardware.

Youtube video from Rick@Unicorns S4:

S4 Launch.MOV - YouTube

I'm sure Nicky at RTech was working on that type of Antilag/Noliftshift as well, i'm sure i came across a youtube video of it at one point, the code for its up on Nefmoto for anyone to play with, so i'd be surprised if he wasnt offering it.
Lol, what's the story behind this then Westy? Builds or been out racing again?!
Dont make out like you dont want them too haha.
Sounds like a Westy vs Vagworld vs Prawn happening here, oooooo be like a little S3 race off, lol, bring on the tdi's i say, lol
Ha, fair enough, RTech or Bill? Or another?

Normally I would go to Bill. He's done both my Stage 1 and stage 2 maps and knows me and my car. I moved house 3 months ago and I'm now only 35 miles from RTech as opposed to 150 miles from Bill. As I'm going for a custom map they need the car for a week so again it's easier for me to go to RTech.

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