The S4 build wait thread

A00 - No self-collection :ohmy:

Did it have code:


e.g. Owner can R0B it from collection port on back of low loader is faced with 4 week delivery turnaround ;-)

I must do the same for mine this weekend, I've got the log in I just need to pay the $$$. Is it easy to do, and how can you be sure on the codes for your specific car?
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Whilst you should always be prudent about warranty, this is more of an issue in the US than the UK as they are more prolific modders than the UK market (on this kind of vehicle). I'm not saying the same rules won't apply in the UK, but I've seen a lot less of these kind of stories coming out via the UK.

Just interesting to see the more proactive approach to detecting mods. It's the first I'd heard about this.
Just interesting to see the more proactive approach to detecting mods. It's the first I'd heard about this.

TD1 has been a big scare for the US market for over a year now. Some folk have commented that it's happened as part of a detailed investigation underpinning warranty work, others have said that dealer can identify visual mods and update system manually. I think the issue originally kicked off over high volume of warranty claims (and looking for possible get out clauses). What was an issue for Audi of America is that some dealers were proactively selling cars and supporting the 'modifications' culture. Others were non committal. Anyone with STASIS (up until last month) had a warranty transfer option, but now even that is gone, so it may have been belt and braces protection over that.

TD1 doesn't seem to get the same amount of press over here, if you google it most of the detail will come back from the States. I did find something else whilst Googling TD1 that you only get 200 launch controls before the system disables itself, so you might want to watch out for that one as I've not been given any clear guidance that this can be overruled or bypassed by an S-Tronic remap.

I'd assume you guys may not go too heavy on the modifications route in the early days anyway, so you should be OK. It's predominantly ECU affecting stuff that will cause you any pain, but if nothing goes wrong then it's not really an issue. Most of the updates for the A4/5 are now in place (unless they come out with a security enhancement for advanced key owners), so I don't envisage it would get picked up there either.
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I must do the same for mine this weekend, I've got the log in I just need to pay the $$$. Is it easy to do, and how can you be sure on the codes for your specific car?

Very easy if i can do it!
It goes on the VIN number, the first page of the report has all the details, colour, interior codes etc.. so its defo mine!
I must do the same for mine this weekend, I've got the log in I just need to pay the $$$. Is it easy to do, and how can you be sure on the codes for your specific car?

Very easy if i can do it!
It goes on the VIN number, the first page of the report has all the details, colour, interior codes etc.. so its defo mine!

I don't have a VIN number for mine yet???? Did you get that from dealer?
I don't have a VIN number for mine yet???? Did you get that from dealer?

Yes, as soon as it went confirmed build, I got him to send me a screen shot of the vehicle status - it show the VIN & engine number
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My dealer just got back to me and kindly sent a screenshot of my order.

So, mine isn't in the UK at the moment and is still at Emden port.

Built - 29/04
Released to ship - 30/04
At Port of Exit - 02/05

Apparently it should be getting loaded anytime around now and this weekend.
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Email from dealer today - on the boat to the UK :)


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Bit ahead of me then!

Released to ship - 05/05
At Port of Exit - 07/05
Current location - Outer Port

Mine will be coming into Grimsby, so watching the Neckar Highway and the Schelde Highway going back and forth the North Sea!
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I think I asked this already but any running in tips?

Sorry missed this. I've not seen any particular running in tips for this engine but I'm going to do my usual "1000 miles - no thrashing and taking it easy" method and then an oil change before giving it some serious beans :)
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Bit ahead of me then!

Released to ship - 05/05
At Port of Exit - 07/05
Current location - Outer Port

Mine will be coming into Grimsby, so watching the Neckar Highway and the Schelde Highway going back and forth the North Sea!

To be fair i hope we all get them the same time, we have been waiting long enough for our beasts and the time is nearly here. Just in time for summer!!!!
Mine ain't built yet so will have to watch you guys having fun for a bit. :)
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Running in wise I wouldn't run it at over 2/3rds revs for first 500 miles.

If you can limit short cold start runs and get it out for some consistent longer runs in the first few weeks it will help seal the pistons and limit oil burning.

Strictly follow oil temp warm up regimes, don't over rev until oil temp (not water temp) hits 90.

Otherwise enjoy!
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Running in wise I wouldn't run it at over 2/3rds revs for first 500 miles.

If you can limit short cold start runs and get it out for some consistent longer runs in the first few weeks it will help seal the pistons and limit oil burning.

Strictly follow oil temp warm up regimes, don't over rev until oil temp (not water temp) hits 90.

Otherwise enjoy!

My run to work is ideal for warm up and cool down so that should be fine. Longer runs will be easy as the excitement will mean lots of visiting friends and family.
So here's today's idle thought. Do you have to declare all the factory options to your insurance company? I'm just trying to picture how the explanation for Audi Drive Select or Sports Diff might go. I'm fearful I'd end up with a huge bump in premium due to the call centre agent classifying the car as a modified beast!

Moneysupermarket says:

So that would be fine, as they are on the car when it's built.

Admiral's policy doc says:

Just reading through the thread... it's very long and you haven't even got the cars yet guys. I ended up taking sleeping pills during my 1 week wait, I can't imagine having to wait longer, so hats off to you all!

With regard to Admiral, I have just renewed - I listed everything on the PR code in my log book and made sure they wrote it down exactly as I said. It didn't affect my premium at all, they still cover it.

Incidentally, what did affect my premium, was when a neighbour reversed into my old car last summer - whilst I was in bed. I never made any calls or claims, I received a call from their insurance and was told who to call when I was ready to collect my courtesy car (got the repairs done at a garage of my choice). Never even called Admiral, but it put the premium up by £150. Still cheaper than anyone else though.
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Thanks benjie. The PDF document with the spec of my car lists everything so will probably just post that to them.
Gonna go look at a Sepang Blue TTRS tomorrow. I have no idea if I can spec amend my car if need be but going to see the colour. Incidentally it's not available on the main website as an option. Not sure what that means.
Remember colours can get done in runs, and they've been having some teething issues with Sepang so could push the car back weeks.
Remember colours can get done in runs, and they've been having some teething issues with Sepang so could push the car back weeks.

Ah nuts. I didn't want Misano because of the lacquer peel. Didn't know Sepang had issues.

Ah well back to Poland in the Eurovision. :)
Can I just say, Misano Red is awesome! I maintain the car often, so hoping I won't get any lacquer peel... why does it happen only on the red ones?

Also, TD1 - I spoke to my local dealer about it, just small talk whilst waiting for my car, and he said that it's all automatic (or can be done manually) and has memory, so if you remapthen go back, the car will remember the 'out of spec' parameters and that will automatically trigger a TD1. I hope you understand what I'm on about, I'm still stunned by the bearded lady on Eurovision and not making much sense.
Gonna go look at a Sepang Blue TTRS tomorrow. I have no idea if I can spec amend my car if need be but going to see the colour. Incidentally it's not available on the main website as an option. Not sure what that means.

I've gone for Sepang, and my build week is now 8th September but it still only a provisional week. You definitely can amend to the MY15 specs if your build week is expected to be after a specific week (BW22 IIRC).
Even my wife refuses to watch Eurovision on the grounds it's Eurotrash chintz, we all went out for dinner last night to purposely avoid it! I'd rather have peeling lacquer than watch 10 minutes of Eurovision, it would be akin to aversion therapy

you got lucky with one this year!

Sure you weren't watching this :whistle2:

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So went to see Sepang. Very nice it is too. Photos do not capture it properly. Mulling over what to do now.
Never hurts to try something different, but get your dealer to check k dates for you with alteration to spec. It's the only colour that if it hadn't cost £2.5k like it did when I ordered could gave swayed me!
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So went to see Sepang. Very nice it is too. Photos do not capture it properly. Mulling over what to do now.

I would be asking the dealer if there any any issues as warren as described. As you for build date June you might get away with amending to this colour
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Never hurts to try something different, but get your dealer to check k dates for you with alteration to spec. It's the only colour that if it hadn't cost £2.5k like it did when I ordered could gave swayed me!

Ditto it was the one colour I was looking for when buying used then when buying new it was an audi exclusive colour which was ridiculous amount to pay so ended up settling for my 2nd fav colour
Sorry sprint blue is what I was thinking of but similar colour to sepang
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I'd heard that Sepang had been temporarily removed from some models in some territories due to 'an' issue in the paint factory in Hungary (I'm assuming supply issues). It's purely internet speculation I read in passing but can't remember where. I would just check with dealer if you change paint whether it will increase wait and that should give you some sort of an answer.
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I think the people who wash the cars use sponges, blades, single bucket method, old cloths that are re-used again and again and this is above and beyond getting freighted on train, ship and lorry to destination.

I believe cars that go on ferries will get some salt build up on the pain as it's in the atmosphere / spray etc., and if they just start with a sponge on top of this it drags it round the paintwork.

I tell you Scotty, these last few days are the worst as you know it's built, you know it's somewhere near, but the deathly silence as you just wait and wait and hear nothing wondering when it's all going to come together is like a modern day torture! If you think it's bad now, wait until the last couple of weeks.
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I've decided to stick with my original colour choice of Phantom Black. Mostly to try and avoid delaying my build any longer. If the dealer calls me and says the build week has been pushed back then we can discuss Sepang.
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Yes! Just got off the phone to the dealer. Build week has moved from week 24 (9th June) to next week! Excited now. :)
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