Advice on how to deal with road rage.


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Nov 7, 2009
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I keep getting the urge to ram other inconsiderate drivers off the road. It is worrying, as I could do it one day.

I get the same old inconsiderate drivers every day. I am on a roundabout, where there are 3 lanes, 2 to go straight on, 1 to go right.

The two lanes are always busy, the outside lane fairly empty, and every day a small number of drivers go up the outside lane, and then try and force there way back in once the lights go green.

The road markings are clearer than a clear road, on a clear day in clear land.

How do I deal with them, without my blood pressure raising?
Deep breaths, count to 10 & think of bunny rabbits :D
carry a baseball bat in the boot, Next time you see one of them follow him or her home. when they get out there car get out of yours. shout very load at them very nasty things. then finally go smach up there car with the bat. repeat untill you see no more inconsiderate drivers
Oh yeah, boobies.......wobbly large ones......damn just crashed.....
Jump out and kick 7 shades of sh1t outta them,you'll feel better!

Best advice I can give is to be more aware and expect them to try it so your prepared for it
Leave 5 mins earlier, and smirk as you watch someone else wind themselves up so much over it, that they have a heart attack!
Life's too short to worry over things like this, and I must read that first sentence back to myself every morning, cause I'm the same as you!
Leave 5 mins earlier, and smirk as you watch someone else wind themselves up so much over it, that they have a heart attack!
Life's too short to worry over things like this, and I must read that first sentence back to myself every morning, cause I'm the same as you!

Hartey's right. It isn't easy to practice what you preach (it is gradually getting easier as I get older) but try if you can to let it go, and let others get all cross-eyed and sweaty over it.
Cognative behavioural therapy. Used for loads of situations - depression, anger management etc. etc.
Ha Fool, good reminder, wife won't let me keep a bat.

I just want to stop them, grab hold of them and tell them how **** they are at driving.

I want them to tell me why they think they have the right to cut in front of everyone else.

And more importantly, I want them to get on their knees and apologise and promise never to do it again.

And then I want to see them cry like a baby......
As there's more and more cars on our roads, it gets progressively worse!

I got beeped by the car behind me once following an oap doing 20mph in a 30! I'm like :wtf: .... I managed to keep calm following the old woman, but the driver behind me ****** me off with his actions! wanted to stop and knock him out!! :box:
Keep calm, relax, point at them and laugh.

Then sit back and watch how angry they get, guaranteed to make you smile.
I always used to get wound up, mostly by people who drive right up my *** (which is most idiots) until I heard advice to just pull over and let them become someone else's problem.
I have in the past chased people who have pulled out in front of me and done stupid things but I usually loose it the most when my kids are in the car with me, it is like I am on "extra notice the bad drivers" alert but I am trying really hard not to as it is not good for them either.
Just want to stop these people and explain what they have done wrong, but I bet half of them don't know they are doing it as they give driving licenses out on the back of serial boxes these days.
In normal life I literally NEVER lose my temper, have bags of patience for everyone but as soon as I'm in my car and someone is turning left on a roundabout and doesn't indicate I really lose it! I know it's not worth it but I can't help but shout expletives, gesture and if the windows are down, tell them that perhaps next time they should indicate so that i'm not sitting there waiting for them to go straight over! (Maybe not my exact words)

It's mainly when other drivers are either inconsiderate or absent minded, as they're the ones which will cause a crash one day due to lack of care...really get's my blood boiling!
1. Take down the vrm number
2. Pay a nominal fee to dvla for keeper details.
3. Phone Jehovahs/Christadelphians stating that you REALLY need their help.
4. Post on dogging sites
I keep getting the urge to ram other inconsiderate drivers off the road. It is worrying, as I could do it one day.

I get the same old inconsiderate drivers every day. I am on a roundabout, where there are 3 lanes, 2 to go straight on, 1 to go right.

The two lanes are always busy, the outside lane fairly empty, and every day a small number of drivers go up the outside lane, and then try and force there way back in once the lights go green.

The road markings are clearer than a clear road, on a clear day in clear land.

How do I deal with them, without my blood pressure raising?

You'll soon change your mind when you're shouting and balling at the wrong person lad, there's always someone out there that will go that extra step further than you will.

You don't know who you're shouting at and what that person could be capable of, say you're giving it the big 'get out of the way you ****er, you've nearly took my front end off' and he stops his car, gets out and pastes you around the roundabout? Your road rage will soon stop there.

There are complete tools on the road and they always will be, just try count to ten and leave it. Don't get me wrong, i have zero patience 99% of the time but counting to ten with deep breaths actually helps lol.
The last time I had some road rage the guy started following me and my brother inlaw to the point he went through a red light to keep up with us we stopped the cars at the shops and got out, i went to go into the shops and he just stopped got out and shouted me over he was playing around in his inside jacket pocket I was thinking here we go I'm in it now I was ready to smack him as soon as I seen his hand come out his jacket then I was taken aback when I seen a wallet and he then continued to produce a warrant card well I was in it now I thought, then the police turned up questioned the 3 of us I said I was in fear as he was following me and I got away with the bad driving and he got reported to his superiors for his actions.

Win win. Now when someone gets at me I just slow down and annoy them until they make a right **** of themselves then pull in and let them by.

You never know who is in the other car
pull over vigorously play with your tail, then you will be on the right path of not smashing people off the road but you will all most certainly end up becoming blind...
It is incredibly hard to condition your mind to be cool in these situations.

Thing is many of these dimwitted 'tards' don't even know what they've done, what they're doing, and to them because they haven't rubbed a bumper or taken someone's wing mirror off for 20 minutes they think they're a driving god. I've only ever met 2 people who think they're a poor driver, it's an unfortunate misconception. People pass a test, get lazy and then relabel that as acceptable as they have road experience. Fact of the matter is the rest of us are all compensating for them continuously.

At least your not:

a) from the same gene pool
b) married to

these mongtards which is a blessing in itself. So reflect on it, think yourself lucky and go about your day with a smile. Allowing them to rack you with stress in only killing you, not them. The IAM first rule is 'assume every other driving on the road is an idiot', and its a fair strapline. Always be prepared for the worst.

Even natural selection won't help us as these people usually walk away from the accidents they cause leaving others to pick up the pieces. I'd happily go through 10 year driving tests to get some of the idiots off british roads; even if it was expensive.
I used to get like that , Now i just remember that I'm all that there is and all that will ever be and they will always be a bad driver and i will live to fight another day on the roads, Some people are just bad drivers and thats the way that it is, if you really want to know why that is then i would not spend to much time on that,

its just the way it is,

its like the sun, it comes up in the morning and goes down at night, i would not spend to much time thinking about that too, Its just the way it is, but if your not happy that the sun does that then go get your own plannet and then you can make your own rules up,

So what im saying I would not sign up for that class, because its just the way it is,
Thanks guys, it seems we all suffer with stupid and selfish drivers. Maybe it is the same guy?

Anyway, I did once get a guy to pull over, I was furious with him, and he was all mouthy until I got out of the car and he ran back to his car, wound up the window and pretended I wasn't there, screaming at him through his window. At that point, I couldn't have cared less who he was, he nearly killed me and I wasn't going to let him get away with it. I am not a violent man, or not any more, so I just shout, and then move on.

I reckon you are right though, one day it could be a Kenneth Noyes and I could be looking into a double barrel.

I will take your advice and try to be calm, as hard as that is.

I tell you though, how many idiots are there nowadays? Every day some munter cuts me up, trying to get ahead of everyone else by using the wrong lane and then cutting in.

I gave up a long time ago... after some drug dealer near hit me at a roundabout... all I did was raise my arms up in an Italian style as they do in Rome. No swear words, no flashing the lights or tooting the horn. He starts tail gating me. This was back in 2005. He actually bumped the rear bumper. I drove like a bat out of hell to the nearest police station and he shot off. Since then I've developed a love for powerful cars because if some jerk stresses me out or wants to make me crash with my baby daughter in the car, I would rather shoot off until he is a speckle in the rear view mirror. My cousin was not so lucky... some guy cut a lane... my bro. horned... the guy got out... punched the window but couldnt break it. Bro got out and the guy pulls a massive knife out of his jacket and makes a lunge but scrapes the side of bro. Bro gets a gash but lives. I guess what I'm trying to say is that when you're past caring... consequences and life go out of the window... no more caring about your own life or the lives of others. I've been that angry person. I used to have a proper chip on my shoulder because I felt like I had been done wrong by the world (back in 2003) and I have been that person where rage knows no limits and does not acknowledge the law. I've been that psycho who would produce a knife and hurt someone but things changed. I moved to Wales and started doing the job I love... as a rafting/absailing/climbing instructor with the Prince's Trust... gave me a chance to calm the fk down. Years down the line with a wife and kids much more sensible now and just want to keep myself and my family safe. Sometimes I find myself slipping into window down and swearing mode. I grew up with that. I used to see my dad swear all the time when people had ****** him off. I had a choice... life or death. I chose life because you just never know who the bigger man is or who will actually go that step further. I see it and I recognise it. Years down the line working with people who have these problems I can spot it a mile away most of the time but then even I get caught out because thats the nature of these people... unpredictable. Still working on it. These days I just turn up the music or say something silly to change the topic or break the tension. A mate of mine was having a laugh and he said "you need to calm down" and he cranked up the Toto - Africa... we started laughing about what people would think about two big blokes in a car blasting Toto... but its diversion and its great in the short term... silly things like that... or when another driver does want a piece and comes up to my window for no reason... I roll it down a little and do the Omid Djalili: "If it wasnt for you Manchester would have had the 2012 olympics, you know what you did!" The guy was puzzled, said WTF and walked off... love messing with their heads like that.
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top post mate... think you need to change screen name from "the drunken fool" to "the wise man" :respekt:

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