Audi's in the park - 8th August


The Clar!! it mouves!!!
Dec 27, 2007
Reaction score
Mods can we please let this stick on here for couple of days to get the A3/S3 contingent up :readit:

Guys/gals Tufts has just reminded me of this one, not attended before personally but by all accounts, last year was brilliant considering it was the first......

£5 per car (max 5 occupants)

So far we have:-

Animal1 S3
my other half A3
Tufty S3
Welly S3
Speedy Steve S3
mk1 chopper S3
Nilzy S3
Aaron77 S3
The Doctor S3
Ian W S3 - a maybe but he will come cos he knows when he sees all the other S3's :)
S17NJ S3

I know prawns a possible (sorry bit of pere group never hurt mate ;) ) who else is free :)

These are just the ones i recognise.....
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Tim, sorry mate, you're gonna have to remove me from the list :( my missus has decided to celebrate her birthday that weekend by going away!! :sob: Grrrrrr!!!

If anyone here wants to take it for a fiver which is what i paid for it then let me know.
no worries mate - you should have done what i did and force her into an A3 :)
Yeah i would do but i'm still trying to force the silly cow to buy a car! She's had a licence for well over a year but i think she's enjoying the comfort of me driving her around too much :banghead:
I'll be there but not in my car, did the driving duties down to GTi International the other week so get a nice passenger ride in an A4.

Unless i'm lovin my new S3 so I much that I do the drive again :yahoo:
Ian!!! you gotta bring the newbie doood!!! you'll regret it when ya get there :)
Yeah i would do but i'm still trying to force the silly cow to buy a car! She's had a licence for well over a year but i think she's enjoying the comfort of me driving her around too much :banghead:

Couple of things:

1. I am coming to AITP (ticket already received)
2. DJ_Troopa, drive faster, then she'll not want to be your passenger any more! Works every time for me.
no worries doc ill add you on the list mate..... seems we need a few A3's now if we have any takers :)
AITP was a new show in 2009 and traders are always reluctant to commit due to new shows.

AITP 2010 is a different story!....Wasnt long before they all wanted a piece of the action!

I guess 2 killer reviews in Golf+ & Audi Driver magazine
errrr.....think ( which is tricky for me) its got a beige MK1 golf on the front with the title "Beige against the Machine"
will be digging them out shortly? cant for the event itself surrounded by audis in our very own show how selfish but i cant wait
Ill be there, my first Audi event.... bought my ticket, haven't received yet tho....
S17, nice one matey.... dont forget to get ya name over on the events section to ensure your on the ASN stand :)
S17, nice one matey.... dont forget to get ya name over on the events section to ensure your on the ASN stand :)

Cheers Mate, names on the list for the stand!

I'm there - for one day only though as I have parental responsibilities.... D'oh. That's what happens when you play 'Hide the sausage'....
Anyone would think the S3 was common!!! ;)

Looking good guys, anymore for anymore??

Also, if anyone hasnt already been to the thread in the events section, there is a document there that can be used to get your name on it, to put on your dash, just so we all know who's who :)
Yeah, just done mine now. Taken me ****** ages to get it "just right" but happy with it now. Looking forward to seeing you all on the day.
Likewise, will be a good day, Doc, looks like we are going to be twins on the day!!
Nilz can you paste that link onto this thread as i cant access the other main forum at work without a direct linky
Nilz can you paste that link onto this thread as i cant access the other main forum at work without a direct linky

I downloaded it and popped it up on to my web server so you can download it.

It's here: ""
I'm a maybe at the minute...I'm fighting work for a day off!.

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