So... a de-roofbared avant...


Registered User
Mar 9, 2012
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Was umming and ahhing (?) for a while as to whether I should remove the roof bars on the car. I'd seen it done on the internet (although not very frequently) and I think the few that did it were in the U.S. So I thought I just I'd 'whip' the right side off and see how it looks. Well, it took slightly longer than that!!

To take off the roofbars, as you can imagine, is no simple task. Having looked into it on the net for all of 2 minutes, then deciding to proceed, I had a general idea. So, off came the A-Pillar interior trim after much pulling and finger pinching (thanks Audi) which looked like so...

Resized to 94% (was 1023 x 764) - Click image to enlarge

and then, having documented this first one so well, forgot to take photos of the other two! In a nut shell, the clips they use are pretty tough to release but I managed to get them off and unscrew all 3 bolts on the inside of the car. This is how she then sat...


But left holes like this in the top...


I had already come up with a solution to covering over the holes and wanted it to be fully reversible if I wanted to put the bars back on. This is where the trusty vinyl tape comes in again (see above). My £20 tape from ebay was now going to cover the roofbars dips as well as all the chrome window trim (good buy?!). However, when I just covered the outer hole and left the inner hole uncovered, when I shut the last door, the pressure inside would make the vinyl move briefly, which is quite annoying

Solution? Erm, simples?! Cover both holes.

Resized to 94% (was 1023 x 764) - Click image to enlarge

With this done, I then proceeded to vinyl rap the entire dip (is that even the name?
) and the colour of the vinyl is pretty much spot on with the car. Unfortunately, I am left with 3 small rectangles of bare vinyl on each side...


...but I see this as only a small insignificance as its not a permanent move.

So, the same was done to the other side and, 6 hours later, here's the result:

Resized to 94% (was 1023 x 764) - Click image to enlarge

Resized to 94% (was 1023 x 764) - Click image to enlarge

So what do you guys think? I wasn't keen on it first personally, but its growing on me. Removes the only bit of silver from the car so completes the black look which is what I'm after. Would be nice to hear some other views as well though...

that looks spot on with them removed
Put the roof bars back on, Avants look better with roof bars IMHO.
that looks spot on with them removed

Thanks, wasn't too sure but its grown on me alot.

Why not just Wrap the roofbars in Black?

Thought about this but wouldn't be very durable if I had to actually use them. May go down the powder coating route though

Put the roof bars back on, Avants look better with roof bars IMHO.

Well I only used vinyl so I can put them back if I change my mind or need them. At the moment, I like it for being a bit more subtle :happy:
I like it,it looks sleek and more planted to the road.
It looks much better than I expected. Can we see some more pics please?
looks like an A3 sportback almost!

I like it.

What happens when it rains, will it leak?
Nice but weird.
Looks like an a3 cross a4. Like it though. :cool:

Haha, thanks. Looks kinda weird at first

It looks much better than I expected. Can we see some more pics please?

I haven't got any more pics at the moment. I'll take some more though and get them uploaded.

it looks a lot more sleek but as already mentioned does look a little strange. but hey, you may have started the uk revolution of this style... lol

Cheers :blush: lets hope so!

looks like an A3 sportback almost!

I like it.

What happens when it rains, will it leak?

Unless the vinyl lifts then it won't leak. I sealed the inside hole as well, see the pics above...
I like it.
I think the look will depend on the car as a whole and yours carries it off.

You just got to hope that some little s**t don't come along and poke holes in the vinyl.

A3 sportback?
You mean the A3 Avant? :ninja:
Looks kinda cool, but my first thought was a bull with nea balls! Lol

Could you not put some grommets in the holes to prevent leaks, or clear silicone which will easily be removed.

Well done for giving it a shot, did it cause any damage? Liking the idea of powdered bars....

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