******Bad Language******


Staff member
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
Can we please refrain from using bad language,any word which reads as a swearword is a swearword.
If your struggling with putting a sentence together without expletives then send me a pm and I will do it for you.
I wanna know what swear words you put in the thread headder to get 6 stars either side of bad language... Good to see the swear filters working :p
Without sounding like a gripe, I've had posts censored (which is fair enough and I do apologise for the odd swear word hear and there), though in comparison to a lot of others my posts are nowhere near as fouled mouthed. I've been a follower on here for a good while now and I'd like to think it's obvious that my manner is polite (well I hope so lol).

Obviously I appreciate it's a lot of work (that should be unnecessary in the first place) to tidy up the posts - I just think it's bizarre that some of the more explicit posts in the past have been left.

Anyway - I share the sentiment, if we could all keep the language neatened up, the board would be a nicer place.

I'm sorry to hear that but if we do not see it we cannot act,the report button lets us know something is there so please any members see anything use it
I'd prefer it if we stamped out the appalling grammar and spelling rather than the 'swears'.
I'd prefer it if we stamped out the appalling grammar and spelling rather than the 'swears'.

Thats a good call,once the swearfilter is locked and loaded that will be next.
I try and let new members know but rather than jumping down their necks I try to edit their posts to make them legible.
I'd prefer it if we stamped out the appalling grammar and spelling rather than the 'swears'.

Now the new forum rules have spelt out what we expect of members in this area us moderators will be looking at this quite closely and some people can expect to receive a PM asking them to improve their game.

This will also apply to 'text speak' and 'lazy typing' (ie not using the shift key when appropriate). All these things may seem trivial but they have been developed over many years to make the reading of English so much easier for everyone.
So are we saying that profanity, even when in context and not as an insult is prohibited as well and that this ban is all-encompassing?
So are we saying that profanity, even when in context and not as an insult is prohibited as well and that this ban is all-encompassing?

yes all banned

(2) Content in any form (text, images, audio/video) which is threatening, harassing, racist, pornographic or otherwise broadly obscene/offensive in any way is prohibited and will not be tolerated. Swearing is not permitted and in the majority of cases will be filtered automatically – attempts to circumvent this system may lead to restrictions on your account. The simple and discreet post reporting system mentioned in (1) above should also be used to alert Administrators/Moderators to prohibited content of this type.
What about if its censored?

So for example I was to say "he was acting like a complete t@*%"

I agree with keeping things tight with regards to bad language etc and if there were posts full of it then I could understand. However I've never really seen it as an issue here compared to a lot of forums?, perhaps thats just me though.

Everyone here is capable of holding a debate without resorting to foul language etc.

if someone put "my f'ing brakes are f'ing driving me f'ing crazy, the f'ing MF'er of a car is constantly f'ing causing me f'ing problems!" then that is unnecessary and profane.
However, a joke containing a swear word is funny, look at the best comedians, a simple swear word in the right context can be devastatingly funny.
I see, crack a walnut with a nuclear missile.

Pity we cant all be adults and use some intelligence to apply profane language where appropriate, and sometimes it is appropriate.


Yup !!!!! The problem is that different people have a very different idea of a profanity and i am now on a warning for a word that no one in their wildest dreams would class as a profanity. Comrades.
Your heading for a warning mate...you cant use those f abbreviations anymore and you are arguing with the mods. !!
Some people will moan about the sky being blue, no doubt there must have been some complaints and mods have to be seen to do something...

I agree used in the right context swear words 'can' be funny...
I'm not arguing with the mods or anyone, just having a discussion. Just so as we're clear.
I don't want to be banned, I have been here for years. I will express my opinion though, rightly or wrongly.
And Chris, I'm afraid your avatar has got to go...Lol
I'm sorry to hear that but if we do not see it we cannot act,the report button lets us know something is there so please any members see anything use it

TBH jase that route isnt very reliable trust me on that mate.

I hope your approach is adopted by all moderators now, as I've seen a fair few threads with mods involved with swearing & the post/thread remained even after someone reported.

I'm behind the hierarchy on this 100%, but surely everyone should be reading from the same rule book & it would seem thats not been the case & its not a dig at mods, its true though, which some mods recently know my words hold water even if they dont want to admit to it, lol.

I'd prefer it if we stamped out the appalling grammar and spelling rather than the 'swears'.

I dont think its anywhere near as bad as people are indicating, I read alot of threads/posts a day & I would say 99.99999% of them are very legible & since using the forum I havnt had to double take posts more than 3-4 times & that person did have genuine issues or so they said & I also think this will lead to a bigger issue mate.

Thats a good call,once the swearfilter is locked and loaded that will be next.
I try and let new members know but rather than jumping down their necks I try to edit their posts to make them legible.

Aha so my suggestion was taken seriously then, lol.

I think thats a fairer approach if the filters dont catch some, just edit the post & maybe a PM depending how severe the words used are would be best method, I would say you would get far more respect as moderators this way instead of coming down on members like a ton of bricks, cause sometimes as much as we all like to be on the ball & not children, we do get carried away, all of us aswell not just lowly members, eg. the normal friday night pissheads who become the Jekyl & Hydes & dont remember a thing the following day.

Now the new forum rules have spelt out what we expect of members in this area us moderators will be looking at this quite closely and some people can expect to receive a PM asking them to improve their game.

This will also apply to 'text speak' and 'lazy typing' (ie not using the shift key when appropriate). All these things may seem trivial but they have been developed over many years to make the reading of English so much easier for everyone.

So are we saying that profanity, even when in context and not as an insult is prohibited as well and that this ban is all-encompassing?

I'll admit I've been party to using some profanity in the past when my cage was rattled which maybe I should of not bitten, but I'm human (I think) as all so everyone has a biting point & I have used the feck & sh1t words before when I've experienced or read something that was rather crappy, but I see no reason for swearing to be used in many threads, even if you've lost your job or your cars been stolen, why should you need to use words like Fxxx, Cxxx, Wxxxxx, its not a nice read especially in an open public forum.

But I will say you cant expect everyone to use perfect oxford english & punctuation all the time, that really is being pedantic, no disrespect to anyone, but this is a public forum so you could get varying levels of IQ on here that might not know how to properly word things, admittedly not many would be like this, but this could almost turn into a form of racism/equality & you'll end up in an even more serious situation than you are now.

I understand this as have a family member that suffers with a learning disorder, minor, but they would have issues with using this forum if you were to pile drive down on them everytime they forgot to have correct punctuation etc, that kind of action by the moderators could have rather serious implications, so I think you're treading on thin ice by trying to get everyone to be perfect english, its impossible to achieve & unfair to knock people who maybe do you a genuine issue.

There have been very heated arguments over this subject aswell which I'm sure the powers that be want to avoid, so maybe caution on the subject is advised as nobody knows a persons level of understanding of proper english.

Although I will agree some are lazy when it comes to the use of the language, but I wouldnt see that as a reason to have a warning, but hey thats me.
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Surely spelling can never be concidered to be anywhere near as big a problem on here?
I for one do have a real problem with spelling, Not through lazyness, Just how i am, I would feel like i shouldnt post incase i miss spell something,
Swearing granted is over the top 99% of the time but...rather than the problem of the odd misspelt word being a priority isnt it more important to keep pointless arguements out of threads ? But both sides of an arguement to be looked at not just one?
I know i have been guilty of this but feel i was the only one deem'd to be out of order,
This is after all the S3 8L forum not just genaral chat?
Cracking down on the use of capital letters :angrymod:...... come on guys i think this might be a step too far.
Swearing and txt speaking ok, but capital letters :keule:

Does that mean my avatar is now classed as porn? :search:
That is a very good post tbh & one I whole heartedly agree with Paul, well said indeed, its very easy for people to be all prim & proper cause they can, what about the people that do have real genuine difficulty, are they to be penalised as such, this then leads to possibly them having to explain there difficulties to moderators & other members, can be embarassing & some people could be very intimidating, judgemental etc etc, can you see how this could lead down a very bad path overall.
I for one do have a real problem with spelling, Not through lazyness, Just how i am, I would feel like i shouldnt post incase i miss spell something,
Swearing granted is over the top 99% of the time but...rather than the problem of the odd misspelt word being a priority.
This is after all the S3 8L forum not just genaral chat?
Paul,I think generally we want the posts to be readable and would not want anyone to feel they are under the spotlight if they cannot spell properly but the forum is text based so if we cannot read a post we are out of business.
I put this thread here because its where some of the problems have occurred and its also a popular section.

Cracking down on the use of capital letters :angrymod:...... come on guys i think this might be a step too far.
Swearing and txt speaking ok, but capital letters :keule:
It might well be but if people try to come halfway were good.

are they to be penalised as such, this then leads to possibly them having to explain there difficulties to moderators & other members, can be embarassing & some people could be very intimidating, judgemental etc etc, can you see how this could lead down a very bad path overall.
No we don't want that Nigel
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TBH jase that route isnt very reliable trust me on that mate.

I hope your approach is adopted by all moderators now, as I've seen a fair few threads with mods involved with swearing & the post/thread remained even after someone reported.

I'm behind the hierarchy on this 100%, but surely everyone should be reading from the same rule book

My approach is taken from the rules so its not mine :p
The new rules which Faction One had spent all night writing are our bible from now on so we should all be singing from the same hymn book
I am dyslexic but even i can click, and always do, the spell check button.
I admit that even spell check can change a word if you don't get it near enough but i am sure a mod would spot an obvious mistake over a whole line of short hand/text nonsense.
If anyone has a problem you can download "i spell" here for free and it will appear on your IE toolbar.

My approach is taken from the rules so its not mine :p
The new rules which Faction One had spent all night writing are our bible from now on so we should all be singing from the same hymn book

Glad to hear it mate.

All night, damn how long are they.

I am dyslexic but even i can click, and always do, the spell check button.
I admit that even spell check can change a word if you don't get it near enough but i am sure a mod would spot an obvious mistake over a whole line of short hand/text nonsense.
If anyone has a problem you can download "i spell" here for free and it will appear on your IE toolbar.


I think you're missing the point Pat, but yes thats an option.
All night, damn how long are they.
For some reason Rob wanted them perfect but I'm sure nobody on the forum would of mentioned any typo's would they:whistle2:
Maybe our resident spell checker would of :undwech:
lol, good one, I didnt mean you but hey worked out just the same :beerchug:

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