New 1.8T TTE360 Stage

I actually disagree Daz.

The turbo is more than capable. I think the TTE products look fantastic, my biggest disappointment is the lack of evidence to back up what is almost certainly a fantastic turbo.

it IS all down to the car it's fitted to. It's not just the components used, but the skills of assembly and the attention to detail taken with little things such as port matching etc.

Hardware wise mine was pretty basic 4 years ago, but carefully assembled with good attention to detail it made 353bhp which most still struggle to achieve today.

The turbo is only one part, and in all honesty, it's the least important part of the package, as providing the build spec is correct, the turbo itself won't hold you back. Everything else will.
Reactions: TTE Si, snowy and S3Alex
Nick read what i said.
Im not suggesting for a second the turbo cant make power.
I dont doubt it for a second

But it relies on so many other variables.
And when put with the lavk of evidence in this thread why should anyone take their word for it??
If i see a tte360 id assume it was going to bet me 360.
Realistically its going to net you 320 to 330 with a small chance of hitting the 360.

It doesnt matter if its the manifold or the turbo or the injectors etc etc. If it cant do it.
It cant do it
The thing you guys all forget is that you know these things inside out.
Not everybody does.
Big contradiction there mate

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How so???

I dont doubt it can make power.

But why should "OTHERS" take their word for it with no evidence.

Seriously karl.
Basic mate.

Truth is most of you stop reading what is in front of you.
Turn off your brains and reply to try and win a point.

Literally no contridiction karl
Reactions: Shoomakan
Grabbing beer and popcorn, very entertaining!
Scotty you have said the famous cliche.
The turbo will make power on the "right" car

What a get out clause that is.
It only made 330
Must be the car .
...seems to work for other tuners (no names mentioned). Blame game is all too easy, but at the end of the day it's true. It's like giving a sprinter a massive cardio regime so he develops really strong lung (turbo), but then not working on his leg muscles at all. It's the whole setup that counts.

Obviously they are going to call it the highest number they can...why wouldn't they?

I couldnt agree more george.

But at the moment with no proof of ANY results they may aswell call ut the TTE 1000
If i see a tte360 id assume it was going to bet me 360.
Realistically its going to net you 320 to 330 with a small chance of hitting the 360.

This is why BBT say the K418T is a 330bhp capable turbo with the correct supporting modifications.
You hit 330 on the nose, the ONLY difference between our builds was the ported hot side.
So accurate description by BBT.

This is why BBT say the K418T is a 330bhp capable turbo with the correct supporting modifications.

BBT held the market in 1.8T world for a long time, but now theres other companies pushing the boundaries, with results yet to trickle through.
I have no doubt they will come... its a matter of time isn't it. But I under stand why people get frustrated with quoted BHP etc.
Got to remember there's the AET from B5 available too... so a good few competetive turbos on the market for people looking into hybrids.

From what I see. the TTE420 on TFSI is having MASSIVE success at R Tech hitting consistent figures, so hopefully the TTE360 for those looking tobuy one will be the same ?
I expect they've sold a few.
I expect they've had results.
What they are probably waiting for is one to hit the 360bhp mark so they can post results

not all cars make the same power - FACT /END
get used to it.

STOP looking to blame components like turbos, manifolds or whatever else for the ENGINE not making the power
Hybrids can be good, BUT they are VERY sensitive to their surroundings and only when they are in their "happy place" are the flow potentials of the turbo allowed to be achieved.

An ill thought through, build spec will result in a lowe power outcome, regardless of make or spec of hybrid turbo fitted.

Thats just how it is. I see it often enough.
Reactions: hydro s3, TTE Si, S3Alex and 1 other person
Results from a car have been posted on TTE on Facebook, some time ago now, around the start of the year.

All because it's not on here doesn't mean it hasn't happened lol.

I believe it was 355bhp 470nm,1.8 bar spike to 1.5 bar at redline if I remember correctly.
I am no expert but have followed this thread, and the car was running something "unusual" about the engine or setup, if I remember rightly ;-) as to the untrained eye, it appeared to be immediately recognised. I think it was E85 instead of V-Power on page 2
To be honest this thread has waivered quite a bit away discussing compression ratio's on someone else's engine rebuild / modifications, then round the inevitable manifold complaints.

I havent said anything if the sort bill.
What in earth are you talking about.
Im fully aware that many components can be factors in making good or poor power. A simple filter change on my car gained 15 bhp
And scottys lack of compression lost him 30bhp

I say in my thread that there are many variables.
I also say hybrids can be good.
Yet you come on as if im saying otherwise and then say pretty much repeat what i said????
Honestly ive no idea why people reply without reading.
To be honest this thread has waivered quite a bit away discussing compression ratio's on someone else's engine rebuild / modifications, then round the inevitable manifold complaints.

Okay forum police lol
I read your reply and you are blaming components.... else I would'nt have posted a reply.
I read your reply and you are blaming components.... else I would'nt have posted a reply.

Simply saying lots of things can alter power output. Obviously im aware the engine itself is a component.
Though this just furthers my point of view that if you want a pretty good chance of gitting 350+ bhp
Dont go hybrid
Simply saying lots of things can alter power output. Obviously im aware the engine itself is a component.
Though this just furthers my point of view that if you want a pretty good chance of gitting 350+ bhp
Dont go hybrid

lol - and I am lol_ing at the obvious statement....
Going from a k04 car to a hybrid k04 car is an evolution, but if wanting something as heavy as an S3 to feel actual quick, significantly more power than a k04 framed unit will be required.

We all have points of view, and assorted "experience"

As i said before.
Its very obvious to you but not all.
Some might expect a turbo called tte360 to achive approx 360 but if a few of these variables seem to be not great low 300s is likely.
Where a large framed turbo may compansate .

You yourself told me to buy a bigger turbo under less strain less boost less temps etc etc etc.
And that the k04 hybrids were heat pumps and good to a point. I took that as good advice.
Advice i wish id taken.
No idea why you are trying to prove me wrong with things im not saying.
the reality is as I've said.. They can and will produce this, some more some less, but it does'nt make the turbos ability to flow that power any less real.

Some setups are lame..

Hybrids are sensitive to their surroundings. Thats just how it is.

You have a bee in your bonnet about a 360 not doing 360, maybe? maybe not...? I dont get what you're trying to accomplish on TTE thread however.

I am telling you how it is, from the years of experience on these things..
Reactions: TTE Si

Indeed I did...
Track use you wanted... so choose a larger framed unit more suited to power levels from less effort... ie Larger framed units.

Thats all ive been trying to say. They are sensative to their surroundings. Everything needs to be bang on for them to achieve.
No bee in my bonnet. Just stating it is far from a given and you need everything to be good to get the figure. No more than that.

On a side note im not knocking the hybrid. Mine was miles more than id hoped at 330bhp. Didnt realise it would be that good. And thiugh im bitter about the s3 i do miss it as a b road blaster.
As i say if i could go back id avoid all this hybrid rubbish and go bt. Thats all
Reactions: badger5
Okay forum police lol

And now its just turned into a scrap - I was merely highlighting its difficult to follow the digression.

is v-power 98 and momentum 99? I struggle to get either of these locally its usually only 97 - I am sure it makes a difference even only on a Stage 1 remap with some non-accounted for upgrades.

Missed all this no notifications ..

Been many factors with Badger and really i work with all and are open too.. But i felt it was totally other way around and was Bill and Dan from BBT that went against me and was negative in threads and posting on our Facebook page, so ****** me off, as it would anyone. Honestly never heard of badger 5 or Bill before the remarks on this forum. But anyway water under the bridge. I work with guys that want to work with me simple.
Really the manifold is not Bills its freely for sale on Alibaba and is just simple porting required.
The TTE360 was the the first K16 turbine k04.. And Bill followed it in my opinion as see potential with his AET380 but did try with BBT i was told but didn't work out, so its been good for the platform as he got the formula in the end. I know Bill is strong in 1.8T platform and im cool with that, good luck to him and his AET really. But if Bill can make 400HP on a hybrid with a good set up that is similar in many ways to a TTE360 I think its fair to say this could do 360PS....
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For the facts.. I had run a K16 wheel on a BBT made hybrid for a couple of years or more ago.. As for following a TTE product (which did'nt exist then) I would say no, that was'nt the case at all. It preceded yours, and I had'nt seen any TTE equivalent hybrid.

For assorted reasons I wont mention here, I ceased using BBT nearly 2 years ago, and went to AET for hybrids, normal level spec units initially and at "my request" asked them to make what has since turned into the K04-380, larger compressor, K16 clipped turbine ported to 47mm housing to match the chinafolds I previously did.

The manifolds I have always used have been Chinafolds, ported and modified to get them into something which worked. Second iteration of them is the spec they've sat at for last 2 years. Its reliable. It does'nt crack. Its not without its issues of supply etc, being typically Chinesie but there has been no suitable alternative which is reliable. We all see what the V4 relentless things do, and should'nt be surprised... Every other version has had cracking issues. 6 years of the same failures.. 4 versions.. Sadly no out of the box item has been available and proven to be reliable. Chinafolds the closest to it as far as I'm aware. The best of lets face it a poor bunch.

I dont sell the Chinafold, and have'nt done for 2 years now.. I only use them on supplied packages with K04-380... Reason for why is processing the manifolds is a right PIA to do. I freely tell people to buy off aliexpress and share the spec I rework them to for what I've done and proven to work. Plenty of folks are doing this now, and others are offering porting services for them. A lot of these are previous owners of cracked V4 manifolds.

What is clear, and the message exchanged with Daz is I see dozens of hybrids come through here of assorted makes, and mods, and the variance of outcomes for the "same turbo" is huge! ALL hybrids are incredibly sensitive to their surroundings and supporting mods, not forgetting the actual engines health, which few seem to even consider. Get it all right, and a sweet setup will result.

Folks are all too quick to "blame" a single xyz component, yet fail to consider "their build" in terms of correctly matched components or their implementation on hybrids.
Reactions: Pedrosousa and TTE Si

Maybe because we are a professional turbo company with some of the best engineers in this game and a track record that really says much for our turbos. Multiple records and firsts and one of the market leaders in Hybrids upgrade turbochargers that supply many race teams and the big names of the industry behind closed doors and publicly. Many Trust, maybe some do not.

Its not so easy to name a turbo and really I think all TTE turbos can and do make there number. If you name low people do think its not high enough for the money and you have to explain you could make more...

We have a TTE550 N54 BMW that didn't do 550 for ages... now guys do 600 .

Ok just followed us as in released then. As i recall was a little time after our 360 turbo you shared a your 380 idea and it is very much alike although they alll are in a way.. TTE360 is a Larger compressor, K16 clipped turbine ported to 48mm housing

As to power results Daz. It does not matter if hybrid or Big Turbo solution. The hardware,tune and fuel are major factors to the end results. I could show you so many dyno's ive collected every day over last 10 years or so on all manner of turbo and setups.. results vary and always will. We do try to name what we feel can be done from experience.
Got a TTE390 on a 1.8T. Hit bang on the numbers.

ANY turbo is only as good as the rest of the gear its bolted to. K03s on a crap engine, restrictive cooler, exhaust, worn internals and it wont make the same power that many others have made before with higher results. Same with a GTX?? or whatever, bolt that onto a ropey engine and it wont perform as good as a engine/setup thats running well.

AS for hybrids on track....not had one issue with mine. lets face it...all down to how well its mapped and how good the EGTs are. Can have a nice cool running k0*hybrid kicking out 750-800c EGTs at a nice sensible boost level and will be fine. Can also have a GTX?? at much higher EGTs (950-1000c and higher boost). What would one rather have....a hot running big turbo or a nice efficient hybrid. All down to how well its mapped.
Can also have a GTX?? at much higher EGTs (950-1000c and higher boost). What would one rather have....a hot running big turbo or a nice efficient hybrid. All down to how well its mapped.

Big turbos don't run hot if done right... can be mapped to run less boost and provide similar figures to a hybrid... mine runs 700-750deg EGT's most of the time... nudging over 750 deg on a sustained run...

Reactions: superkarl
Apologies to all others for the tangent here, but I've got to say I disagree with the above quite strongly Chris.

Hybrid turbos are great. I think everyone knows I've been using them for the last 5 years with great results, and I think it's fairly safe to say I've been on track with my hybrids more than anyone else on this forum. And yes, it's fast, and I push mine HARD.

With that in mind, I am still under absolutely NO illusion that hybrids are ideally suited to track use.

Compared to a big turbo, they all run VERY hot. They're compressor heavy, and hot side limited, with huge pressure ratios by design.

The very theory of putting bigger internals in a smaller housing Is pushing the housing to is limit, and with that comes heat.

Big turbo setups run FAR cooler than hybrids, as they're designed appropriately for the power they're being asked from.

A big turbo is so much better suited to track work that the two are simply not comparable at all, it's a bit like modifying a **** fwd hatch back and using it on track vs buying a gt3rs. Both may work, but one will always be far more proper

Whilst mapping can indeed influence egts greatly, mapping can only make the most of the hardware available, and to think a hybrid will run cooler than a big turbo is certainly one of the most bizzare things I've read this year.....
Reactions: superkarl and Pedrosousa

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