Bye Bye


Registered User
Nov 13, 2004
Reaction score
howden, yorkshire
I have realised that I no longer belong here. There are some quality members (DavidR, JaminBen, Yak, MB, ScoTTy, Yaseen, Ess3, Eef, TDiLine, etc etc) with whom I have enjoyed a degree of banter, learned useful stuff about my car and argued with over various nonsense.

However I have become increasingly aware that most of the posts here are now of the "my (rather ordinary) car is faster / flasher / lower / louder / chavvier" than yours, and as I lack the self control to have a dig at these members, it makes sense that I should no longer frequent this erstwhile excellent forum.

Cheers guys and all the best!

Jungle. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/lol.gif
That's a shame - I've been lurking here for longer than is probably healthy and have also noticed an increase in this type of post, but tbh it happens on all forums once they start getting even vaguely popular. There are still plenty of decent posts and banter as long as you can avoid being drawn into the "my car/wife/house/combover is faster/sexier/bigger/more windproof than yours" type threads.

Anyways, be a shame to lose the more experienced members, so hope you stick around but if not then take it easy and thanks for helping make my lurking enjoyable.

Jungle, really sorry to hear you feel like this.

And it is a total shame that you have come to this decision, nothing more for me to say that LW above has said.

It's a shame but I know what you mean. Seems like certain people constantly mention other cars etc. did I say I have 22 pairs of shoes in my closet?

Oh well at least I got in the mention list for a good reason /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Nothing more to add to what Lou's already posted. Take it easy, why not sit in the wings for a while?

Just put it down to having a bad day and come back. If you feel you have to say something to someone about their chavness then say it.

Exercise your freedom of speech. You'd miss it if you couldn't.


but seriously, accept that some people are idiots, rise above it, and stay!
and as I lack the self control.

[/ QUOTE ]

This post won`t be liked my mods but if your determined to go at least have a go back- if you get banned won`t matter /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh_2.gif

But seriously- stay, good having you around /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif
"Lack self control to have a dig at these members"
Take a vacation mate, this is not the houses of parliment, what is there to get so ate up about. I read your input into the tdi vs fsi debate, your first comment was excellent, until challenged, when in response to a members calculated argument on torque vs bhp, you did have an (unnecessary) dig and it turns out he has a first in maths and physics!!!
I agree with Curry, some of the younger members may like to talk about a race they have had, some people post pictures after they have washed their cars of a saturday etc.etc...whats the problem with that. As said on the tdi vs fsi thread, an ignored thread is left to die. Its only your snobbishness stopping you from having a dig and then posting a bye bye letter.
I will miss your better arguments but I certainly wont miss your high horse.
Jungle mate, don't get so upset over it, after all it's only a forum for F sake.

If you want to leave then leave....or how about just don't log in for a while and have fun catching up....

Don't let this type of mediocre decision take more than 5 minutes of your life. I see your decision has taken 5 of mine already reading this thread.

Go if you want to go and stop flapping about it mate - be more decisive.

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif to jungle fo your input into
Don't go Jungle. Please reconsider. The forum needs people like you who obviously know alot about the mechanics of cars.

I feel very guilty now for starting the FSI vs TDI road race thread. (However, I must admit that, up until now, I have been enjoying following the debate).
I don't see why you get upset. It's only a debate.

Dave /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ok.gif
i agree,as its a forum people offer advice and ideas to fellow members, regardless of our personal preferances or dislikes.

if i dont like something then so what ,if i doesnt affect me then it doesnt matter,every one is entitled to an opinion or a thread,if its answered then someone is interested,which is what a forum is for isnt it.

since joining ive learnt a lot,and if im not interested in a thread or have no knowledge of it then i wont reply,come on guys group hug aye.
You guy are making someone who is new to the audi community feel that they dont belong because they dont have as much knowledge as yo guys do. Dont you want to spread the word? get other people involved in the audi world so others can learn and get involved? I, In the last two weeks, have found this forum very informative, Why not help people like me learn about audi and its world rather than bickering over whats a good thread and what is not. knowledge is king, there is no such thing as a stupid qoute or question if someone is trying to learn. You guys on the other side of the ocean seem to have so much knowledge before we do! Help us out!
Good Post. Totally Agree,

Let's Close the thread here. LIke we all say give it another go and we'll go from there.

Ok, lost me! Was that meant to be funny? if so explain, im a little slow lith lath huh?
Hey! I just noticed there's a hidden car in that picture. Anyone else see it? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
breidscheid revisited

Please dont leave, your sig makes me chuckle like a country parson!


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