I got some residue on the Dash ...and it won't go away


"Started From The Bottom"
VCDS Map User
Jan 11, 2009
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I had one of them sticky pad things on my dash for about 6 months or something for my TomTom holder ...As soon as I took it off these marks appeared :


Now I've tried : White spirit & paint thinner......

Can anybody suggest anything else I can try ?
Is it residue left behind, or has it bleached the actual dash ?

Always try a test patch somewhere when using thinners etc, it can be brutal stuff.
Id normally say Tar and Glue, or All Purpose Cleaner, but thinners should have worked if they would have.

Use a nail brush to agitate it, rather than wiping over, as its buried in the pattern.
Is it residue left behind, or has it bleached the actual dash ?

Always try a test patch somewhere when using thinners etc, it can be brutal stuff.
Id normally say Tar and Glue, or All Purpose Cleaner, but thinners should have worked if they would have.

Use a nail brush to agitate it, rather than wiping over, as its buried in the pattern.

I think it's glue left behind ...no bleach involved as it was just a sticky pad.

I ain't got any All Purpose Cleaner bottles but I'll try and get some.....
Did this work? Ive got the same issue. Have removed 90% of it but its still noticeable.
Would a soft toothbrush help to work the remnants out of the veins in the material better than wiping with a cloth? cloth wont be able to drag left overs out. Still suggest as above something like the tar remover, but worked in with toothbrush.
Did this work? Ive got the same issue. Have removed 90% of it but its still noticeable.

Yes ...Autoglym instant tar remover worked. :yes: