Sod going to london for any thing apart from family wedding or funeral. I hate the place.
Gutted on the flu Warren, hope you get better soon mate.
It looks like Chezers dog is giving him ASN smellovision for you. lol

There is displaying roating images from my media laptop. so no TV for new years here. lol
ha ha! definately! that will not be cheap!
guesstimating £250 for the night for a 3 star! but who knows!
then there is diesel plus parking plus congestion charges plus food plus spends.................................

second thoughts!

Come to plymouth.
We just drink cider, watch films, play scrabble and listen to music.
what about the fireworks though scott?
will you set audry on fire or something to compensate!

There be a shed of a B7 parked out back, That should go up lovely.

Or I could just have a chat to some cornish people and get some fireworks.
started on margarita for old times sake, some italian wine was my next move but have followed up with some ready made mojito while bringing in the new year with kick *** on bluray, I need a quality approach to this year.

all the best guys!
Bored of drinking now.
I'm not feeling any different.
couple of pints of M&C, several bottles of Cider and about 2 pints of blackthron.

Might go to bed.
next ADI if i go to scott i am crashing at my mates that lives in amesbury wilts! so wont have to do it all in 1 day! bonus

Nice one mate.
I tend to crash with family.
Dave going with you?


I don't really drink.
Bottle of cider with dinner and thats it.
I'm off.
Night all and hope you all had a good one

Night you northan coal munching stella drinking shed driving dog fart smelling odd ball.
ha ha! no mate i dont think dave is going! he was not impressed with the last one i dont think!
have another drink man, whats the matter with you?
I'm off.
Night all and hope you all had a good one

Night you northan coal munching stella drinking shed driving dog fart smelling odd ball.

fair do"s! nighty night you cider swilling red necked grass chewing inbred tractor driving dog grooming pig trading mofo!
bottles of bud then on the the Jd and coke + jeagerbombs then it'll be pretty much anything in sight lol
Thread revival!

Now that the weather is warmer, what's everyone's tipple?

I'm addicted to this stuff at the mo', can't drink anything stronger whilst at work!
Will mainly be drinking Yorkshire tea-cba having any alcohol tonight.My drinking days are few and far between these days anyway.
Was out on a date night with the wife about a month ago,had a few beers then(Sapporo)and last major blowout was back in November at a school reunion.
ye olde faithful voddy redbull;

need the voddy to help me forget the worst work week ive had in my 9 years of employment

need the red bull to keep me awake during the pile of puke that is twilight (mrs had my by the balls, literally)
Think i may just have a margarita. I hear its good for a cold. Lol.
yesterday i was drinking westons stowford press cider all afternoon and night as it was my dads funeral and i thought i deserved a drink or two.

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