Alot of smoke


Registered User
Feb 10, 2008
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Hi All,

Just a quick one really, I was sat in my car(1.8t AGU stage 1) for about 30mins with the engine running and started to notice alot of White smoke from the exhaust.I know that the n75 is ****** and is already on order, would this be the cause of the problem or would it be something more sinister?

Any help would be awesome as i hate my car running badly
check your oil to see if its creamy. or the coolant? mine was using LOADS of water when mine was gone!
Colour of the smoke is the first thing. Good tell as to where it's coming from.

Secondly, does it do it on idle, and does it get worse when on boost?
I would expect it to be running lumpy too is it consuming water? see if it smells sweet behind the car...

Agree with the sweet smell, you'd expect it to run underpower and lumpy but it could be the head what has a hairline crack possiblY and in this case it'll run fine (until the hairline turns into a massive crack) lol
Thin wispy white smoke with a sweet smell will be the coolant from a head gasket failure or cracked cylinder head. ( water level will drop )

Thick constant white smoke will be a failed seal on the turbo. ( oil level will drop )

Random white smoke will be a clogged up PCV system. All the crappy sludgey oil/water from the PCV blocks up the system it cloggs and it then gets drawn into the engine.
Thanks again guys for the feedback.

It was abit weird actually,after engine was idling for about 30mins White smoke started to pour out then once i reved the engine and pull away the smoked stopped. I've checked coolant level and is where it always has been.checked the oil and there is no White/creamy sludge in there.I do seem to be eating through oil tho. I've been doing long journeys for the past 2 weeks or so. I might check the pcv system over the weekend. What you guys think?
Cheers pal i never thought to check for play.

can i get to the bottom clamp from the top or would it be easier from the bottom?

if the seals have gone on the turbo would it be alright to drive the car without causing damage to the block? as i have a K03s ready and waiting just need more funds for TIP, DP and stage 2 map.

