
Registered User
Dec 2, 2008
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Cambridgeshire sometimes Hertfordshire
Hi guys,

Just putting this message up on behalf of ASN member "Bigcheese" whos car was stolen a few hours ago.

Basically some blokes jumped his fence in the back garden, walked straight into the house and took the car keys!

Obviously the police have been informed but if you can keep any eye out for it and either contact the police or ASN member "S3baby" on 07545 273528

Well after 6 hours of searching last night the car is still missing. Police think it's probably been dumped somewhere and will be left there for a few days to see if the car has a tracker fitted or not.

Keep your eyes peeled.
Not in London but will be keeping an eye out for it mate.
I'm in West London so i will keep an eye out.

It's getting quite scary now, the theives are now targeting high performance Audi's within the London area! The day before yesterday an Audi TTRS was stolen within the West London area, i'm not allowed to say what part of West London for obvious reasons. It was found the next day though.

I work for Tracker in the Control Room so i know what's going on with stolen Audi's! Alot of them have been up north in West Mids, Yorkshire, around those area's. It looks like it's coming down to London now. We've always had the odd one in surrounding London areas and i've had random stop checks by police to make sure mine isn't involved in any crime and not stolen!

Please keep an eye on your cars and hide your keys somewhere safe!
Message from BigCheese as he is still out there searching in hope that he will find it parked up somewhere.

Thanks to Westle for starting this thread last night while me and BigCheese were on the streets. started searching about 9ish didn't go in till 3:30am and we have both been back out this morning for a few hours.

Thanks for all the support girls N guys.

Cant believe they have the balls to walk in to your house in the daytime and take your keys..

Oh Yeah Just noitced ITS DEEP SEA BLUE NOT BLACK as the title says.

Cheers again

I'm sure Bigcheese will post up soon...

Back out on the streets for the last search before making my way to work.
Hope the car gets found.
Truly hate people that steal, especially something as hard earned as a car like this.

They are sperm stains and skid marks on the pants of society.

I hope they get what they deserve.
Hope they find it in one piece
These thieving little C***S need to be tortured. - will look out for you - I am in north london.
Thanks again everyone.

Just a quick update. still no luck. police aren't doing anything now to find it. they said if they see the car or it pops up on an ANPR they will do what they can but they won't be out the searching for it as it doesn't have a tracker.

Bigcheese has taken the day off work and has broadened his search.

anyway will keep you posted.
There gonna have a hard time getting the front two wheels off as the locking nuts have broken even bigcheese can get them off at the min.
The garage who changed the tyres a week ago broke the locking nuts.

The Police have arrested a suspect.

The forensic's found a print in the kichen and have arrested aknown toss*r

Still NO CAR at the min maybe they can make him talk.

Keep you posted
If it was taken by people who know what there doing it would have been stripped only hours after it was taken.... Hence why theres always a supply of parts on ebay from random sellers with random bits. I picked a gearbox up form a group of lads who where in to this game.

Gutted for the owner but at least he can claim on the insurance.
Jacko4130 do you not think that knowingly buying from the scum bags who steal is just fueling the problem further! Personally I don't care how cheap a part is or how much i need it if I knew it was dodgy no way I'd give any of my hard earned cash to them. If people didn't buy the stuff they wouldn't nick it and our insurance premiums would be lower too.
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I agree I'll nab a bargain when I see one but if I knew it was nicked I'd bid buy turn up and instead of handing over cash I'd be showing em how fast my baseball bat can swing thieving ******, instead of sending people like a mate of mine to war if ur a thieving scully smack head they shud send u to war instead!!!
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sorry to hear the bad news
mines got nicked back in 2008 from my driveway as i was asleep in the early hours of the morning 08:00!!!
they found some ***** driving it around in hammersmith the same day and belive it or not it was shown on the t.v programe brit cops frontline
and also they showed the bit when they went to search the ***** house and found other keys and log books belonging to cars that were stolen in the surrey area before mines!!!*******!!! and they were from the camberwell and battersea areas nicking cars from my ends!!
guess what happened to them?? jack ****,the c.p.s said there wasnt enough evidence!! so off they went to steal more cars!!
up went the cctv system and sealed the letter box and the keys go to the bedroom at night..
goodluck with yours hope you find it...
Does anyone out there know of any tracker devices that can be fitted to a car without the need for a subscription?

There must be something out there. Could always buy an old iPhone wire it into the car then use the apple mobile me account to locate it I guess. The find my iPhone function seems to work quite well, if only someone would do one for a car.

Probably best I don't have a tracker, if I ever found a crim stealing my stuff I'd see red and probably beat them to a pulp and end up locked up myself..... Crims should lose all human rights as soon as they break the law...shame we can't send them to afgahnistan, they could try nicking the road side bombs!!
We should do what they do in the middle east. If you get caught stealing we cut off your hand! Even just cutting off 1 finger each time someone steals would deter them from doing it again.
Or have one of these fitted..

Funny that i have a south african friend and he said it was..

I thought it might be, it's the only place on earth you could get away with it! You imagine having that in the UK, you'd be sued to high heaven.
I live in the Dartford area and always look out for other s3's, cant say I've seen this one though. Trouble is would you actually want it back after knowing someone has ragged the s**t out of it, caused god-knows how much damage to the engine and probably ruined the exterior. Id rather them not find it and get a payout from insurers.
My money is on it being parked up in a lock up. It'll be given a week or so, false plates put on it and it'll be used in other crime.

We're having lots of fast Golfs and Audis taken here at the moment, all then go on to be involved in more serious crime (armed blaggings etc).

Sadly :(

Matey boy that got locked up wont cough to where it is/who he's nicked it for.
My money is on it being parked up in a lock up. It'll be given a week or so, false plates put on it and it'll be used in other crime.

We're having lots of fast Golfs and Audis taken here at the moment, all then go on to be involved in more serious crime (armed blaggings etc).

Sadly :(

Matey boy that got locked up wont cough to where it is/who he's nicked it for.

Just a shame one cant beat it out of him, if they want to live outside the law then they shouldnt expect the same rights as those of us that live within the law...........Harsh? Yes; but necessary.
Does anyone out there know of any tracker devices that can be fitted to a car without the need for a subscription?

My 8L Audi S3 has a tracker fitted by Tracker. It does not have a yearly subscription, I just pay £12 per month and it can be cancelled with just 30 days notice. So although I suppose it is a sort of subscription, it's not a bad deal, considering I can stop it whenever. The alternative options were £350 for the lifetime I own the car, or £144 per year.
Tracker is the only one used by the Plod, so its the one to go for.

The other aftermarket ones rely on someone sat in their control room phoning the Police when it pings, no good as the info is about 4th hand when it gets to a unit.

Traffic cars (ours anyway) have Tracker built in, so as soon as its activated it'll pick it up, the helicopter also has tracker so can pick them up too.

If I was going to buy one I'd only go for Tracker.
Anyone know how good the standard S3 alarm and imobolizer is at stopping the car being nicked by the crims?
When i was a plod in London the stealing of cars especially Audis were more than likely stolen to order..........