Forum Down again ??


Dark Knight
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Hi all ,

what was up with the forum this time ??
I know - really needed it this W/E - put a deposit down on an S3 and had questions!.. Will post them up shortly.
getting a little annoying,i thought it was my laptop or broadband,whats going on?
I reckon they switched to dedicated servers from VPS & also updated the home page to a more modern style, been planned for few while I guess as did get a reply on a thread last week or so about AS gonna be intermittantly up/down for next few weeks
I would of thought a warning would of been issued if it was a known fault
Unfortunately we haven't moved just yet - our new home isn't quite ready. As soon as it is we'll be off and hopefully the downtime will cease.

This weekend's outage was due to hardware failures at our outgoing hosting company (again). I've been reserved about it up until now because I didn't want to mucky their name, but this weekend has pushed me over the limit. We're desperately trying to get the new machine up and running and successfully tested so we can shift over there and away from the shower of incompetent fools that look after hosting at the moment.

As soon as things are tested and have the green light I'll be making an announcement about the date of the move...


Well its not a fault as such switching servers, just an upgrade that takes it down, but what throws a spanner in the works is the actual VPS suppliers site was also down when I 1st noticed as I checked nameservers to see where it sat, so you could be right aswell but they didnt admit to it, only a mod will answer really, but guess the site has become so popular its outgrown the VPS to the degree it needs something more capable, speculating but stands to reason.
Well must have read my mind & answered while I compiled, did make me wonder Rob why the suppliers site was also down when it started happening.

Check out fella, I use them for reseller, they do dedicated if thats what you need.
Yeah we're on our way to a dedicated box, and one with a very healthy specification too - it's just taking a little time to get that organised, and the site copied over to make sure that the database runs fine when we 'flick the switch'.

More news soon...


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