Road tax query


Registered User
Aug 8, 2007
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It goes on what your log book states and only that.
No idea, on your log book you have a co2 figure, this is how the dvla will decide what bracket your in, I took this into consieration when buying my s3 as it was built/registared in feb 2001 so has no rating for co2 which means i pay the older cheap rates.
We be fecked. The figures are gained from SMMT.

I too have a 2002 S3 luckily it is due in Nov so it'll cost me £210.00 this year 2008/2009 then next year 2009/2010 it'll cost me £400 odd

just done mine this month £210 but next year they will woop my sorry ***. also a 2002 S3 . might start lighting fires at night just to add my tax worth of pollution to the atmosphere :)
just done mine this month £210 but next year they will woop my sorry ***. also a 2002 S3 . might start lighting fires at night just to add my tax worth of pollution to the atmosphere :)

Amen brother I think I'll start burning barrels of smeggy oil
have just checked my log book my s3 is registered 11/6/2001 and the CO2 is listed as 223G/KM ,which comes in under the new 226 threshold, does that mean my road tax only goes up to £310 not the £400 + rate,or have i got it all wrong.confused Tim:uhm:
have just checked my log book my s3 is registered 11/6/2001 and the CO2 is listed as 223G/KM ,which comes in under the new 226 threshold, does that mean my road tax only goes up to £310 not the £400 + rate,or have i got it all wrong.confused Tim:uhm:

Yes you will pay the lesser amount. Whatever is on your V5 won't change.
have just checked my log book my s3 is registered 11/6/2001 and the CO2 is listed as 223G/KM ,which comes in under the new 226 threshold, does that mean my road tax only goes up to £310 not the £400 + rate,or have i got it all wrong.confused Tim:uhm:

Which engine code is your S3? I think it is only the BAM engine codes that are 226G/KM
im so lucky when i was looking for my s3 back in december/january i really wanted a facelift model now im pleased i have a 2000 model as no tax rise for me:)
Which engine code is your S3? I think it is only the BAM engine codes that are 226G/KM

Correct, the BAM engine is 226g -> £415 next year, £430 in 2010

the AMK is 223g so for a Y/2001 or newer -> £300 next year, £310 in 2010

Alistairs got it right, just keep it simple.
Is it worth de-taxing the car, taking it off the road for 1 day and then retaxing at current tax rates for 12mths before new charges come in?
We took our 911 off the road for 2 weeks while we were on holiday this year, cashed the tax in then re-taxed it on our return. So we saved £100 this year and will save £40 next year. The Government implemented the tax hike 3 weeks earlier than they said they were going to just to catch everyone out.
Mines an AMK so due to go up to £300/year> luckily my tax expires at the end of August though; that means I can buy 6 months at renewal time and then 12 months at the end of February and avoid the price hike for a full 12 months :thumbsup:
Mines an AMK so due to go up to £300/year> luckily my tax expires at the end of August though; that means I can buy 6 months at renewal time and then 12 months at the end of February and avoid the price hike for a full 12 months :thumbsup:

Mine is an AMK engine (December 00) and is £185 next year. I thought the thread agreed it was only BAM engines that came under the higher prices..?
Mine is an AMK engine (December 00) and is £185 next year. I thought the thread agreed it was only BAM engines that came under the higher prices..?

It'll be any S3 that was registered after march 2001 so the new rates are applicable to both the AMK engine & BAM's although BAM's will be in the higher bracket of the two.
So whats the difference between the amk and bam engine then ?
My s3 is 30/10/01 and is the 225 model but log book states 223g
So whats the difference between the amk and bam engine then ?
My s3 is 30/10/01 and is the 225 model but log book states 223g

AMK is 210BHP and 223g emmissions so £300 tax next year

BAM is 225BHP and 226g emmissions so £415 tax next year
So whats the difference between the amk and bam engine then ?
My s3 is 30/10/01 and is the 225 model but log book states 223g

There isn't 223g 225bhp engine. Sounds to me like either you have an AMK or there is a mistake on your log book.
Intresting, i have the face lift model late 2001 but log says 223g which i'm pretty pleased with. But im sure its got the 225 engine not that i really care as its be super chipped .

Edit : just checked log book its the amk ?

I'm a little confused now as i thought the late 01's with face lift and chrome mirrors were the 225 bhp lump !
Intresting, i have the face lift model late 2001 but log says 223g which i'm pretty pleased with. But im sure its got the 225 engine not that i really care as its be super chipped .

Edit : just checked log book its the amk ?

I'm a little confused now as i thought the late 01's with face lift and chrome mirrors were the 225 bhp lump !

Nope. There were some BAM sold in 2001 and also some AMK still being sold into 2002 (like mine). Check on V5 or sticker in spare wheel well...

So, I've just gone and checked my log book and it's a BAM engine, with 223 CO2 on the log book. But, my Registration certificate says 226.

However, I've just got my tax renewal through and it says 226 ???

I'm confused now.

Looks like you have some work on your hands, I checked our service book and the sticker in there says our 210 bhp S3 puts out 223g which is interesting as it is a 2000 model (so before they were required to state it). I wonder what a chip does to the co2 emissions?
Looks like you have some work on your hands, I checked our service book and the sticker in there says our 210 bhp S3 puts out 223g which is interesting as it is a 2000 model (so before they were required to state it). I wonder what a chip does to the co2 emissions?

Its a bit of a farse really.... would be good if they would tax on emissions rather than book quoted. (or just leave well alone - thieving gits!!)

For example, what if you had an original 223g CO2 engine, that blew up and was replaced by a newer BAM 226g CO2 engine?
For example, what if you had an original 223g CO2 engine, that blew up and was replaced by a newer BAM 226g CO2 engine?

If you changed your engine then you'd have to tell the DVLA, who would then charge you the going rate for a 226g car.
Well just renewed my tax disc:

May 2002 S3 225bhp/226g/km

12 months for £210.00

Look forward to next year......
Correct, the BAM engine is 226g -> £415 next year, £430 in 2010

the AMK is 223g so for a Y/2001 or newer -> £300 next year, £310 in 2010


Which engine code is your S3? I think it is only the BAM engine codes that are 226G/KM

AMK is 210BHP and 223g emmissions so £300 tax next year

BAM is 225BHP and 226g emmissions so £415 tax next year

Bah, Trust me to get stung with a BAM S3. :( BAM goes my wallet. :( :s3addict:
i have a quick query
i need too tax my 2002 S3 this month what i wanna do is buy 6mnths and cash it in in feb march and take out 12mnths before the tax rise!

does anyone know if you can cancel a tax disc and renew in the same day? week? mnth? and will they let me do this? worth doing as it will save me around 200 notes!
I would wait until at least the end of this week, as rumours are that our beloved Chancellor is going to postpone the car tax changes for at least one year.

Also, I was under the impression that the DVLA had changed the rules on cashing in and buying a new disc to stop us doing what you are proposing.

I may be wrong, but watch this space...
As Alistair says, they've changed the rules so that your car must be declared SORN for at least 2 weeks before you can buy a new tax disc for it.

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