Sold the A3!!!

The link explained exactly what you have said, the original debate was the fact that your car has less grip than an S3 off a wet bend 0n full throttle(which the link does not detail).

Funny you should mention it, but I dont think the internet has an independant test for S3 vs M3 in the wet on full throttle.

The link, and my post explains how (drivers aside, so lets assume compentant drivers in both cases) the M3 would absolutely be faster out of a wet corner than the S3. I actually think within the confines OF the corner, so turn to apex to turn, the S3 would be quicker, however, if we take into account the lead in and lead out, the M3 would be FAR faster.
ok, im not gonna respond to that because there are so many variables and because its meaningless to me to even consider, considering the amount of variables ill have to take into account..... you are trying to convince somebody who is almost neutral, fair to say, your downfall is that your comments are ALL one sided.... details aside, that alone assumes you talk s**t

That being said...ive thought of another situation my S3 would kick your M3's ****.... snow.....wide wheels in the snow lol....seeeeeeya
Theres no variables within that statement, its pure fact?

Lets take the wet argument then, can you find me a fast track or one with multiple corners where a Haldex operated car consistently outperforms a RWD car?

I bet you cant.

Getting back to C4s vs M3 CSL, the fastest times by FAR on the website (telemetry software) are set by Thorleif in his M3 CSL.

Facts just keep seeming to back me up??? Weird that.

And yeah, 100% an S3 would outperform an M3 in ice or snow. absolutely.
How did i know this thread would still be at the top of the page.....
Like a dog with a's pathetic !!
My Penis is larger than your Penis.........Lol.......what a joke !!
yeah but have to see the funny side...... its all in aid of reason
Actually. It is.

Its massive.

It started off with one comment from me, I cant be held responsible for the parties that wanted to disagree, after all, I am always right! (but will admit if I'm not)

The thing that I dont understand if you lot all strive to make your cars faster, with posts about whic remap, which suspension, which filter etc, but most of you have NO idea about actually driving them!!!
Dave, there are variables......a graph is fact, you are right.....but how it lays it down, as you well know, is a completely different story.........

Your always going to want the last word on this........ my point has been made and backed up
ok Dave, you win, a RWD car will have more traction in the wet than an AWD car..... lol...... edited as goes without saying
Thats a massive sweeping statement. You said your S3 would be faster in a corner.

That would 'probably' not be true, as explained above, I explained how cars brake, go round corners and come out of corners.

Actually on a right hand bend (your driven side of the car) the S3 might be faster IN the corner, but not coming into or going out of the corner.

On a left hand bend, you have no chance.

Honestly, do you even understand how your car works? You do realise you only have one driven wheel at the front dont you?

In fact you dont, as you called your car AWD. Which it isnt. Its FWD with a Haldex which isnt even close to an AWD.
ok Dave..... I understand exactly what you are saying, but sorry to burst your bubble..... i didnt ask to be given a lesson on car handling...i merely expressed that in a wet corner, you would be compromised...... however, your use of the word 'probably' shows that you are coming of age and realise that life exists beyond your rosey glasses

and lastly....i do understand how a haldex system works..... does your car pass grip across 4 wheels? no, it does it across two....your argument is flawed.....
Honestly, do you even understand how your car works? You do realise you only have one driven wheel at the front dont you?

In fact you dont, as you called your car AWD. Which it isnt. Its FWD with a Haldex which isnt even close to an AWD.

Dave, you are making yourself look a tit.
For the sake of what little reputation you have left...stop posting complete twaddle.
No probs fella...... didnt take it as one:thumbsup:

I am just making a point that we havent all spent our money for no reason
You car DOES NOT pass power to 4 wheels.

My god, do you understand an open diff? thats what you have!!!!!

When I said probably, your car may have an advantage on a corner going one way, where your wheels would be loaded on the driven side, for the opposite corner, as you have an open diff, the car could do nothing about the lack of grip.

Added to the fact the S3 can neither enter or leave a corner at the same speed as a RWD car means overall, an M3 would STILL be faster.
...and you know what?

I couldn't give a rats-*** which car is faster on a track, driven by a racing driver.
I'm not a racing driver. I don't live on a track. I have to pay the repair & maintenance bills.

So whichever overpaid ego happens to be ragging their company racecar round a billiard table smooth tack to post a fractionally quicker time, has so little relevance to me driving my cars on the public road, it's scarecely believable.

Now...can we either go somewhere with this...or I'm going to lock it.
Dave, you are making yourself look a tit.
For the sake of what little reputation you have left...stop posting complete twaddle.

Two wheels at the front, on an open diff drive the S3.

If traction is lost, power is also passed, at varying percentages to both rear wheels. Correct or not?

If say you are turning a hard left, then the compression is on drivers side of the car right.

Thus the driveshaft side looses traction, and it cannot do anything but drive the rear wheels (up to a maximum percentage) regardless.

Makes perfect sense, and no-one is a fool.
The both wheels are driven, but 1animal1 said in a corner, in the wet, so they wouldnt be.

You never stated that:
Honestly, do you even understand how your car works? You do realise you only have one driven wheel at the front dont you?

In fact you dont, as you called your car AWD. Which it isnt. Its FWD with a Haldex which isnt even close to an AWD.

Dave, please...this is getting painful.
Do you know how cars work? :nyah:

How about less of the sweeping statements and more quantified statements?
i dont understand the ergodynamics of it all Dave but logic again tells me what would be the point in labouring their cars with a heavy Quattro system if all it does is hinder the car......
You never stated that:

I absolutely did state that, its been the point fo the discussion for the past few pages, where 1animal1 said the S3 was faster in a corner.

Its not like I'm talking cross threads, this is all in context here.

Open diff with wheels at the same speed are both driven, due it it being 'open' if the driven wheel loses traction, the opposite wheel is no longer being driven.

So, for example, in a hard corner, you're only going to have ONE driven wheel.

F it, obviously no-one seems to realise how cars are being driven, barring Ess, who is argumentative at best anyway (same as me :)

Thing is, I said this time and time again on other forums, this forum is for people who want to make cars look nice, get yourself on VWVortex if you actually want to understand and make them go fast.

(As however much the Audi lot pretend, the fact remains they are driving a Golf with Audi badges on seeing as VW designed the chassis and parts).

I'm giving up.
...and you know what?

I couldn't give a rats-*** which car is faster on a track, driven by a racing driver.
I'm not a racing driver. I don't live on a track. I have to pay the repair & maintenance bills.

So whichever overpaid ego happens to be ragging their company racecar round a billiard table smooth tack to post a fractionally quicker time, has so little relevance to me driving my cars on the public road, it's scarecely believable.

Now...can we either go somewhere with this...or I'm going to lock it.

Amen to that!
I think this thread must continue til we get "sold the m3" change in the title.
I think it's more likely we get a "crashed the M3 as it appears the bestest M3 of them all with all it's uber traction, wide wheels and LSD didn't stick to the wet bend quite as well as the helmsman had hoped" type of change. :moa:

But genuinely I hope not.
Seriously, when will this fascination with this magical haldex end?

If I remember anything about S3 owners its that they think the Haldex is magical and gives them ultimate grip and amazing super powers.

However, oddly enough there seems to be way less threads about which tyres, which are a LOT more important than Haldex.

Christ, this is a website where EBC brake pads seem to be acceptable by the vast majority.

Anyway, if people would like to contest that heir S3 will be fast out of a corner than the M3, I shall be at the Nurburgring from tommorow morning until Monday.


Oh yeah, about 3 people on this site can actually drive, thus you would rather drive irresponsibly on local B roads than go to a proper track, so fat chance of seeing any of you there!
Oh Dave...dry your eyes. You are sounding bitter now...
Did you really expect any other form of debate?

Personally, I like driving hard on local 'B' roads free of traffic...and I'm insured.
But I like the track too.
does that make me irresponsible?

I like my car to be good on a track...but I don't live on a it will remain a road car first...much like yours I'll bet.
who said the haldex is magical? point is that the haldex MUST do something around corners otherwise why bother going to the expense of using the sytem in the first place....unless Audi are totally incompetent...:o.k: meant VW;o).

Coincidentally i am at the Nurburgring this weekend:laugh:..... Dave, can i ask a serious question... how old are you? i can take a guess but im gonna give you the benefit of the doubt

s**t, have i bitten?

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Ess - yeah I was meaning under braking, as of course with a 50/50 haldex an S3 kinda is AWD too.

But not whilst braking.

Just found this whilst roaming...... not that im trying to question a mans integrity
Nice new car Dave.

Male ego vs male ego. So often seen in internet forums, and so seldomly resolved.

Exactly, I knew someone who got fairly powerful cars early (Porsche's and the like) and wrapped them all around a lampost, I think you need to be in your mid-20's before your allowed to drive a de-tuned rally car... Reminds me of when I saw a 18 year old in the states smashed into a building in her new porsche that daddy bought her at around 135mph, her body was fine... just her head was crushed and spread about 15 feet along the wall of the building.

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