******* RAIN!!!!!!


My other car is a MINI!!!!
Dec 8, 2006
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Please excuse the randomness of this post.

I've been neglecting my paintwork for the last year, so I decided that now it's summer time, I should give the car a going over, to get it looking nice for summer.

So far this morning I've washed the whole car twice, clayed it all, which brought off LOADS of crap, and I was half way through my first coat of SRP when the heavens opened!

Now if it doesn't dry out today, I wont be able to finish it with 2 coats of SRP and 2 coats of EGP, so the whole claying will have been a waste of time!"


Tell me about it mate!

I had just finished detailing one side of the car and was starting on the back, then it rained!

Cant get the car in the garage either as its full of crap...
lol I may clear the garage out, dunno if my car even fits in there! Could be worth a laugh!

Plus then I can detail it in there if needed
Not again!!!!

I've already dried it off once today, got a bit further though, got the roof, roof rails, and 1 quarter panel done this time.

Just annoyed, as I need to get the SRP finished and a coat of extra gloss on there today, or it's all a waste of time!
to london?

Either your a bit dilusional, or you've moved and not updated your profile!
Im getting annoyed with this weather now! Just as I start making progress it rains, then I come back in, sit down and it stops... Im no further ahead than I was at midday!

Found out my S3 will just about fit in the garage which is always handy to know, however I kinda scraped my mirror lol
harsh are your mirrors painted or alloy?

I've got 1 full coat of SRP over the whole car so far, and I've done the whole front, and roof on the 2nd coat of SRP.

Just need to finish this coat and I can get a layer of extra gloss over it so it'll be protected!
Painted, I cant stand those Chrome things! I needed to get that one done anyway after hitting a UPVC window frame on the M27!

Ive managed to cut back the paint on my car mostly, missed some bits on the bottoms of the sills, want to clear out all in my arches tomorrow if I get a chance

Have to see about getting the Pompey A3/S3 owners together soon, seems to be more and more on the site now!
where do you guys get yer cleaning products from then...Halfords is all about the Autoglym?
Sounds like everyone has has the same ideas/problems.

Washed mine, started to polish it and it ****** it down
where do you guys get yer cleaning products from then...Halfords is all about the Autoglym?

Halfrauds mate, and try to use the Meguiars stuff...... not the best place to buy stuff from, if you can find a motor spares local that stock #Meguiars.... loads cheaper and good stuff when compared to autoglym
I use Autoglym on resin polish,glass cleaner but Megieurs on other products
Ive just finised mine, started at 3ish, 2 stoppages for rain only showers,

2x wash with Meg Gold Class
Full Claybar treatment
full rinse (need to get a water filter!)
Full Claybar treatment
full rinse (need to get a water filter!)
further scratch and defect removal inc removal of Side rep's (Tar ETC)
full rinse (need to get a water filter!)
All wheels washed scrubbed with Wheel cleaner then re-washed (PITA)
3x coats of AG-SRP
Wheels give the AG-SRP tratment Tyres treated at the same time.

then relised too cold to apply top coat
So tomorow will be, Full re SRP and then MEG XT wax in the morning if the rain god allows !

Hope you guys get yours done, I ache!

Dave, is 5hours cleaning the car realy sensble

too dark for pics if tomorrows good ill get some!
Must admit I use stuff I get from my mate who does Valeting, went off autoglym (but their Glass Polish is amazing still!)

Ive found Silver Colour TCut to be good on mark removal, even after two claying sessions I was left with some contaminants which this shifted
lol i still have a 5 litre tub of autoglym glass cleaner..... although have bought their tar remover recently which does the job.......

I have used Meguiars scratch X which i think is the same stuff as Tcut? bought when Halfrauds had their offer of 3 for 2 on (otherwise wouldnt have bothered)

when the summer comes,and paintworks done.... ordering the Jeffs acrylic kit which looks excellent

I have a few minor surface scratches...that lil bit too deep for the machine polisher, has anyone used the Tcut colour stuff? was thinking this rather than a full respray which would be a ball ache to say the least....plus they never look the same!!
Meguires NXT Car shampoo
Auto glym Paint renovator (Much better than T-Cut)
" " Super resin Polish
Maguires Gold Class Liquid Wax

Paint work is silky smooth...

Havnt tryed the Clay yet.. What are the general views on it?

Also Anyone tryed the 3 stage deep crystal polish/wax thing by Meguires?

btw autoglym Aqua Wax.. Heard its **** hot stuff (havnt used it yet) but you can apply while the paintwork is wet.
Claying is awesome, Saturday was the first time I've done it, and compared to just a few coats of SRP in the past, the paintwork is now silky smooth like glass to touch. the difference is incredible. really happy with it.

Also, the water now beads off it amazingly!
btw autoglym Aqua Wax.. Heard its **** hot stuff (havnt used it yet) but you can apply while the paintwork is wet.

ok, back to basics....... you havent used it yet but its 'hot stuff' lol........ if you go to the detailing part of this site you'll get all the help you need....apparently the Meguiars 3 stage is a mare to do..... much easier and better are the jeffs kits that polished bliss sell (from the pics i have seen)

Clay is a definate...not bothered myselfbut did the misus mini which was caked in all sorts of road grime...amazing results...just make sure you dont drop the ****** thing, or you have to throw it away (cut single piece in half in case this happens)
Have to see about getting the Pompey A3/S3 owners together soon, seems to be more and more on the site now!

There do indeed, I think there are at least 5 or 6 of us now!

Would it be rude of me to suggest we meet up on the Hill?

Theres a JKM rolling road day this saturday too, and at least 4 people from UK MKIVS are going; JoshW, A3 turbo, Dave Bayern, and myself.

If anyone wants to pop along to support the audi crowd, feel free!
ok, back to basics....... you havent used it yet but its 'hot stuff' lol........

My m8 used it and is very happy with it, Might be new on the forum, but well past basics my friend.. but yeah thanks for the clay advice every1.. will def look into it.
Been told meguires and autoglym are pretty ******!!! when i had my car swissvax'd that was amazing... went out and bought some zymol shampoo coz the autoglym stuff was pants!!! The guy that did my car said once youve washed, clayed, machine polished and carnouba waxed it, itll need washing every weekend and waxed reaplied every 3 months.... car still looks amazing and i only wash it!!! He also recomened the dodo juice limeprime to remove scratches after claying and the dodo juice wax in conjunction with my swissvax.....
My m8 used it and is very happy with it, Might be new on the forum, but well past basics my friend.. but yeah thanks for the clay advice every1.. will def look into it.

Not having a go because your new on the forum.....just your comment didnt make any sense.... we didnt know your friend had tried it??..... that said, i still think auto glym is good stuff, although after reading the detailing forums....you could do a hell of a lot better

I'd be up for a meet but won't be available (well the car won't anyway) until the end of next week at the earliest.

Cool man.. i'll check these products out.. like many of you on here, i can spend hours on the car.. im quite lucky tho, my paint work is actually immaculate.. hasnt got a mark on it. See how it turns out after a good session of clay etc etc.. love it when your doing about 60-80 and the rain just glides off the bonnet.. park up and its like it hasnt even been raining.
Dont quote me on this but if im not mistaken.. i think i heard that the more carnouba a wax has in it, the better it is for the paint work? Or am i thinking of something else?? I agree that Auto glym n meguires is pretty mainstream stuff so maybe not as great quality.. but im willing to try more out.. but it hasnt done me wrong so far.. paint work is gleaming. see what the weather is like on the weekend..
yes thats half the battle. They say the hihger percentage of natural carnauba wax, the harder it will set... therefore giving a better, longer lasting protection.... mine was done months ago with swissvax best of show wax and it still beads now!!!
again, have a read of Polished Bliss posts in the detailing section..... theres good bits on what colours work well with wax (darker colours)and what colours work better with just sealants (silvers etc)(in the stickies)

Not a bad idea for a meet venue, shame about the boyracers but if your intercoolers still shiny they may accept you as one of their own

Will have to see when most people are availible, be good to see your car
haha, I was up there the other day, just getting a cup of tea and looking out over pompey with my girlfriend, and there was a Starlet turbo meet going on. The amount of horrific cars you see up there is terrible!

Perhaps now it's lighter an evening meet up isn't such a bad idea, or maybe a sunday afternoon?

The cooler is still shiney, so I'm treading both sides of a fine line!

Still looking for a place to get it annodised. The problem I've got is getting to a place for them to see the job.

I called marco developments, but they wanted to see the core to give an idae on price. I work 7:30-6 5 days, and theyre not open saturdays!
lol thats never gonna be helpfull!

Evening meet could work well, could always meet down by Southsea/Eastney along the front as its a bit quieter there, less idiots etc

BTW, on the Carnuba issue, there are two main types of Carnuba plant

One is yellow and is commonly grown, the other is white and is harder to grow. 95% of products are either yellow carnuba based or a mixture of yellow and white

Pure white Carnuba polish is expesnive... and I mean expensive, think its up in the £500-1ks for certain types grown on specific islands

Its what Ferrari etc use

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