value of my number plate


Registered User
May 15, 2007
Reaction score
"S3 l FLY"
anyone got any ideas what this might be worth ?
Yes i'd say about 500 ish

And I take it the plate is S31 FLY, so if you space it like you have there will be fines and points involved from Mr Plod
They are getting V V strict on this now, I was stopped about a month ago, my letters were spaced legally, however the size of the letters were 7mm smaller, so got a severe warning, and they took my picture next to the plate so that I could not deny it should it go to court,:no: TOSSERS
Well how are they tossers if you know you cant have the plates legally, they are just enforcing the law ie doing their job. I'm sure if your car got knicked and they could not be bothered to look for it then you would have something to say.

The reason why there is bigger enforcement at the min is because of ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition). Its being used more and more in towns and cities as the council are providing it and is the main tool for intelligence gathering, in particular for terrorism.

No one is suggesting you are a terrorist but if your number plates dont conform the cameras (ANPR) wont read them and then if everyone did this then the system is pointless!

Its not just terrorism too if your car is stolen you number plate can be added to a database and if it is driven round a town the police know that second which road its on and the direction its heading, if dodgy number plates they wont read right and thief and stolen car gets away!

Not really tossers now eh ha ha
To me, a number plate that you have to space illegally before it means anything is not worth anything at all.
its not illegal to put spaces in its only illegal to change the shape or style of the lettering.
have never been pulled over about the plate since owning the car.
well my s3 wow was around 1grand so i dont think it would b far off that
its not illegal to put spaces in its only illegal to change the shape or style of the lettering.

It IS illegal to change the spacing on a number plate.

This is an extract from the DVLA website:

The law states that,
You must not alter, rearrange or misrepresent the letters or numbers
Characters must not be moved from one group to the other (e.g. A242 ABC must not bedisplayed as A242A BC).
to coin a phrase...its worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it
my S3 might be worth 10 grand but if someone said I'd give you 15 then bingo
I really can`t understand the DVLA to be honest. They sell plates knowing full well that they will be massaged to display something else.

I lived in Germany for 5 years. All plates there are supplied by the local authorities. I don`t mean the numbers, I mean the physical plates themselves.

They are all correctly spaced, with the correct font (none of those stupid italic, shadow or 3D plates) and I`m certain the Polizei would have a field day if anybody was stupid enough to try and fit anything that wasn`t supplied by the local authorities.

But, they still made money from vanity plates even though they did it legally on their terms. The guy accross the road from me had GT (indicating Gutersloh) followed by his initials RK and then 73 (the year of his birth).
h5djr said:
To me, a number plate that you have to space illegally before it means anything is not worth anything at all.
Agreed. The only plates which look good are genuinely expensive ones or ones that just happen to work without spacing weirdness. Contrived plates look awful.
Sorry JamS3, seem to have hit a nerve there, your not a copper by any chance are you?

If you are, sorry for insulting you!

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