any reccomendations on driveshafts?


Registered User
Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
in the middle
hi all
need to change an inner boot as its starting to split, looking around, a new drive shaft doesn't seem hugely expensive, seen at about 60 on ecp,
I know I can just change the boot, but the mileage on them is pretty high (180k), and although no obvious signs of wear it might be worth it as preventative maintenance , and changing boots is a bit messy
anybody got any experiences (good or bad) of driveshaft suppliers?
Some on eBay for about £40 a few people on here have used with no issues, might be worth a go for that price, two year warranty I believe as well.
Watch the outside boots on those cheap ones, really soft rubber. I replaced mine with them and both outside boots split within 4 months as they rubbed on the bottom of struts. Am now refurbing my originals.

been doing a bit of googling, the q drive ones from ecp seem to have a really bad rep, and the j&r ones seem to have a 50/50 split of reviews, either total crap or ok.

cant seem to find any that are mid way between crap and oem prices

oh well, might have to change the boot
Fitted two front JR shafts and both failed within a couple of months, 1 was from abuse launching which i snapped but the other the boot failed. Both of these were less than 2000 miles on the road

Obviously one was in exceptional circumstances but the boot is not power related and shouldn't of failed
Blimey, mine have been clicking since I got the car 10 months ago and you snapped one from pulling out of a junction?

I feel ashamed, I'm gonna get my car some more power
ok, off to tps it is, see how much inner boot kit is.
I don't think my tdi sport is ever going to break a driveshaft, that is just insane Stacey, but fun i'll bet!
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