It's all your fault audi sport!!!

Yeah only thing I'm worried about is all the other people in the car that may have raided it a little too enthusiastically and broke or ripped it somewhere. Either way its worth a look.

Thanks again for the heads up
Depending how much more of my hifi I can sell I've got one eye on akax1976's carbon trim too. Then only the head unit to replace and interior is about as good as I can get it. I think!
Brilliant just had call from dealer about gearstick. turns out I'm not being charged anything for the rs4 gearstick result
safe to say that you're a happy chappy then.
some people have all the luck.
safe to say that you're a happy chappy then.
some people have all the luck.
Think it's safe to say I've had my share of bad luck but can't say I'm competing with your problems mind! Do you have yours back yet?
nope , still in bits at audi, it's been there since last wed and not likely to be ready now until later on next week, possibly thursday, two weeks to sort the turbo out, seems a bit long winded if you ask me.
anyway, glad you're all sorted now and its looking really good, top marks .
Depending how much more of my hifi I can sell I've got one eye on akax1976's carbon trim too. Then only the head unit to replace and interior is about as good as I can get it. I think!

Forget that,Too far for you travel to look at 1st before you buy;-)
****** me, ajac76 Im not too sharp I should've put worked that one out. You got different pics on there to this site havent you?

Wouldn't need to see it if I knew who it was as I know I can trust you. So does the badge come off without leaving a recess or holes behind? I can't have Quattro on mine as its a 2nd rate 2wd
Disappointed in your detective skills mate!!
Yeah, they're actually still fitted in my car and hard to take decent pictures of so used some older pictures.
Pretty sure the badge is recessed unfortunately, I'm 2wd too and felt the same to begin with but have got used to it over time. I'll check tomorrow tho to confirm and will see if an S-line badge etc could fit in it's place. I think non badged one are pretty rare tbh, can't say I've seen any for sale for quite a while.
For some reason I thought you were in aberdeen! Don't go to too much effort on my behalf as I don't have funds yet and would need to sell some stuff 1st
Finally found a few hours to bolt on black roof bars. Cars filthy but looks ok in this photo. Just the chrome around windows to sort out now.
Reactions: Tyrer
Picked these up today, looking forward to seeing what they look like fitted
Reactions: Tyrer
Your car getting closer and closer to perfection, you seem to get all the right bits sir
Reactions: SDHA4SLine
Well I've had a disappointing week, I've spent loads of money on new Cambelt and water pump, also fitted a new lock carrier/rad support (old one was rusty and letting engine bay down) and had injector clearances reset. I was hoping the new Cambelt and resetting injector clearances would stop the clouds of smoke puffing out the exhausts but It didn't work.

On top of that my brake disks warped for the second time in as many months and laquer has started to come off my recently resprayed bumper

Was well depressed until a fellow member unitzero had some complete plonker cave in the side of his car which made me realise me my issues are rather minor so I've decided pick myself up and dust off. Gonna keep throwing good money after bad to get my car how I want it soooooo...

Bodyshop are going to respray the bumper under warranty so I thought I'd get the bonnet and wings done at the same time.

Tommorrow I'm gonna kick the doors down of the garage that fitted my brake disks and get them to replace them with ones that ain't made of cheese. Any suggestions of a good make appreciated? I'm not a track day guy or a loon on the road so not looking for fancy grooved or drilled discs just a good alternative to the genuine audi ones without the stupid price tag
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Reactions: Tyrer
that's what I like sir " Gonna keep throwing good money after bad to get my car how I want it soooooo..." a good positive attitude .
You'll get there in the end steve, have you tried getting a parts only price for the audi discs and then get the garage to fit them , I cant help thinking that its an issue with the disc's the garage is using to be honest, get them to fit them at no extra cost due to the aggro they have given you so far.
These little things can be annoying, but as you say, unitzero's recent incident certainly put things in perspective....

On aftermarket disc rotors, Pagid discs & friction products seem to garner positive feedback, I've used them a few times an different projects, tho' I've only had need to replace the rear pads on my A4 as yet. Have a squint on eurocarparts site for specific costs for the correct size/dia for your A4.
Unfortunately pagid are the ones I have
i'd go with the O E parts steve and be done with it, may cost a bit more,, not a great deal more though and save future hassles with them.
i'd go with the O E parts steve and be done with it, may cost a bit more,, not a great deal more though and save future hassles with them.

Think I'd be tempted to find out why and if the actual discs are warping, far too easy to blame the discs and potentially waste more money, especially on OEM ones.
OEM are not made by one single manufacturer but many, one of which I think is Pagid. I've used their discs over a broad range of cars and can't remember ever having an issue with them, granted I don't track my cars or drive hard very often. Potentially a bad disc or batch but if it's happening frequently I'd be looking at other things first and certainly wouldn't be kidding myself on that OEM will fix it.
my local eurocar parts have mentioned recently that they have had a lot of complaints about warped pagid disks, unlikely to be a faulty batch unless it was a very big batch spead across a large part of the Uk .
If it needs another set then why not go back to OEM disk and see what happens, what's the worse that can happen, they warp aswell which will indicate a car based problem and not the disks.

Well the worst that can happen is you could potentially waste more £££s on another set of discs, ones that will probably cost more than Pagids do and not fix the actual issue.

How do we know the discs are even warped? Personally I'd be sticking a dial gauge on them or better running them on a lathe to check them first and go there. To go through two sets of discs in a relatively short space of time even if they were ebay cheapos would have me checking the hub, bearings, bushes first before even thinking about buying more new discs.

I destroyed discs in the past by regularly washing my car then not driving it for a few days, this led to increased corrosion where the pads covered the disc.

There could be a multitude of possible reasons for this, Steve could be a crazy lunatic behind the wheel and likes smoking his brakes for all we know!!!
The more likely problem will be pad deposits left on the disc from generous brake which will give a warped type feeling. This can be brought back by contuning to drive the car with varying braking effort... I get it a lot on my track cars and ferodo ds2500-3000 are well known for this and why I don't like them.

All of the above is assuming you don't have a sticky caliper or aren't doing 100-0mph brake tests regularly.
Thanks for the comments all...

From memory the Audi parts were 2 or 3 times the cost of pagids which I was lead to believe along with Jurid were oe parts for my car.

Last time they were replaced it was proven they had warped and I'm pretty sure they have again. The garage that replaced them under warranty last time will check this again I'm sure.

I was thinking of getting the hubs checked before new discs were fitted again, just not by the same garage.

Ajax1976 has given me something to think about regarding cleaning, I use a lot of alloy wheel cleaner followed by iron-out on the alloys with every wash so this my be hurting the discs as it near impossible not to get any overspray on the discs.

If the hubs are fine I may well see if I can get a refund on the pagid stuff and buy different discs and pads, just I don't know which to go for?
I'd be very surprised if the Pagid discs were warping due to quality issues, they are an OEM supplier and are what the Audi main dealer themselves last fitted to my S3! I have used Pagid discs and pads on my last 5 or 6 cars and never had an issue

Textar, Pagid and Mintex (among others) are all the same company, TMD Friction and all are OEM suppliers to Audi, BMW, Porsche, etc, etc. If you buy new discs from Audi, they will likely be the same part as those bought from ECP for a fraction of the price.

I once had a car that warped discs and it was down to two things; 1) a sticky caliper and 2) holding the car on the brakes when hot (steep hill to get to my house at the time). Once the sticky caliper was replaced, I never had another problem.
I'm going to get the garage to check the hub isn't bent and ask them to check for a sticking calliper. If not I cant think what else it might be as I don't drive like a loon at all so surely it cant be me cooking them. I cant ever remember stamping on them in an emergency situation. Just strange as its exactly the same as last time that it took about 2k miles to become apparent and only between 65 - 85 mph.

Already had suspension and control arms checked for wear and wheel alignment set twice
Forgive me if I come across as rude (it's not my intention), but often warped discs and discs with heavy deposits that feel warped are down to poor driving style. For example, when braking to a halt and then holding the brakes on will heat up that one part of the disc and/or leave pad deposits. Likewise, sitting at traffic lights with the brakes on can cause the same problem, especially if you are heavier footed. Some people don't even realise how hard they are pressing when sitting idle.
I obviously have no idea how you drive, so can't comment.

Other possibilities include the discs not being fitted well. I have seen many tech's fitting discs in a rush and not cleaning off the hub face. This can lead to the disc not sitting flush if there is a build up of rust or dirt and the first hard use of the brakes will warp the disc.

There are loads more factors that can lead to the warped disc feeling and often its not actually a warped disc. I guess in your case, it's going to be a check of all things brake/suspension related for signs of play/wear/seizure.
Good luck, I know how frustrating it can be to have niggling faults that can't be tracked down!
After the 1st time they warped I did a lot of research on this and was indeed guilty of holding my foot on the pedal when stationary but since then I'm very wary of this and have made a conscious effort not to do so on my new set of disc / pads. The mechanics said when fitting for the second time they made sure the contact faces were clean and I do believe them as I'm sure they don't like fitting them for free over and over again. I'll update this if I have any positive outcome, I'm praying they don't just change them and send me on my way like last time
i hate to be a party pooper but I don't agree with this whole don't hold the brake pedal thing.
I have been driving for 34 years and have covered a lot of miles in a lot of different cars and have never thus far had any warped disks due to holding the brake when stationary.
I have had a few warp due to rapid cooling in puddles etc but not to the above.
When I learnt to drive I was taught to always hold the foot brake even if the handbrake was on, unless , I was not likely to be moving off within a short space of time ( in which case i'd switch of the engine ) or I was not in moving traffic.It serves as an extra safe guard if you were to be bumped from the rear at the lights or similar .
driving instructors may have changed it now but it is how I was taught and I passed booth my bike and car test 1st time round and not via a driving school either.

So i cant agree on this reasoning guys, if i'm wrong then that's fair enough but I'd want to see indisputable proof first that holding the foot brake under normal driving conditions warps disk's.
Many, many articles online regarding it. From what I've read the issue starts from the bedding in process. If not bedded in properly the disc doesn't get an even coating of pad material and becomes patchy which leads to irregular build up which leads to the judder. You're not actually warping the disc.
Have to admit I sit with footbrake on all the time and have never had an issue, I'm pretty carefull to bed new stuff in tho and it seems to more spirited driving instead of "normal" driving that causes the issue. As I said earlier my issue came from washing the car then letting it sit and with grooved discs it just killed them.
You have to remember the materials in brake pads has changed drastically over the 5-10yrs.
Personally I find it totally believeable, not sure if it's Steves issue but along with a Sticky caliper etc it's a possibility, definitely more so than rapid cooling in puddles!!!
I'm not saying I agree 100% with holding foot on pedal but I can at least rule that one out of possible causes for this set going south. I was super careful to try my best to bed these in best I can with no hard braking for 370 miles (one weeks commuting for me). Then was careful in building braking over the next week also. So 700 ish miles before I gave them a real test, surely this is enough isn't it?
I think some people are only reading half the info. The problem is not soiply holding their brakes on, we all do that. It's doing it when they're particularly hot and doing it particularly hard. Together these things are not good, and if you read my post again, I did actually say that very often it's not a warped disc but deposits on the disc.

Think of it like this:
If you have a really hot frying pan, you can drop in a burger (or whatever your equivalent) and it will be fine if you lift/flip it. If you press it down hard for too long, you'll burn it and it'll stick to the pan. God knows I've seen my wife throw out pans after burning things in them and permanently damaging them!
there is a big difference here between a disk that has a contaminated and irregular surface area and a disk that is warped, all the time they are still on the car it is going to be very difficult to say which is the culprit.
the simple answer would be to whip them off and get them checked properly, that will separate a warped disk from other disk surface issues, also what really defines a warped disk, in my understanding it refers to disk that is out of true and outside of the acceptable tolerance.
I used to have an escort Si estate and on a long trip back from Cumbria was forced through some deep water by a lorry coming the other way, the brakes would have been red hot at the time and the subsequent rapid emmersion in deep cold water wrecked one side,warped the disk and also had a crack form near the centre.
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