moderately amusing
Jul 9, 2011
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just about, right here!
for everybody at home and not going out!
or, if your out and browsing ASN what are you drinking?
your input is of interest!

i am drinking stella at the minute, making the switch to jagerbombs very soon...............
Cusquena - some Peruvian beer I got for Christmas, brewed in the foothills of Macchu Picchu - surprisingly nice.

Will finish the night with the last of my 15yo Bowmore Darkest single malt. Probably. Or the Christmas Talisker if I can't bear to finish it.

Kirkland Spring water, I've been drinking at least a bottle of this stuff a day for the last month, I've lost 6lb's in weight! lol
Kirkland Spring water, I've been drinking at least a bottle of this stuff a day for the last month, I've lost 6lb's in weight! lol

you always get 1 dont you?
splash something in there jo its new years eve ***!
oh and well done by the way! thats quite impressive! i need to address my waist in the new year!
very posh jimmy!
you strike me as some thing of a connosieur!
well done mate! enjoy!

I'm not rich enough to be a connosieur sadly! But I do like trying different beers, the fridge is still full of Stella and although I was tempted by a bottle of Hobglobin I decided against it.

I do like a nice single malt though, The Bowmore was a present last year, which I couldn't afford to follow up for myself this year. The Talisker is good though, I like the drama and the history behind whiskies.
you always get 1 dont you?
splash something in there jo its new years eve ***!
oh and well done by the way! thats quite impressive! i need to address my waist in the new year!

It's ok mate, I started my new years res a month early, I stuffed myself over Xmas, but back on the healthy eating plan! It's all about will power, and I'm feeling more healthy for it. Then I shall go on my retirement plan and rule the woooorld... MWUHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Is that a resolution I hear being made?

yes dude i am afraid it is! sadly not getting any younger, i quit the fags 2 year ago and ballooned and used the old stella as a comfort blanket! lol
fair play on the whiskey mate, that is something i really cant drink! its an acquired taste i reckon!
already got a bottle of Martell brandy,going to this house party in the next hour,should be a great night
Stella cidre to start now moving onto the sir jack daniels. Happy new year! Look forward to lots of random drunken posts for the morning.
Stella cidre to start now moving onto the sir jack daniels. Happy new year! Look forward to lots of random drunken posts for the morning.

ha ha! i am your man in that department mate!
randomness is my strong point!
happy new year dude! all the breast
Happy New Year to you all. Cant wait for the tales tomorrow. Be safe and enjoy. X
I'm not rich enough to be a connosieur sadly! But I do like trying different beers, the fridge is still full of Stella and although I was tempted by a bottle of Hobglobin I decided against it.

Don't tell Chezzer that, he'll be down there drinking it quicker than you can restock it.
That man is a beast when it comes to stella.

I'm on Cider and odd glass of malibu and coke.
But the misses stopped making the Malibu and coke, so just cider for me now then.

well i never! i never had you down for drinking cider scott!
i have switched to jagerbombs and stella, and there not going down as easily as christmas! i will persevere though! i shall not be beat!
having a detox in the new year! so james"s stella should be ok mate! lol

Untill you can't take the withdraw any more and start clucking like a crack whore whos after their fix....................To much?

The misses wanted me to state that the Malibu and coke was my idea.
well thats 4 jagerbombs down the hatch....... felt ok until i had to go out into the garage to get more cans and the fresh air hit me!
Water! Been sick all afternoon to the point where I thought Id have to rain check any festivities.

Managed to drag my sorry **** to the bottom of the Eiffel Tower for 12 o'clock and there were no professional fireworks displays. Apologies to anyone French on here, but that is just lame, tight and poor. The military police presence must have cost a mint so it's not all spend thrift.

Will put some video footage up later, but it was categorically ****. The end!

Happy New Year to you all!

Happy new year Warren.
oh deary me warren!
thats not good at all! too many snails or frogs legs?
is it a romantic thing why your in paris then? i heard its very expensive and ****** boring!
get well soon dude!
oh and happy new year!
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oh deary me warren!
thats not good at all! too many snails or frogs legs?
is it a romantic thing why your in paris then? i heard its very expensive and ****** boring!
get well soon dude!
oh and happy new year!

Just a favourite city of ours so we go e every year. Last time we came over new year it was 2000 and it was amazing, this year it was just rubbish. Last time I'd come here for NY. Gastric flu I think, but been building for days. Horrible when you're ill away from home too, so as romantic as a fart in a lift!

Enjoy guys!

the only fireworks going on here are on the tv from london! and very good they are too! oh and my dogs bum! he is dropping his guts and it stinks!
just thought i would share that............
Sh1t pants!

We've headed back to our room to watch London / Edinburgh fireworks as the hotel has graced us with Sky News / BBC World as 2 English channels!
Warren, I had gastric flu last year over the Christmas period, ****** awful. Get well soon mate.

I thought the Londo fireworks were quite good! I especially liked the ones coming out the top of Big Ben in time with each chime, very clever!

So, Olympic year then.....
me and the mrs drunkenly decided to go to london next year for new years!
them fireworks were epic!
Too busy for me mate, I couldn't cope with that many people!!
lol! we will probably have forgot in the morning!
but seriously though it did look good though and our daughter would love it, she will be nearly 3 then!
Really? My little girl is 3 and a half now and I reckon that would freak her out a bit!
yeah man! she loves anything like that! lol!
i think the only thing that would freak her out would be the lateness of it all and probably all the people!
a hotel with a good view would be cool!
ha ha! definately! that will not be cheap!
guesstimating £250 for the night for a 3 star! but who knows!
then there is diesel plus parking plus congestion charges plus food plus spends.................................

second thoughts!

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