ASN's Pub

Afternoon all. Lol @ Nilz, weekends are meant for planned activities by she who must be obeyed for a quiet life. Scott, not long to go now, 9 weeks will pass in a flash. :) x
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Sandra, something is always planned, usually by the boss as well, I always get in trouble for never organising anything as well :(
Morning everyone :)

What a manic morning it has been!!!
Scott, What a start to the day, firstly, the little one was just about to put a spoon of shreddies in his mouth and he did an almighty sneeze and that literally went all over the table, into his bowl, on my arms and his clothes too, then he gets upstairs, got ready and changed and he sneezed again, so now he has a school jumper with a huge blob of snot/bogies on it!!

Once we were all tidied up and ready, we get to school and there was no parking, so had to park very far, then we decide to run to school only for him to stop on the side and say theres something in my shoe, so i pick him up, take his shoe off, 2 little stones fall out and the bottom of his sock is soaked, look at his shoe and theres a hole in the front!!!

Get into school explain the situation, got a spare pair of socks and go to change him into his plimsolls and proceed to take his other shoe off, only to find that foot soaked as well as there is a hole in that one too!!!

Then when all that was done, I walk back to the car a million miles away and get drenched in the process as its pouring down and get into the office and I have people waiting for me to setup a meeting room that has important clients in there in 20mins!!!

Mothercare is around the corner, so i thought i would pop in there, so I ring them up and they have 'no school shoes whatsoever in stock im afraid'!!!

So it looks like i need to pop into town at lunchtime now, to go and get some school shoes!!!

And breathe!!! :)

Good afternoon Westy, looks like you had a busy weekend, ive been following your thread on the 8P section, looks like some good progress is being made on the car mate :)
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He is 4 at the mo and no he didnt, which was even more frustrating!!

There nothing more frustrating than having wet socks, i detest it!!
Wheres everyone gone???

Are you all ok??
still here mate.

Just having issues with out internet connection so not been around much.

Spoke to BT and the apparently the fix was to remove the filter and plug directly into the wall socket.
We are back now, so time to catch up on emails.

Apparently I might be off to Brum for two days next week to help sort out a server rack in the QE hospital.
Should be interesting.
Same here... The company is moving to new offices so it's manic here. Hope everyone is well
Hey guys!!!

For some reason the past few days have been busy for all of us by the looks of it.

Scott sounds good, you staying over or commuting?
Not me.
School hols soon so its all shutting down and going quiet.

Over night.
Going up Monday, staying the night then home.

Just booked an excutive room. No idea what it means but it talks about touch screen phone, rain shower, big bed, 40" LED TV and 42sqm room.
It seems like it should be a good room.

Can anyone recommend a high class escort service to keep me company?
I cant personally recommend, however you are not far from the famous red light district of enjoy!!

Oh and the Hospital is right next to Brum you never know ;)

Which hotel are you staying in, it sounds fancy (for Brum)!!
I read it back, it sounds really bad.

I'm 31 now, I'm not 22 anymore. I can't hang around freshers week and away with it any more.

Time to get some driving gloves and a flat cap.
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The driving gloves and flat cap make is sound even worse man!!!
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Nilz, I had a sleep and fresh cup of coffee (Fresh for instant coffee. Ok the water was hot) and I've decided to stay away from the uni.
I might just stick to the lady's of the night. Its cheaper, less hassle and I get a early night when compared to going out.

Morning all.

Friday tomorrow. :jump:

Anyone got anything happening?

I don't think I'm doing anything really.

I might take some more bits off the A4, clean up the sunroof runners on the 8 and give it a clean.
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Morning all.

I have nothing exciting to report. Replaced the seals on my inlet hose, anti shudder valve (ASV), and EGR delete last night to try and restore normal MPG and boost. Seems to have done the trick.

Looking forward to tomorrow as it's a home working day and that means an extra 2 and a half hours in bed :)
Good idea mate, may work out better for u in the long run!!

It is Friday tomorrow, i cant believe where the time is going, the weeks just seem to be flying by dont they??

Going to Cadbury World on the weekend, so that should be fun and then just chilling out i think, which should be nice, i may even mow the lawn tonite, as its been dry for a couple of days and want to do it before it starts getting out of control!!

Westy, you cant beat a WFH day, the convenience of it is great, sounds like you are making some real progress with the car which is good.
Yaay!!! its Friday.
Just finished a hellish night shift, lots of machine breakdowns etc. still you cant beat that Friday feeling.
Few hours kip then if the weathers good, maybe get the car washed.

Hope all's well in Publand, soon be Easter. Mmm long weekend.
Morning all! Just been on a night shift myself! No sleep for me though :(
Morning fellow friday worshippers..:beerchug:

couple of short weeks coming up, you got to love this time of year... lets hope we can get some decent weather too....

Gops get some sleep man, or you wont feel like doing anything anyway..:wacko:
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Morning all, defo got the Friday feeling today, weather looks good, lawn was mowed last night and we I have a very short week next week, so its all good!!

Hope you are all well :)
Morning all,

Same old mate.
Looking forward to my trip to Brum on Sunday/Monday though, should be good.

Can't beat the smell of cut grass on a sunny day.
You will enjoy Brum and there are plenty of nice food places near where you are staying too.

Yes, defo cant beat it, followed by the smell of a BBQ!!
Yup, its officially Spring when grass cutting season begins.
My other half is going to Ayr Races tomorrow and left me with the grass too cut, if its dry.
If its not, then its a day on the Xbox. Mmmm decisions decisions.
Same problem here Westy.
Just dont do what my Mrs did last year, we bought some heavy duty moss killer and one off those push spreaders
she filled it up and off she went, unfortunatly it was set for heavy flow, so it dumped pretty much the whole bag in one strip. Doh!!
Its been a strip of death for a year now, only just starting to grow back, still, theres no moss on that strip anymore, no grass either.
We did buy some Westland After Cut Patch Fix from Homebase, it seems to do the job, its a full time job though keeping on top.
Might just pave the whole thing. Job done.
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Wow - no posts in here for the past couple of days!!

I take it everyone has been very productive and not had the chance to come on due to the lovely weather we have been getting!?

So what's occurring? Good weekend all?
Hey everyone, how you all doing??

I did the garden last week and most of the lawn was covered with soggy leaves, so once all of that was cleared, I was left with a very patchy lawn, so need to get working on that now!!

The weekend was good, went to Cadbury World on Saturday which the little ones loved and yesterday was mostly spent chilling in the sun, so that was nice.

Back to work now today, however only for a couple of days, then off till next week...woohoo!!
All good down here in the SE Nilz :thumbsup: - The sun is out, the clothing is getting less on the females and we have a 4 day week!!! WOOP WOOP! haha

If you guys are having issues with your lawns I could ask a close mate what he recommends in terms of products and treatments as he's a gardener by trade and has turned some serious waste sites into picturesque gardens.

Never been to Cadbury World tbh - was up near that area yesterday though as I went to the Morgan factory at Malvern.
If you haven't been and appreciate some excellent British craftsman ship of auto mobile building then I thoroughly recommend going.
That good I would go again...
Hey dude!!

Yes, I was out last night and the clothing (or lack of) was looking highly impressive :)

Im actually thinking of making some changes to my garden as its got some borders, but I may do a way with them and lawn it, so there is more area to play, but we will see!!

Morgan factory sounds interesting, I will put it on my list of things to know when I will get to it, but hey ho!! LOL
Hi all.

I had a busy and expensive weekend. Bought our wedding rings on Saturday and had to pay in full on the day to get the offered discount. Arsenal then made it to the FA Cup final and the ticket is £100. I also went looking for a wedding suit. Bank account has been ruined like a young Dutch prostitute working the red light district.

Work is the same old ****e. I've been getting what I'm calling "wage rage". This is where we employ morons that hardly have any work to do and they struggle with it, yet get paid 4 times what I do. On most occaisions I end up training these fools and fixing there problems on top of my daily work. Then I hear through the grape vine that these contractors have just negotiated new rates equalling a 40% payrise wtf. Wage rage ahhhhhhhhhhh!

Can anyone offer me a job in Herts or Cambs please?!
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I think it will only be getting better as it gets hotter Nilz :cool:

I'm on about the office I work in though dude- making it a lot easier to get through the day with all the distraction :)

Yeah Morgan factory was brill- more interesting than the Rolls Royce factory tour I had tbh and both on the opposite ends of the owned by a multi billion pound company (BMW) and the other was just like men in sheds making race cars out of wood! lol

Westy -I fell that pain......I am tempted to go into contracting as I am fed up being on this wage when the contractors just do enough to get by and take home a ridiculous amount of money for the 'work' they put in. HOWEVER - this is interesting :)

BBC News - Real wages to rise for first time in six years, EY says
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