ASN's Pub

Morning all.

First time I've been able to say that on here in a while. How life now it's friday?

More importantly, what are the weekends plans for everyone? Mine include washing the car (if i can be bothered) and going to the goodwood revival on Sunday
Have you had a shave yet from the cooler....
My weekend plan is to empty the loft and clean out all the crap.
so there might some car bits for sale next week.
O then I g ot a week off.
Morning all.

The avatar thief strikes in the night, without even leaving a calling card as to why??!!

Reesy cant grow facial hair Dave so no need for a shave

My weekend plans involve, Sleep, pub, football, golf.
Morning all.

The avatar thief strikes in the night, without even leaving a calling card as to why??!!

Reesy cant grow facial hair Dave so no need for a shave

My weekend plans involve, Sleep, pub, football, golf.
Golf? I am disappointed.
Morning guys & boy

It's crunchy day and I'm so ready for the weekend. Will be washing the car as it's gamfin! Avus might as well be carbon black. Am deffo getting the lamin-x on this weekend if it kills me. Then some noisy smashing will take place no doubt as Megan goes to her mums tonight.
Hoping for an easy day. But what's the chance of that.... 0

So Scott Yr wearing something sexy for the sack wax right?? Or I ain't paying up

What are you laminexing?

what would you like me to wear?
morning fellas!
just done my last 12hour night shift, took the dog down to the vet to get his scabby elbow checked out, and they kindly took my eyes out at the same time god damn it!
£35 for a little tube of cream that he is just going to lick off anyway! the thieving gippos!
anyway, looking forward to weekend of jack didley me, unless the mrs has plans for me (which she will no doubt)!
oh and by the way, it looks like fraction wan has pinched your avatars eh!
i heard he is selling them on ebay! he has the copyright you know!!!!!!!!!!!
right then where is my bed at................................
You could do a special forces shot and put a Peice of masking tape over Yr eye
Sticky stuff near your eye and in the same sentence the mention of crap? Have you been spending weekends with Damo?
That's why he is getting waxed, you keep getting hairs in your mouth!! It all makes sense now.
Still in work, having to catch up on my lack of productivity from the past few days..
No pimms for me mate ...Have you tried it ...

Got a a couple of cases of tubourg then russian standard for afters...

tried pims once mate! yak!
whats russian standard when its at home! some sort of ale?
reesy! sort your self out fella its nearly 6pm!
looking forward to some lairy banter this evening myself! ha

whens solly released?
is it just me or have the mods relaxed there vice like grip on here?
i do hope so! its nearly back to normal!
or, and i hope i am wrong here, are they just stealthily watching big bro style?
I was always well behaved, I think the mods were just jealous of the fun we have!

How are you getting away with a chick and her pussy as your avatar?
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