Bloke abandons dog!

Not seen that before but it really frustrates me, if the owner really did not want that pet anymore there are plenty of other waiting homes for animals such as this. To me it is just as bad as abandoning your own child. To which would be illegal, so why is this not equally illegal?

As for the susan boyle lookalike with the cat, that still frustrates me to the point of my blood boiling.
And to add to that, isn't Susan Boyle annoying too!! Just look at what the UK has to offer....

X-Factor = Miss Burke

Britains Got Talent = Miss Boyle

Whats next? I know....

Mr Stiffy???!!!!!!!!!!
OMG! poor dog! Why do folk do this, probably due to vets bills eh! As said above, lots of homes or at last resort a homing centre. We've always had rescued dogs, usually 2 at a time, had some great dogs over the years. Had some testing ones too lol but never given up on any. Disgusting what he did, cruel bas*%£d, that poor dog will feel so lost and lonely.
I think its quite bad and sick. I would never ever do that to my dog! What made it worse aswell the dog tried running back to his "master". Should of had more than one brain cell and taken the dog to a home. Not a field your more a less leaving it there to die! Just sick and cruel...As you said Sarah if it is due to vet bills take insurance out on your dog i have £8.50 a month :)
******* complete & utter ****** if you ask me, I usually hide my swear words but in this instance its just, let me get hold of the **** & I'll abandom him with some limps, permanent ones, how can anyone be so damn cruel, ***.

As for the bitch, she will get it for sure, lets hope someone stacks her in a bin, I'm glad she's been named & shamed tbh as it will now make her life unbearable which is what should happen to these people.

When in italy me & the missus were in the hospital having a check before the birth of the little girl some 40 or so days ago, little abandoned kitten was running around & cars everywhere, it took a shine to me as did I to her & I knew it would get run over, hence now at our house loving the life of daily food, love & attention.

Got 3 of them at home in uk, love them to bits, really makes a nice family aswell, animals are not toys or addons, they're family members & it annoys the **** outta me people act in this manner.

How some people can be so absolutely unbelievably without a heart defies the saying "being human" or maybe thats the issue being human.
Lets hope he gets some local grief huh, I will open a donation paypal account for anyone local to him if they would oblige, *******!!!!
I dunno. Yeah he's a tw@ for leaving the dog there, and that susan boyle looking cow is a b*tch for dumping the cat in the trash.... but death threats, threats of violence, etc..... I dunno about that.

At the end of the day cats and dogs are animals. They have feelings etc, yes. But I don't think people should be getting threats etc because of what they did in these situations.
Dump a human baby in a bin or leave one in park then yes, torture the mothaf*ckers. But not for a cat or dog.

Ok, if they had stuck matchsticks in the animals eyes or microwaved a hamster then maybe get medieval of their *****, because that is pure evil. But for this sort of thing.... this was more of "i can't be ***** to look after this dog anymore" kind of thing. Yep, it's totally wrong, but getting beaten up or harrassed for it for god knows how long, I don't think they should be subjected to that.
The geezer probably (and wrongly) just thought that someone would find the dog and hand it in or something.

As for cat woman, she probably didn't think "i'll put this cat in this bin and it'll stay there for so many days that it'll die of thirst or starvation, muahha haa haaaaaa".
She's a thoughtless and maybe twisted woman, but does she deserve all the threats etc for putting a cat in a bin?? I don't think so.

And Raoul Moat gets respect in some quarters.....?? What a world huh!
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but death threats, threats of violence, etc..... I dunno about that.

At the end of the day cats and dogs are animals. They have feelings etc, yes. But I don't think people should be getting threats etc because of what they did in these situations.
Dump a human baby in a bin or leave one in park then yes, torture the mothaf*ckers. But not for a cat or dog.

Ok, if they had stuck matchsticks in the animals eyes or microwaved a hamster then maybe get medieval of their *****, because that is pure evil. But for this sort of thing.... this was more of "i can't be ***** to look after this dog anymore" kind of thing. Yep, it's totally wrong, but getting beaten up or harrassed for it for god knows how long, I don't think they should be subjected to that.
The geezer probably (and wrongly) just thought that someone would find the dog and hand it in or something.

As for cat woman, she probably didn't think "i'll put this cat in this bin and it'll stay there for so many days that it'll die of thirst or starvation, muahha haa haaaaaa".
She's a thoughtless and maybe twisted woman, but does she deserve all the threats etc for putting a cat in a bin?? I don't think so.

And Raoul Moat gets respect in some quarters.....??

You're a prime example of someone that shouldnt have pets & your POV is exactly why we have the rspca & other animal shelters in this country cause people dont look at these pets as actual living entities as such, just a toy, fad, etc & yes they do deserve everything they get for being so cruel to animals that cant protect themselves or feed cause we've basically turned this world into a human infested shithole & question, who was responsible for the dog/cat being born, in grand scheme of things humans, as we breed them & dont act responsibly enough to realise what life we could be creating for them, but they're ever so cute when born & little huh, then when larger oh to much to handle, frigging hate this attitude to animals.

Do you have any pets, if so, if I was to go stick them in a bin or take them & dump them 300 miles away, would you thank me for it or give me a hiding?
You're a prime example of someone that shouldnt have pets & your POV is exactly why we have the rspca & other animal shelters in this country cause people dont look at these pets as actual living entities as such, just a toy, fad, etc & yes they do deserve everything they get for being so cruel to animals that cant protect themselves or feed cause we've basically turned this world into a human infested shithole & question, who was responsible for the dog/cat being born, in grand scheme of things humans, as we breed them & dont act responsibly enough to realise what life we could be creating for them, but they're ever so cute when born & little huh, then when larger oh to much to handle, frigging hate this attitude to animals.

Do you have any pets, if so, if I was to go stick them in a bin or take them & dump them 300 miles away, would you thank me for it or give me a hiding?

Read what I wrote again mate, And this time read it properly, without your own personal upset on the matter clouding it.

How am I a prime example of someone that shouldn't have pets??
I have said it is wrong what happened, and animals have feelings, blah blah blah.
My only point is that it should be put into perspective, and that someone who has left a dog in a park and legged it should not have to face receiving death threats, getting beaten up, house being targeted, families being targeted, etc etc etc etc etc..... and most of the time by people who don't actually feel that strongly about what has happened, but are just looking for any excuse to give someone some sh*t.

You seem to think I am condoning what this guy has done to the dog. I'm not. I'm just saying that the potential punishment he will receive from the general public hardly fits the crime. Fine him, ban him from owning pets, give him community service..... but sending him to the wolves to get beaten up or whatever... nah.

And yes, if I had a pet and you dumped it in a bin or something I would indeed kick your ****, and probably would want everybody else to do the same when they saw you. But would that be right??? Not really.
Emotion says beat the f*cker, but sense says don't.

Do you get my point now?
let me just tell you.. i feel exactly the same! i have a dog.. my special choco brown lab and he is part of the family.. not a pet, not an animal but family.. hes been in my life for 10 years everyday and not a day goes past where i dont play with him and show affection..

this story makes my heart miss a beat.. imagine how upset that dog was when he saw his master drive off.. yeh ok not like abandoning a baby but come on.. if you cant fecking afford the dog ask a friend if they want it or at least tke it to a shelter.. evil evil *******!!

if i saw this happen id sort the guy out no question bout it!!
I guess I can appreciate why some feel very passionate about it.
I had a budgie when I was about 8 years old. His name was Billy. He was my best friend in the whole world, even though he did peck me in anger sometimes.
If someone had spiked his seed with sand, or hit him with his cuttlefish I would've killed them, or at least pea-shootered them.
I loved that bird.

Anyway, so yeah I do see why some people genuinely feel that people like this should be beaten to within an inch of their lives. But looking at it from an unbiased animal liker, not animal lover, point of view I stand by what I say and don't agree that these people should be terrorised for what they have done. They should pay somehow, just not with their safety.

For those of you who think it's justified that this guy gets messed up; I wonder what your take on the matter would be if one of your friends/family members somehow had a moment of madness and did something like what this guy has done, and then all of a sudden their safety was put at serious risk because of it. Would you just write them off and say "you deserve everything you get", or would you call them a plank, ask them what the hell was going through their mind, even laugh and be happy that they've got in trouble with the old bill/rspca. But wishing that they are attacked at every turn?? I bet not.
I read it correctly, my comments dont change, got a problem with it, tough.

If was my family/friend yes they deserve to get beaten, end of.
I read it correctly, my comments dont change, got a problem with it, tough.

Well if you think that me believing that someone doesn't deserve to be beaten etc for abandoning a dog means that I'm the type of person who shouldn't be allowed to have pets then you're a twit.

If was my family/friend yes they deserve to get beaten, end of.

lets try and keep this civil please
And yet these people will get a small slap on the wrist. Or a fine that amounts to a crate of beer...

As the owner of a black lab, who I've had since I was 10 years old (turned 14 on Tuesday :):):) ) I would quite happily treat these individuals as they have treated these animals (throw them in bins, rivers, leave them at the side of the M'way).
I dunno. Yeah he's a **** for leaving the dog there, and that susan boyle looking cow is a b*tch for dumping the cat in the trash.... but death threats, threats of violence, etc..... I dunno about that.

At the end of the day cats and dogs are animals. They have feelings etc, yes. But I don't think people should be getting threats etc because of what they did in these situations.
Dump a human baby in a bin or leave one in park then yes, torture the mothaf*ckers. But not for a cat or dog.

Ok, if they had stuck matchsticks in the animals eyes or microwaved a hamster then maybe get medieval of their *****, because that is pure evil. But for this sort of thing.... this was more of "i can't be ***** to look after this dog anymore" kind of thing. Yep, it's totally wrong, but getting beaten up or harrassed for it for god knows how long, I don't think they should be subjected to that.
The geezer probably (and wrongly) just thought that someone would find the dog and hand it in or something.

As for cat woman, she probably didn't think "i'll put this cat in this bin and it'll stay there for so many days that it'll die of thirst or starvation, muahha haa haaaaaa".
She's a thoughtless and maybe twisted woman, but does she deserve all the threats etc for putting a cat in a bin?? I don't think so.

And Raoul Moat gets respect in some quarters.....?? What a world huh!

In a civil manner... The dog is likely to be run over. Which means death. You mention death by microwave and sticking matches in their eyes. This is torture that leads to death... so how is having your owner **read best friend** who has cared for you and been your only source of food, water and shelter leave you to die any better?
James/Nige I totally agree. This dog who may be old would certainly die if left alone, through starvation or being runover. That doesnt show an owner who cant cope, it shows an owner who doesnt care or give a dam and happy to let the poor dog take its chances. Leaving a helpless baby is pure evil as they are helpless and vulnerable but so is a dog/cat etc who has relied on its owner all its life from puppy/kitten to be provided food, water, care and love.

Sorry but if a mate of mine did that i'd be totally disgusted and certainly not pat them on the back..... Pets should only be kept if they are treated as part of the family. They give a unique love that humans cannot give, they give total unconditional love with no judging or critisism. My Boxer has given us some of the best times ever.

Poor and cruel owners get what they deserve and those banned not to own any again usually do, sorry but wrong!
To lighten it up, the funniest thing ive seen was Leas (1wheelonly) dog on the trampoline! sooooooo funny! Mad as each other lol
Just seen an update of the original story on the national news. The dog, now named Ginger, is in a rehoming centre, safe. She was limping due to unbelieavably over grown claws so shes happier now. Good news is it looks like she will find a new home as there have been a huge interest in her! Owner will get done for cruelty! Shes better off without him, happy ending then.
In a civil manner... The dog is likely to be run over. Which means death. You mention death by microwave and sticking matches in their eyes. This is torture that leads to death... so how is having your owner **read best friend** who has cared for you and been your only source of food, water and shelter leave you to die any better?

Sorry but you can hardly compare the two. I think it's safe to say that in most cases its "better" that a dog is abandoned in a park than having matchsticks poked in its eye.
Matchsticks in eyes... damage done.
Left in a park.... possible damage done, OR possibly get found by caring people and then have a much better life (read - what happened in this story).

Neither should happen, granted. But if I was a dog and had to choose between the two I know which one I'd want done to me.

Anyway back on track.... another one who is completely missing my point so let me make this clear before I become the resident animal cruelty promoter.....


So.... I'm interested to know your take on it if it was somebody you know who had done something similar.

Sorry but if a mate of mine did that i'd be totally disgusted and certainly not pat them on the back.....

Obviously they don't deserve a pat on the back, maybe a punch on the back. But by lots of people, lots of times???

And once again..... I'm interested to know your take on it if it was somebody you know who had done something similar??
Beats by strangers?? Lynched??

And I'm sorry but like it or not, animals can not compare to humans. Compromising an animals safety does not deserve a human's safety being compromised.

A person severly provokes a dog and it mauls them... put the dog down.
A person severly aggrivates another person and gets beaten senseless..... put them in prison.

The differences are endless.

I guess my view was never going to go down well in a thread filled with dog lovers though. :wacko:
***! im sure this thread title states "bloke abandons dog" and not "aythreee's endless arguing and f****d up mentallity"

I dont think this guy agree's

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***! im sure this thread title states "bloke abandons dog" and not "aythreee's endless arguing and f****d up mentallity"


Mentality denotes a thought process, imho on this subject he has no thought.

Another thing Aythreeee, you contradict yourself, one minute you think its unfair to get a beating for it, next when I ask you your reaction, you state you would kick there **** if was your animal, make your fxcking mind up will yer!!!!!

& for the record, emotions pay a huge part of this subject, aside of the budgie where its caged 24/7 which I hate, ever brought up a newborn animal like a cat or dog helped a cat/dog be born, brought it upto adulthood, fed it daily by hand initially, looked after it throughout its life etc, go try it & then see if an animal is just a ****** animal.

Fxck me you do take the cake sometimes, really do & a budgie is a pet aswell so obvious you treated them as we do, one would hope, but a cat/dog requires a hell of alot more involvement, really does, if you cant see that then you're a prime example why there are people like these 2, they just see them as just an animal!!!!
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Dazmo I think that's a little unfair.

I understand what Aythreee is trying to say and that's his opinion, right, wrong or indifferent in our eyes.

Aythree, I don't believe in animal cruelty. So would rather neither of the options is my point chap. I just have an immense dislike for people like this that have no regard for animals. Especially pets that have been bought to have and look after. A wild rabbit can feed itself. So it doesn't matter if it gets abandoned by humans. A dog relies on food water and shelter as they have been bred as pets, not wild animals.


Lotte two days after her 14th birthday, split claw led to it being pulled out by the vet :(

this is Smudge hes 11 i think :think: choco lab!


from the summer with gf in back!


this morning after his little walk..

this makes me sooo angry... cant believe someone would do that ..... C**NT... I would have the little guy as lost my Bulldog George to a heart attack in April .. Miss him...:(
This **** proper upsets me :( People getting hurt doesn't bother me unless it particularly sick but animals can't defend themselves :\
This is Ellie, she is 13 and she is what we call a Heinz 57.
We got her from the SPCA, there were 7 puppies found in a box and she was the runt of the litter, she has made up for that now.
She is so affecionate and is definately a part of our family.

looks like asn have a few dog lovers lol! Here a link to my little boy blue :) Had him since the 27th of May. Collected him from Essex...Took me a good few months to find the dog i wanted. I knew he was for me as when i went to collect him they let him out of his cage he came running over licked me, ran around me for a bit and then peed lol! He is part of the family and i could never do anything like abandon him or let any one hurt him. Anyway enjoy the photos
Blue | Facebook

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