Just driven an RS4..... Bit slow arn't they?

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The trouble with 911s is that they feel like nothing else...
A Marmite car...you either fall for them, or hate them.
But once you persevere with all the odd things they do, nothing comes close.

Sure many are faster (RS4!...but that's another story!) but not as entertaining.

My 911 was a real shock going to that after my 8L S3..the interior is very poor in comparison to the Audi. But does it matter? Nope...

Not sure from your reply if you interpretted me as disliking or likeing the 911. For the record, I loved it... it just had so much of that illusive 'feel' you hear motoring journo's write about, through the steering, brakes and your @rse :lmfao:
If my numbers ever came in, first car i'd buy is GT3 RS (and some track driving tuition!).

I think PaulAr and S3Alex kind of summed things up nicely - the S3 out of the box from Audi couldn't perform closely with an RS4 (the marketers would NOT allow that!), but simple mod's relaease far more of the car potential. Agreed it's not as engineered as an RS4 and the S3 would probably have to cut short any track driveing before an RS4 (brakes fading etc).... but the S3 is a grin inducing machine.... no one can argue that :thumbsup:
Not sure from your reply if you interpretted me as disliking or likeing the 911. For the record, I loved it... it just had so much of that illusive 'feel' you hear motoring journo's write about, through the steering, brakes and your @rse :lmfao:
If my numbers ever came in, first car i'd buy is GT3 RS (and some track driving tuition!).

I got it right!
I assumed you'd liked it...

If my numbers came up, it would be a GT2 for me.
I'd be dead within a week...but what a hell of a way to go!

Did you find it odd at first though?
The steering wheel twitching about, the way it seems to pivot around a diagnal, the brakes feel 'wooden' as they aren't overly servo'd, all the information you get etc...
Of all the cars I've driven...nothing comes close for making you feel part of it.

It's a pity the engines leak like sieves and the interiors are a bit low rent...but at least they don't eat suspension bushes and track rod ends! :laugh:

I think PaulAr and S3Alex kind of summed things up nicely - the S3 out of the box from Audi couldn't perform closely with an RS4 (the marketers would NOT allow that!), but simple mod's relaease far more of the car potential. Agreed it's not as engineered as an RS4 and the S3 would probably have to cut short any track driveing before an RS4 (brakes fading etc).... but the S3 is a grin inducing machine.... no one can argue that :thumbsup:

Spot on! :beerchug:
I got it right!
If my numbers came up, it would be a GT2 for me.
I'd be dead within a week...but what a hell of a way to go!

Did you find it odd at first though?
The steering wheel twitching about, the way it seems to pivot around a diagnal, the brakes feel 'wooden' as they aren't overly servo'd, all the information you get etc...
Of all the cars I've driven...nothing comes close for making you feel part of it.

It's a pity the engines leak like sieves and the interiors are a bit low rent...but at least they don't eat suspension bushes and track rod ends! :laugh:

I hear the new GT2 is a pussy cat compared to the old widow maker 996 variant! I reckon you'd last a month.

I did find it odd... I thought it was cr@p at first, finding myself wondering what the fuss was about, but I had a it for a weekend and it gradually all started to make sense - those brakes that appeared useless in traffic, suddenly, on a spirited drive were progressive, full of feedback... etc. Your comment that i've highlighted in bold above couldn't be closer to the truth... it really did make you connect with the experience.
Indidentally, when I did the Ultimate Supercar day at Thruxton, the 997 Turbo was the best car to hussle around, I got the best lines, braking points and had the most fun!

We're going off topic here!
I hear the new GT2 is a pussy cat compared to the old widow maker 996 variant! I reckon you'd last a month.

That long eh?

I did find it odd... I thought it was cr@p at first, finding myself wondering what the fuss was about, but I had a it for a weekend and it gradually all started to make sense - those brakes that appeared useless in traffic, suddenly, on a spirited drive were progressive, full of feedback... etc.

They are selfish cars...
Bumpy, noisy etc for the passenger...but for the driver, very involving.
The brakes are immense...you can take them to the point of ABS wet or dry with total confidence.
You don't notice the rest.

Your comment that i've highlighted in bold above couldn't be closer to the truth... it really did make you connect with the experience.

Sure does...

Indidentally, when I did the Ultimate Supercar day at Thruxton, the 997 Turbo was the best car to hussle around, I got the best lines, braking points and had the most fun!

That's the two main points for me...fun and involvement.
I'd rather have fun and involvement in a relatively light car with modest power...than an uber bus with 500 BHP that weighs 1800 Kg.

We're going off topic here!

We've been off topic and back so many times, I don't think it matters anymore! :thumbsup:
That's the two main points for me...fun and involvement.
I'd rather have fun and involvement in a relatively light car with modest power...than an uber bus with 500 BHP that weighs 1800 Kg.

Too right....the M5 is very quick,but when 1.8 tonnes starts to slide....
I don't know, it could be a good compromise between fun and practicality. I agree that a smaller, lighter car would be more fun, but some people need the extra space and can't feasibly do it with more than one car. That's where cars like the M5 and RS4 excel.

Absolutely right. Imagine getting 3 kids in the back of a 911.
In fact imagine trying to get 3 kids in the back of an S3 every day. I wouldnt fancy it much.
Might as well get my tuppence in while the thread is still on the go. I went from a highly tuned S3 (330+bhp) on which I'd spent most of my time and money getting it to handle properly. Getting into an RS4 for the first few times almost felt dissapointing as it didn't feel as quick initially. However, once you get to grips with how it works and how to drive it efficiently, very little can touch an RS4 on real A to B roads. It adds a good 20mph onto every corner that the S3 would do. The overall comfort/cruising speed is a lot higher than it, and to be honest I find it just as nimble despite it weighing 1745kg (correct figure for the avant, 1710kg for the saloon).

I bought my RS4 brand new - £55k. Now, I could have had an S3, tuned the hell out of it and had similar performance and some change. But modified cars are just a hassle, it's still a sub-standard car, and it's just got no appeal to me. Likewise, I nearly went for a 996 C4S or the Turbo, but it's a lot of money for a second hand car with a limited warranty. No regrets, and if I were in the same position I'd do the same again. I've never come across any other car that does what an RS4 can do, and unless they make another I'll be keeping this for a while yet.
Might as well get my tuppence in while the thread is still on the go. I went from a highly tuned S3 (330+bhp) on which I'd spent most of my time and money getting it to handle properly. Getting into an RS4 for the first few times almost felt dissapointing as it didn't feel as quick initially. However, once you get to grips with how it works and how to drive it efficiently, very little can touch an RS4 on real A to B roads. It adds a good 20mph onto every corner that the S3 would do. The overall comfort/cruising speed is a lot higher than it, and to be honest I find it just as nimble despite it weighing 1745kg (correct figure for the avant, 1710kg for the saloon).

I bought my RS4 brand new - £55k. Now, I could have had an S3, tuned the hell out of it and had similar performance and some change. But modified cars are just a hassle, it's still a sub-standard car, and it's just got no appeal to me. Likewise, I nearly went for a 996 C4S or the Turbo, but it's a lot of money for a second hand car with a limited warranty. No regrets, and if I were in the same position I'd do the same again. I've never come across any other car that does what an RS4 can do, and unless they make another I'll be keeping this for a while yet.

I read all that but can I ask, were u driving an 8l or 8P S3 prior?
Since when has an 8P S3 been a `substandard` car?

Ok its not everyones first choice, but substandard?
Just in general? Compared to what?
Your point is still 100% vaid in my book ChrisS3. I said right at the start of this thread that I'd have an RS4 over my (heavily modified 350+bhp) 8P S3 any day.
Though I would worry a lot more about thieves targeting me I have to say .... the "RS" badge is a magnet for scum.
Might as well get my tuppence in while the thread is still on the go. I went from a highly tuned S3 (330+bhp) on which I'd spent most of my time and money getting it to handle properly. Getting into an RS4 for the first few times almost felt dissapointing as it didn't feel as quick initially. However, once you get to grips with how it works and how to drive it efficiently, very little can touch an RS4 on real A to B roads. It adds a good 20mph onto every corner that the S3 would do. The overall comfort/cruising speed is a lot higher than it, and to be honest I find it just as nimble despite it weighing 1745kg (correct figure for the avant, 1710kg for the saloon).

I bought my RS4 brand new - £55k. Now, I could have had an S3, tuned the hell out of it and had similar performance and some change. But modified cars are just a hassle, it's still a sub-standard car, and it's just got no appeal to me. Likewise, I nearly went for a 996 C4S or the Turbo, but it's a lot of money for a second hand car with a limited warranty. No regrets, and if I were in the same position I'd do the same again. I've never come across any other car that does what an RS4 can do, and unless they make another I'll be keeping this for a while yet.

Completely and utterly nail on head! :iagree:
I'll add a few comments to this:

I've driven a couple of RS4s and driven them hard...and although they don't feel 'that' quick, and don't feel 'that' stable under heavy braking (compared to what I'm used to) they evidently are.

ChriS3 on here has an Avant which he's lent me...
We also were both at GTI International last year covering the 400 mile journey home in convoy, and each day to the show in convoy, on the smallest backroads I could find, as well as numerous other little runs here and there...
The RS4 is quicker up the 1/4 mile (proven 2 out of 3 times) as it can be launched at 5000RPM and it just goes - it has 2 car lengths on me before I've got out of 1st.
Its as quick down a small back road (not as good under braking if you are splitting hairs, but considerably quicker out of tight corners)
It's 1800KG bulk does an impressive job of being thrown about like a hot hatch.
It's at least as quick (probably quicker at 100+ speeds) and has no evident limiter at 155.
Sure, you have to work hard at getting the absolute best from it...but when you put the effort in, what it can do is amazing. The driving we've done is at times not big or clever...really pushing on...and I know of no Haldex car that would come close on a challenging back road when you are really on the edge, loading it up on braking, cornering and accellerating.

Yet from the drivers seat...it doesn't feel fast, or very good under braking.
The RS4 is a very special car indeed.

Of course there are those that will argue, or maybe I've just not come accross a well set up S3 with big power...but what an RS4 can do shocked me.

Basically sums up what I think about the RS4
Buy an RS4, spend some time with it, stroke it on a weekend and you will start to understand what we are trying to say... I had some tool in a 135i try it on the other day and they are suppose to be quick...
Since when has an 8P S3 been a `substandard` car?

Ok its not everyones first choice, but substandard?
Just in general? Compared to what?

Compared to any other car in the price bracket I was looking. The 911 C4S/Turbo/GT3, AM V8, Noble M400, Sagaris, M3, etc all made the S3 look dull in my opinion (despite having one of the best interiors).
Compared to any other car in the price bracket I was looking. The 911 C4S/Turbo/GT3, AM V8, Noble M400, Sagaris, M3, etc all made the S3 look dull in my opinion (despite having one of the best interiors).

I think it comes down to what you need,and what compromises you have to make to get the closest to it,whether it's cost,4 doors Vs 2 etc etc.

If I needed a decently fast estate,I'd certainly have looked at the RS4 as nothing else really competes in that bracket,but for what I need personally,and given the roads round here,the S3 suits me fine.....on the subject of roads,the way it's going I may as well sell the S3 and buy something truly slow with all of the averaging cameras,spot checks,unmarked cars and the helicopter....
Although I know my S3 is over 300bhp, quite how much I'm not sure.

At Christmas I had an encounter with an RS4 and I can safely say it (the RS4) is quicker. It's not night and day, but it is quicker, particularly top end.

I love my S3, despite its little faults, but if someone offered me an RS4 in the same colour / state of specification as an Avant I'd take it without question.

I think big Audi's have a tendency to mask their speed with competence. Unfortunately you could say it is only if you are unlucky enough to crash that you realise actually how fast in REAL terms you have been going. At Castle Combe in the S3 at 3 figure speeds it feels slow, but it isn't. I would imagine the RS4 is more of the same.

Turbo's have that boosty surge which is so addictive, whereas the V's have a very different power delivery curve. I take it the new RS4 will be an uprated version of the 3.2V6 TSi unit in the S4?
Compared to any other car in the price bracket I was looking. The 911 C4S/Turbo/GT3, AM V8, Noble M400, Sagaris, M3, etc all made the S3 look dull in my opinion (despite having one of the best interiors).

In the driving stakes and overall drama, aesthetics etc, an S3 will never compete with this lot.
Aston Martin! 911 GT3! (Yes please)
But its not meant to.
No one including proud S3 owenrs would suggest otherwise.
And its MUCH cheaper! (unless you are comparing used v new).

So yes I absolutely agree an S3 is not in the same league as this lot (this doesnt mean `substandard`), but not sure what the point is?:think:

If your in the market for a supercar then I cant see why an S3 would be on the list.?


Although I know my S3 is over 300bhp, quite how much I'm not sure.

At Christmas I had an encounter with an RS4 and I can safely say it is quicker. It's not night and day, but it is quicker, particularly top end.

I love my S3, despite its little faults, but if someone offered me an RS4 in the same colour / state of specification as an Avant I'd take it without question.

I think big Audi's have a tendency to mask their speed with competence. Unfortunately you could say it is only if you are unlucky enough to crash that you realise actually how fast in REAL terms you have been going. At Castle Combe in the S3 at 3 figure speeds it feels slow, but it isn't. I would imagine the RS4 is more of the same.

Turbo's have that boosty surge which is so addictive, whereas the V's have a very different power delivery curve. I take it the new RS4 will be an uprated version of the 3.2V6 TSi unit in the S4?
I take it the new RS4 will be an uprated version of the 3.2V6 TSi unit in the S4?

Could well be wrong on this but I thought these cars were getting a new 3.0 unit not the old 3.2 lump ?
Could well be wrong on this but I thought these cars were getting a new 3.0 unit not the old 3.2 lump ?

I think you're right mate, my brain is just addled!!! Sure its 3.0T now you have said.

Be interesting to see what Audi achieve in the RS4 with the 3.0T given the 2.5T's performance in the TT-RR (anything below 400bhp would be a significant regression unless they can make it as fast in real world terms).
Buy an RS4, spend some time with it, stroke it on a weekend and you will start to understand what we are trying to say... I had some tool in a 135i try it on the other day and they are suppose to be quick...

lol love this quote there! also can i say klauster the rs4 looks really class with the new wrap on.!:thumbsup:
I think you're right mate, my brain is just addled!!! Sure its 3.0T now you have said.

Be interesting to see what Audi achieve in the RS4 with the 3.0T given the 2.5T's performance in the TT-RR (anything below 400bhp would be a significant regression unless they can make it as fast in real world terms).
The new S4 with the 30TFSI is slightly down on power from the old 4.2, iirc its around 320bhp.
And the name is a bit odd too, `30T`. It doesnt have a Turbo so why the `T`?
EVO had intmated that the RS version of the 30T might get a s/c as well as a t/c/
Still think the V8 is special:o.k:

In the driving stakes and overall drama, aesthetics etc, an S3 will never compete with this lot.
Aston Martin! 911 GT3! (Yes please)
But its not meant to.
No one including proud S3 owenrs would suggest otherwise.
And its MUCH cheaper! (unless you are comparing used v new).

So yes I absolutely agree an S3 is not in the same league as this lot (this doesnt mean `substandard`), but not sure what the point is?:think:

If your in the market for a supercar then I cant see why an S3 would be on the list.?



That was the point I was making that you originally questioned. I have no interested in an S3, as I stated it was below the standard of car that I was looking at. The point being that, yes you can get similar performance figures for less money, but if you're in the market for an RS4 then the comparison is irrelevant. It was only my opinion, don't take it too personally.
That was the point I was making that you originally questioned. I have no interested in an S3, as I stated it was below the standard of car that I was looking at. The point being that, yes you can get similar performance figures for less money, but if you're in the market for an RS4 then the comparison is irrelevant. It was only my opinion, don't take it too personally.

Not personal mate, I never is for me on forums, kinda misses the point in coming on here if you can get involved without getting over excited.
Not sure why you thought I was?

Anyway, I get your point now, and I wouldnt consider a tuned S3 neither if I was in the market for a 50K car.

In a similar way I wouldnt consider a tuned Golf if I was in the market for an S3. Except I wouldnt go as far to say the Golf was sub-standard.
So I guess we are saying the same thing.

I think im going to buy a really large, fast & expensive car; go sign up on UberFastCorsa.com, and lord it over everyone in there...

Then again, my penis size is more than average so I dont think i'll bother afterall :)
whats that random post got to do with the price of bread?
whats that random post got to do with the price of bread?

Did it really go over your head?
I didn't want to jump to the conclusion that you were spitting your dummy out at the RS4 owners having their say on the subject. Would be a bit childish if that were the case!

Perhaps it was just a random post by yourself though :o.k:
No dummy over here Matt,

Im just amazed at the amount of **** swinging going on in here, its pathetic, you should hear yourselves hehe
No dummy over here Matt,

Im just amazed at the amount of **** swinging going on in here, its pathetic, you should hear yourselves hehe

sounds to me like someone has a small one :haha:

I use to have an S3, am I no longer welcome on the forum cos I changed my car?
I don't see any **** swinging going on here at all. Just healthy opinions and facts.
I'm a bit puzzled, me :think:
well after all that **** swinging id have an rs4 anyday over an s3 ,looks build, interior, sound, it actually ****** on and s3 and the speed arguement well im not gona buy a 27 grand s3 im gone get a nissan sunny GTIR

and mod the living **** out of it to 500 bhp then il beet an s3 lol this isnt even an arguement i love s3s dont get me wrong but rs4s are a different kettle.... theres modded old shape subarus for 4000 that would eat an s3 but dosent mean you would prefer it ....
I think you'll find this is **** swinging......


.......and I haven't been doing any of it! ha ha
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