How do you like your Tea?


Registered User
Feb 2, 2009
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North East, UK
In light of the Tea-break threads, I thought it would be fitting to discuss the methods and techniques which are used in order to produce the perfect cuppa.

If you're feeling kind and offer to make the tea for your guests, how do you do it?

My girlfriends parents follow the old school '2 tea-bags in a pot' kind of a brew, but I simply cannot accept this as an acceptable cup of tea. I've always had the '1 tea-bag per cup' approach.

Or in these difficult economic times, do you try to cut back as best you can and even share tea-bags between cups?

This sums up my perfect cup-of-tea quite well:

Sorry for the dull thread, I'm finishing off my dissertation so this is procrastination as its finest.
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haha. i have it exactly how he has it.
i hate people that put milk in first, it simply doesnt make any sense. i like it a nice tan colour. And i stir straight away, and squeeze, then let it sit for a couple of minutes to brew.
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Couldn't agree more, although I tend not to let mine stew at all. Give it a stir for 10 seconds or so, then a few stern squeeze's and out she comes.

Milk in first is beyond me too. Erratic and senseless behaviour.
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milk in first is strictly for coffee not tea

i have mine to same without the long brewing sensation- 1 bag 1 cup - 10 seconds stir and squeeze and 2 sugars
1 bag in one cup, strong with milk and 2 sugars is my preference, usually PG Tips, it's the taste! :laugh:

Sadly, I'm now only allowed tea with no sugar, so I'm better off just drinking green tea these days! :(
One bag in a cup, its barely in there, two or three squeezes and out it comes. No Milk or Sugar, just ready to drink. I am partial to some of the flavoured tea you get, but not all the time, i probably drink way to much tea during the day, lol, and for general information, i like a biscuit to go with it. :) x
Step 1: If room temperature is below 18 degree (e.g. first thing in the morning) run hot water tap until water is at its hottest.
Step 2: Fill cup with hot water from tap.
Step 3: Leave for 30 seconds, or until outside of cup is warm to the touch.
Step 4: Empty cup of warm water.
Step 5: Place single tea bag in cup.
Step 6: Add sugar to cup.
Step 7: Poor boiling water into cup.
Step 8: Squeeze and stir tea bag around cup.
Step 9: Leave to brew for about half a minute.
Step 10: Add milk.
Step 11: Stir and squeeze tea bag for another 10-20 seconds.
Step 12: Remove tea bag and give one or two squeezes again side of cup.
Step 13: Stir tea for at least 15 seconds.
Step 14: Enjoy the best cuppa you've ever had.

And if you think that's complex then you wanna hear my method of making toast. In particular, three slices.
I'm with jb0o. Teabag (& sugar where applicable) in the cup, add hot water, leave for a few seconds (but not long enough that you get that horrible scum appear on the top), stir, squeeze teabag, remove teabag, add milk (whilst stirring). Correct colour being a nice tan shade of milky brown.

I have decaf PG Tips at work (because I drink so much tea) and normal PG Tips at home. If I have decaf, I have it without sugar, but I have 1 sugar in normal tea. Don't really know why, possibly just because the only time I drink tea at home is generally when I need the sugar - first thing in the morning or when I get home from a long day at work. Decaf doesn't taste any different to normal.

I don't drink coffee. (But agree with the "coffee + milk + sugar in the mug, add water, stir" method)
I was waiting on your reply Ads, and you certainly didn't disappoint mate!

I've never actually had sugar in my tea before, never even tried it!

And if you think that's complex then you wanna hear my method of making toast. In particular, three slices.

Surely this calls for a new thread...
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I've never actually had sugar in my tea before, never even tried it!

You're missing out mate, Big time! Get involved.
I started life having half a teaspoon of sugar in my tea, but increasing grain by grain I've ended up now having two teaspoons per cup.. and I've never looked back.

Surely this calls for a new thread...

I'll tell you all about the toast next time you're down. :happy:
Sounds a good story for next time mate. Spoke to Danny on the phone the other day too, said we shouldn't definitely all meet up next down I'm down.

May sneak a cheeky 1/2 teaspoon of sugar in my next tea, see how I find it.
Spoke to Danny on the phone the other day too, said we shouldn't definitely all meet up next down I'm down.

Haha.. I take it he didn't actually say we shouldn't meet up?! But yeah, I'm on that.

On a side note, how did the interview go?
Oops, silly me. Yeah he said we should, haha.

Didn't get it mate. Gutted really as the company and job role was exactly what I was after, but I was up against people with a lot more relative experience and Masters degrees, so I was immediately at a disadvantage. Still good experience though. Hopefully I'll find something else soon!
Didn't get it mate. Gutted really as the company and job role was exactly what I was after, but I was up against people with a lot more relative experience and Masters degrees, so I was immediately at a disadvantage. Still good experience though. Hopefully I'll find something else soon!

That's too bad mate, sorry to hear that. I'm sure something will come up soon enough though, and then you'll be in an R. :eyebrows:
I don't make tea or coffee for my guests really.
Since everyone likes it differently, they can make their own the way they like.
It stops them from moaning at me and I get more time to drink my Vimto.
So this is what I'm sipping....

...and please pay particular attention to the all important spoon still in the tea. This gives the option, should you need it, to perform a mid-consumption stir, thus preventing/curing cold spots and sweet spots caused by undissolved sugar.

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Tea bag in cup.

Hot water.

Then a splash of milk

Then leave for 10 minutes.

Then remove tea bag and drink.
I like drinking my tea warm rather than hot, and it needs to be strong.

Always busy so I got used to drinking cold tea.

If I am in a hurry I use two tea bags.
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Like State of Play, I leave the bag in for 10 mins, often longer. Like it very strong and stewed but not boiling hot. In fact I quite like cold tea and will happily drink a cup that's stood with the bag in it for a couple of hours.

I use a mug, has to have a white interior.
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mugs all the way - also has to be white - can't drink my tea from a minging mug yuk
The perfect brew......

Tea bag and 2 sugars,
pour in boiling water,
add milk,
stir for approx 10 seconds,
squeeze bag on side of cup with spoon
place tea bag in bag.............

And dont dribble tea on worktop or the missis whines................:whistle2:
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Mug man here too.

Although I have an Aunt who makes tea using leaves, a pot and bone china cups and that is very nice.
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Came to some good conclusions whilst making this mornings brew. That is if you like it strong, dont squeeze the tea bag prematurely. Give it a fast stir and leave for a shirt while until water/tea is still. This allows maximum flow through the tea bag, extracting all possible flavour from the bag. Once done, then squeeze, and allow to settle for whatever time suits you.

good morning peoples
Good afternoon. I am enjoying a very strong cup of afternoon tea with a wholemeal Ham and salad roll flavoured with terrifically hot English mustard.


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