Santa Pod Sunday 24th (Run What Ya Brung)


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Aug 15, 2009
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Hi everyone here is what I have found, Run What Ya Brung (Santa pod) on January the 24th and was wondering if any of you are planning to go down. I will do my best not to miss it, as I really want to see what I can do, I am hoping for sub 14 sec, anything less would be a bonus.

Share your thoughts and if it is enough of us we could drive down as a convoy...

If all goes well, we could post our results on here later on.

Check their site for more info and prices...
Let's put the quattro through some use..
have you had the mailshot/calendar from Santa Pod through the post too? :)
have you had the mailshot/calendar from Santa Pod through the post too? :)

nice shot by shot of an accident on the front of the calendar huh?

i could be good for this, depending on the car and weather of course, any idea how much it is?
yup nice but unexpected...... :)

im not gonna make to this one im afraid, gonna try and attend a camp over sometime @ pod later in the year
It is a safe way way to find out what the cars can do, rather than risking it on public roads and for me it's worth spending that £100 all in including cost of petrol and travel... The bad weather could cause some probs but we'll wait and see...
Would quite like to come but I don't know if it'd even be worth doing the nearly 300 mile round trip with a 1.6. Hardly awesome acceleration :D
It might not be worth it for you, AarOn, but I will have to travel nearly 200 mile round trip as well, just want to try it out, hopefuly get a good time and improve the car for GTi run in April.. you only live once..
Santa Pod isn't too far from me but I've got a few bits to do on the car before I drag it. I'm hoping to make it to the pod a bit later in the year. My Nurburgring trip in June is my priority :racer:
Will be quite a busy day guys IMO. First one of the year (as the 17th is cancelled). There's about 15 of us going from the Mk5 Forum going and a load of 8P S3's too.. Oh and expect some quick times as well as there's some quick motors going. Possibly a Mk5 Ed30 in the 11's too..
Nice at least the 8P and the GTi lot are coming... lets see if anyone from the 8L people is going to be bothered from here.. if it satys cold we should see some good times.
Yeah im hoping to get some times too.. should be a good day weather permitting
I might head along to this one to see how the lowest powered IHI in the country with the worlds worst tyres fairs.

(I'm just getting in the excuses now :))
i should know by next weekend if im going for defo or not, just need a few things straightening out on the old girl first :)
Next sunday is only 8 days away, I am heading out around 7am and should be there by 9am so can get some times, bright and early, before most will turn up in the later hours.
giant balls!!!

wont be able to make this now not because of the above but because today i noticed one of my front tyres has got a rather large bulge in it, suspect hitting a pothole is the cause :(

maybe next time
I can only put up wth the pod in the summer, in winter its just too dull and boring for me :(

Plus brings back bad memories of blowing my bug up!.
Ok guys, What rpm shall I take off? is it harsh on the clutch? what RPM shall I shift gears? my peak boost is 3-4K and would I reach 5th gear by the finish? any help would be kind.
Ok guys, What rpm shall I take off? is it harsh on the clutch? what RPM shall I shift gears? my peak boost is 3-4K and would I reach 5th gear by the finish? any help would be kind.

The best way is to probably just practice your launches on the road at junctions n traffic lights, change gear at about 5500 I think (correct me if im wrong), I don't think you'll get to 5th by the finish, probably halfway through 4th.
I unfortunately can't make it now as I have football in the morning and won't be able to get to the pod until about 4ish so won't be much point. Maybe next time.
Have fun to whoever goes and don't break anything.
Had a lovely time at Santa pod today, I had a total run of 11 times today. It was one of the best experiences I had. I have some video I shall put them up on YouTube later, for all to check it out. I must say there were lots of TT cars around, two of which destroyed me at the 1/4 mile. Overall well worth it, if you go once a year. The track was so slippery that I used to get all four wheels spinning, a few times heard tyres squeaks at even 3rd gears.
I was also there, quite happy with timess.. 13.7
yes I think we spoke to you, where you showed us the engine bay, good time, I got 14.3 quite happy as I am runing KO4 with revo.

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