Site Upgrade (05-01-10) - Post Problems/Requests Here (READ INSTRUCTIONS IN POST #1)

Personally I much prefer black lettering on a white background. Is the black background the only version available?

I have to say i like the colour theme!

Just some feedback, not sure if these have already been posted or are IE related problems.
- There seems to be a huge black space area at the bottom of threads, (like this one)
- "forum tools" and "search forum" writing colour is very dark, almost unreadable
- It seems the site is a little slower scrolling down the threads with pictures.. again that could be IE
- is the site now set to centre on the page? when i resotre down the page into a window, it squashes all the infor on the page, writing over writing.
God, this new skin is awful. Hurts my eyes!!!

Why not a Dark Grey back ground with Light Grey text? would have been much better than flat black!
The What's New is not working correctly for me. I'm using IE8 and it worked OK before the site went black. Now the Replies/Views column shows as 1 character wide.
The What's New is not working correctly for me. I'm using IE8 and it worked OK before the site went black. Now the Replies/Views column shows as 1 character wide.

Any timescale for a fix to this problem?
I've just had the mis-fortune of viewing ASN on IE6, all I can say is .

Totally understand all the frustrated users here, but I highly recommend you get Mozilla Firefox installed, it took less that 5 minutes to download and install it, and all is good viewing again.

Or just upgrade to IE8....
firefox or ie still looks crap...............obviously admin dont give a toss
Are we EVER going to get a working What's New?
I'm going on holiday to Austria with my A3 tomorrow. I wonder if there will be a reply by the time I get back?
Since the upgrade, I can't the option to change the login ID (or visible name at least).... is that still available?
Are we EVER going to get a working What's New?

Well it does seem to be working at long last. Now all we need is to sort out the horrible colour scheme or at least give the members on option of black and some else.
OK, just a couple of quick notes:

1) To the masses, we're working on some things at the moment. A full statement including apology, and chronicles of graft, pain, suffering, and triumph in equal measure will be forthcoming just as soon as the graft, pain and suffering has died down a little.

2) Yada yada - Dave, lets sort it out.

Update 23:24 23/07/10...

The graft, pain and suffering stages are now all but done - we're going to be in a position to provide not one, but several decent solutions to one of our main problem areas in due course. I know this sounds like a bit of a teaser, but it's simply just because we're not quite there yet; but in real terms our biggest headache is imminently gone...

More soon...


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Hi guys and girls.

Seem to have a slight issue with PMs being very squashed when opened. It seems to give the username, details of user and the date/subject of the PM, then have a space, followed by the message.

But it looks like the advertising banners (nice addition by the way!) are pushing the message down too far, making it quite difficult to read!

Will get a screen shot to help explain!
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