Should I hang my head in shame or not?

Hey guys and gals i agree with what you say it was a stupid thing to do but at the time i just wanted to get away from the three big lads that wanted to FUBAR me i very rare take it to 75 and that is on a clear road and trust me my bro got a gob full from me and my mother when she found out,,,

dan1973 sorry to hear about your son i know where you are coming from my father was also killed by a boy who was racing so i should know better that one reason why i have spent so much money on learning to drive more safly.

all i can say is we all do silly things at times that we regret and speeds like that will be left to private tracks ( as it was this time )

byzan no probs its good when u guys go all nerdy (SORRY FOR THE WORD) its nice to learn things about stuff like that

Sorry guys wont happen again:blush:
No prob's now go and stand in the corner face to the wall for an hour ;)
Ye craigs figure for the S4 seems high, 1500 was the figure i had in my head. Check the service book!

The B6 is up around 1600-1700kgs though.
kerb weight from 1535-1680kg according to wiki, i just took worse case senario.
its still just an astra!!
would rather drive an old audi than a new Vauxhall!
with one exception. Lotus Carlton
my S4 is 1515kg kerb weight

not fussed on them VXR astras, like JCB said its still an astra. they are a quick car though but id still go for a 1.8TQS A4(B6)

the A470 is a dangerous road which im on every day, police all the time and accidents every day, tut tut