Audi A4 vs Roof tile!


Registered User
Oct 1, 2008
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Last night in the wind, a tile fell off my roof, it then promptly punched a hole, an actual hole in the roof of my lovely A4!

Fair enough, it was windy, it happens.

Both car and house are insured by direct line.

The roof tile is going to cost about £150, less my £75 excess,

The car, I assumed would be covered by my house insurance, as it was the house that hit it......Nope My car insurance has to pay for that, about £500 and the excess is £350!

How on earth should my car insurance pay! The car was on my drive! And it was my houses fault!

I am way past peeved with this one!

It looks like with the value of both claims, versus the cost of increased premiums and lose of no-claims discount, I'm going to have to pay for both myself!

Why bother having insurance!

PS the bloke at Direct Line suggested that they might not cover my roof ridge tile coming off as it might be fair wear and tear! How in the name of all things holy does a roof tile falling off ever count as fair wear at tear. They are designed to be in place for the life of the building, and most definitely longer than the 12 years the house has been up!
A friend of mine had a similar thing a couple of years ago and the insurance told him that it wasnt covered because it was classed as, wait for it AN ACT OF GOD!!!!

feel for you andy,i think if your covered by the same insurer for both and that is there final word, id cancel my policies and go else where mate
Its true, Insurance counts for **** all these days!
a roof tile is not an act of good, mainly because you can blame it on someone. IE yourself, your building insurance should cover it. Ask them what would of happened if it hit a person or other persons property. Your house insurance would have to pay out. therefore a quick world with your solicitor should et your house insurance to pay out thus not loosing your NCB on your car.

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