Ticking ?


Registered User
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Chorley, Lancs
On full left lock on my 2.5TDi Q Sport Avant I am getting a random ticking noise from the front...almost like a stone stuck in the tread.....any ideas before I jack up car for a look see....cars done 40K by the way...hope its not a front CV joint.....
Most likely a CV joint as you feared. Some VAG cars tick when the suspension top mount is gone too, again on lots of lock.
Check for a screw in the treads! Ive had it happen 3 flippin times this year, hopefully thats all it is if its a light ticking, and not a clicking like a worn cv joint.
Found a few stones jammed in the tread outer - hope its them....will find out tommorrow....fingers crossed eh.......
Dont think I will be very impressed if it is a CV joint......makes me think of crappy Austin Allegros
nah ive had shedloads of vw and audi's over the last 29 years and none have ever needed a cv or driveshaft, except my brother in laws vr6 which snapped a cv wi brute force!

They are tough as old boots so prolly a stone.
Johnboy, how can you sleep, Id be out checking it soon as the stones were taken out my tyre!!!
JohnboyC, it sounds like your alternator pulley bearing needs replacing. Can you hear a faint ticking every so ofter from the front belt area when you've got the bonnet up? Dies the sound become more prominent when your steering is on full lock and at low speeds - like parking? If so I think that's what it'll be. Think the part is about £60ish (don't have the part number sorry). Ring your local stealer or independant specialist and describe it to them, they'll probably confirm. Think it's realatively common though, so once you know for sure let us all know.

Hope it's nothing more serious or costly than that mate!
P.S. Post some pics of your motir up in the sticky - sounds great from your sig
Hi folks.....thankfully it was 4 stones stuck in one of my new back tyres.......phew !
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