snowing where you are??

Nope, no snow here in lovely Stoke-on-Trent... just the usual rain. Pity really 'cause I've not had chance to drive my A4 in the snow yet, my old Punto was an absolute hoot in the snow. Then again, in a safe place you can probably have fun in any car in the snow!
Been snowing here for 2 days now

Its alright for some. All I've got to contend with is rain and puddles.
sinse last year i was waiting to test my car in the snow, and everyone gets snow and in leicester there isnt any, but also my car is broken so it might be a good thing
Blizzard outside right now ..pretty crazy driving condition now
wet here,tis good though as my paradas are very slippery in the wet
I didn't know the S3 was rear wheel learn something new everyday!!!:cold:
No Snow in the SW. A3/S3 must be a Quattro ... come to think of it looks like my missus!!
Don't want to be branded a smart **** but check the link to see what's going on in my 'hood.

It's not as pleasant as you'd think when it gets into the red. Does nothing for power production on turbos either. I sometimes hanker after a bit of snow, as I haven't seen any for 2 years except on the telly.


jojo said:
Neither did I, where did you read that? :think:

I never heard it, just looks like a rear wheel drive in that link...I take it is not then...just learned something else
h100vw said:
Don't want to be branded a smart **** but check the link to see what's going on in my 'hood.

It's not as pleasant as you'd think when it gets into the red. Does nothing for power production on turbos either. I sometimes hanker after a bit of snow, as I haven't seen any for 2 years except on the telly.


hows the mozzies?
Clach said:
I never heard it, just looks like a rear wheel drive in that link...I take it is not then...just learned something else

quattro.. 4 wheel drive :)
no snow here either.. . infact we had lovely sunshine this morning and I've turned the central heating off!!
We dont get much snow, probably due to the smog from years of cutlery making:sadlike:

And.....when we do get snow its normally yellow as it blows over Doncaster before getting to us:rockwoot: , they have open sewers you know!!:puke2:
We dont get snow here, too well protected by the South Downs/Butser Hill/The Isle of Wight!

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