Does weight matter when Re-mapping?


You’re Dethpicable!!
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
London....Relocated to the Mid East
Just a quick question, Does the weight of the car (i.e. bags, cloths and all the other crap that you put in your car) make any difference to re-mapping performance? I will be mapping my car soon, but it'll be full of bags and luggage, would this be ok? or would you suggest taking most of the weight out? inc subwoofer? Or should I not bother?

P.S. How long does a re-map at Jabba take?

Cheirs for any help :beerchug:
I'm not sure whether the wieght of the vehicle would make any difference when remapping. I can't see it doing as they're measuring the output of the engine, rather than the speed of the car. I suppose it could make a minor difference to the pressure on the rolling road, but what effect that would have I don't know :confused:

If its a custom map at Jabba then it will take just over 4 hours but it'll be worth it :) Also they have an xbox, a sofa, some dvd's and a big TV to amuse you whilst you wait.
If it's a rolling road map, then the weight makes no difference, I suppose if it's a live map on the open road, then there would be an increase in load, so there might be a slight difference, but not something you will notice.
As jojo said really, reminded me of the video I saw of a 1000 bhp Skyline GT-R that had 3 guys sitting on it to stop it flying off the rollers on a gear change.
Plus I've got a problem. I currently have a fault display on my dash (it comes on and off) something wrong with the thermostat and temp sensor. I've also got a slight rattle from the AC, would either of these stop Jabba from re-mapping the car? I was going to clear all the faults before I went over, but if the fault code came up while they're mapping it would it be fine? I thought it would be ok since it doesn't seem to be a major problem? any ideas? are Jabba a bit effie when it comes to fault codes and stuff? I mean would they refuse to map the car if the fault came up? (considering the fault shouldn't directly or dramatically affect the re-map?)
I think the Jabba are the only ones to be answering these questions Defratos.

I had a suspect haldex controller when I had a generic map. That didn't seem to be a problem for them. However, I still rang beforehand to make sure it wasn't going to be a problem.

If you have a problem with the temp sensor, get it changed before the map!!!!

the temp sensor is often a cause of cars feeling slower, as apparently, it limits boost until the car is warmed up, so if the temp sensor is dodgy, you are very likely to have issues with it boosting incorrectly.

really, why pay £500+ for a remap if there is ANYTHING even possibly wrong with the setup?
Prawn said:
If you have a problem with the temp sensor, get it changed before the map!!!!

the temp sensor is often a cause of cars feeling slower, as apparently, it limits boost until the car is warmed up, so if the temp sensor is dodgy, you are very likely to have issues with it boosting incorrectly.

really, why pay £500+ for a remap if there is ANYTHING even possibly wrong with the setup?

Its near impossble to get it fixed before I take it to Jabba. R u sure that the temp sensor and thermostat will have that much effect on the car? because currently it feels fine and 50% of the time the Engine sign just disappears. Plus I wanna take it to Audi to have a look at the fault and my AC problem, if it's just a normal temp sensor then wouldn't Jabba be able to replace it?(doubt they'd have any spares) or wouldn't it be fine to keep it as it is and then correct the problem after?
vanilla_ice said:
I think the Jabba are the only ones to be answering these questions Defratos.

I had a suspect haldex controller when I had a generic map. That didn't seem to be a problem for them. However, I still rang beforehand to make sure it wasn't going to be a problem.


I'm surprised that they were able to map the car with such a problem, because AMD refused to re-map my bro's car because of this exact same problem (Haldex controller switch)
Why is it impossible to fix before mapping? you could probably pick up the coolant sensor at any audi dealer, and its a 2 minute job to pop it in place.

Personally (and this is just my opinion), if I had a known fault, that is KNOWN to affect boost in various circumstances, and I couldnt get it fixed before the car was due to be mapped. I would pospone the mapping until the car is ready for it.

its a bit like eating your meal raw because you need to pop out quickly! just cook it later when you get back, and go hungry for now. itll never taste so good raw (and could cause problems later on ;))
Prawn said:
Why is it impossible to fix before mapping? you could probably pick up the coolant sensor at any audi dealer, and its a 2 minute job to pop it in place.

Remember, Defratos pulled out his injectors thinking they were spark plugs :)

Sorry mate, couldn't resist!

Take the sender to jabba with you and they'll fit it before the first tho to check.

I had the wrong FPR on mine an they swapped that on the day.
direct link doesnt work, vag parts is annoying to link from! scroll down, i think its the green one you need.
is the temp sensor not on that list?

I searched coolant temp sensor, and i know he needs a green one.

Ill admit i was royally wrong on the location though! I must get mine changed before my remap, as i think it could be playing up, my car sometimes doesnt exceed 70 degrees even after 40 miles down the A3. i know its not being pushed, and air flow is high, but some times it takes forever to heat up! and before i had my turbo changed, some times it would boost 15 psi, some times it would refuse to go over 12. so ill get mine changed asap.

feel stupid about the location now though!
That will most likely be your thermostat rather than the sensor. Both mine and my mates car's themostat was faulty. Damn engine took ages to heat up. Also engine temp drops during long low throttle runs.
Also the sensor is a dual item . Sometimes only half of it fails.
On my health check I had a coolant temp sensor fault come up and they simply said we suggested that you replace it soon. I said yes ok and then they worked their magic! :)
HTC said:
Remember, Defratos pulled out his injectors thinking they were spark plugs :)

Sorry mate, couldn't resist!

LOOOOOL oh **** man you remember that :lmfao: . That was like 2 and a half years ago when I first got my car. Really surprised you still remember, although you must admit I have improved over the years? as you may have seen my DIY habit on here every now and again :beerchug:
HTC said:

Dude you've hit the sweet spot, thanks for the perfect feedback info help :beerchug: passed by Audi on my way home from work and picked this up:

Only £27 Now all I gotta do is find the damn thing and change it, also reset it with Vagcom, thanks again dude really appreciate it :beerchug:
ok tried installing the thermostat yesterday but ended up breaking the clip that holds it together (couldn't see well) so I just about made it to Audi this morning with coolant spraying everywhere (I duck taped the old thermostat) so it leaks less but it sprayed everywhere. Anyway to cut the long story short I fitted the new one and here are the pics. Its very easy to do as well and it's gotten rid of my warning light (with vagcom) enjoy:

Yucky old one

Clean new one

Yeah baby!!

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