Facelift Dash Cams


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Jan 23, 2003
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Cambs, UK
What is the latest recommendation for a dash cam for the A3. Good quality rather than cheap.
Go pro hero 3+ I use

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I've seen a few posts from DJAlix recommending the Thinkware F800Pro and F770 as good, reasonably priced pieces of kit. Not used them personally though.
I have the older version of the thinkware cam. Can’t fault it. Except you have to use their Micro SD cards if you want to upgrade to a bigger card.

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Thinkwares very good as are nextbase. Depends if you want front only or front and rear?
I have researched this extensively as I have just had to purchase one myself. My thoughts are:

Thinkware F800 pro is a great choice but, expensive and hard to find a shop other than an online retailer that sells them (this was an issue for me as I wanted something reputable and I wanted to see it for myself).

Blackvue - 900s or 750s I went for the latter as I don't see a reason you would ever require 4K on a dash cam, most impacts will be in such a short distance that full HD will be more than fine. Furthermore, the rear view cameras on are exactly the same for both. Therefore, I opted to save myself roughly 150 quid and go for the 750s which gets very good write ups AND in my option has a much better night vision mode which is what I wanted it for. The downside is you have to buy the optional power-magic pro if you want to hard wire it, whereas the Thinkware has it integrated saving both money and time.
Reactions: Audi Bairn
As long as it can read a number plate and the resolution isn’t crap then it doesn’t matter what dash am you get. I’ve got a £50 Nextbase and it does both brilliantly.

Your insurance company couldn’t care less whether it’s 4k or low resolution as long as they can make out the number plate and footage.

BUT, feel free to fork out hundreds of pounds on something you could get for below £100.......and remember that in the event of a claim your insurance will still come to the same decision anyway as long as they can see the recording.

A dash cam is a dash cam regardless of the quality of the footage, if it can make out what has gone on in the event of a claim then that is ALL the matters, unless you want to impress your insurers with your 4K footage
Reactions: Phutters, Matt Titanium and Ron240
+1, why pay £300 just because you are fitting it in an Audi.
1080p discreet cylinder, hard wired including class 10 micro SD all for less than £40
It does depend on the reason you buy a dash cam. Insurance is one reason,but recording some of the journeys when I go on holiday to Germany and Switzerland is another. For the latter a higher resolution is better.
Reactions: Audi Bairn, Flosman and DJAlix
I have Viofo A129 DUAL with Cellink battery - it working in parking mode

But fitting cables in Audi is the worst part!
Are you referring to a particular dashcam? Linky please .
We are running four of these, no problems at all.

I bought my original one as a package with hard wire kit and 32GB card for £54

I've since bought more for the Mrs and kids, camera for as little as £32, extra socket to hard wire to a switched supply for £1.69 and SD card for £4.19

We are running four of these, no problems at all. WiFi with individual addresses. The phone App is not the best but once you have set up the video length and switched the sound recording off you don't really need it as the camera just switches on and off with the car and you just take the camera off the slide mount and plug it into your laptop to look at and download the videos.


There are similar 1080p cameras out there for as little as £20 but the Blueskysea B1W runs the same Novatek chip and Sony Cmos sensor than more exotic cameras and gets decent reviews. (search other B1W listings for a full description)


I used these sockets with the original chargers on three of the installs because I bought one hard wired charger that didn't work. These come with spade connectors and are easier to wire and test.


These are currently unavailable but similar Class 10 cards can be found.

Your choice and some will argue this is cheap carp but it does the job you can clearly read number plates, even at some distance, and costs less than most professionals will charge to get their trim tools out to poke the wire behind the headlining - which by the way is a dead easy job, all you need to do is pull the door rubber away to tuck the cable behind and pop the plastic side panel off the end of the dash to mount the charger.
Reactions: Audi Bairn and Phutters
Just to let you know that a number of our insurance schemes do offer premium discounts for the fitment of a HD dash cam.
Thanks for the detailed reply @Matt Titanium . It looks to be a good camera, especially given the price tag.

That's certainly one to consider. Thanks again.
Regarding insurance discounts for the fitment of dash cams.......I would be wary of accepting this because you could leave yourself open to potential problems in the even of a claim where the footage was for whatever reason unavailable.
It's the same as receiving a discount on your home insurance for having a working alarm....so what do you think would happen if a break in claim was made and you had neglected to set the alarm?
The discount is likely to be relatively insignificant anyway, so in my opinion would not be worth the risk.
I have and always use both, but neither are mentioned on insurance.
Reactions: Audi Bairn, Phutters, AlS3BE and 2 others
very very valid comments @Ron240 and as you say, worth using both, but not declaring
Reactions: Ron240

In my hunt for cheaper car insurance I was playing on some comparison and Insurance websites for trackers and dash cams.
The ones that asked the question for dash cams were around £2 cheaper so pretty insignificant and most offered zero discounts on trackers.
It could be just me living in a low crime rate area with low insurance claims though. I can imagine somewhere else the tracker and dash cam could be mandatory.
Reactions: Ron240
I have the Audi ones - Yes they are expensive but I swapped them out for the ridiculously expensive GardX that the salesman had originally said he would get done only to find that when they had to redo the invoice because I was no longer trading in my old car a £600 charge appeared!! - Dashcams were something I wanted but literally only came available on the A3 a couple of weeks before I picked mine up - Fitted at PDI so get the 3rd year warranty as well

You don't need a backup battery and they are very neatly wired in
Thinkware F800 pro here, the night time setting and quality for parking mode / g sensors are the reason I splashed out more than a cheaper quality one.

If you want purely for insurance then a cheaper option is definitely the way forward, But if like me you're worried when your baby is parked up, then shelling out for a better quality camera is the way to go in my opinion.

The only issue with the Thinkware is the mobile app is absolutely awful, but fortunately the desktop version is much better.
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