S3 Races?

Irish said:
There's plenty of ways to stretch your cars legs without being a chav and causing grief for youself on the roads. Most people who have enough money to buy an S3 and run it know what I mean as you'll generally be that bit more mature and know how to handle the power your car has.

Good speech !!! I totally agree.

I did have a nice brief play with an E46 325ci and in fairness, he kept up quite well.
markwiggy said:
Lets try and keep this thread on track now.

Yeah I hope so. Out of all these posts there're only about 5 stories of S3s against other cars! lol And yes I know lots of the posts were me.

I drove the new type R today and it felt a bit sluggish after mine. Bedford Honda have 35 on order so anyone with an S3 in this area expect a few of them to try and have a shot against you!
staz1000 said:
I drove the new type R today and it felt a bit sluggish after mine. Bedford Honda have 35 on order so anyone with an S3 in this area expect a few of them to try and have a shot against you!

I had the old Type R ( same power) and it was a great car if you where in the mood for it but a pain in the **** if you were not. Your car has far more low down torque than the ''R'' so I would think that was why it felt a bit sluggish. Did you red line it into the V tech range ?? I swapped mine for a 20TQ and felt it was a far more usable car.

I totally agree, the Type-R is a great car, especially the new one, but you do have to be in the right gear all the time. Anything under 6-7KRPM and the car doesn't seem to go any where, but once it's past that mark, the engine note changes and it takes off. It revs like a motor bike.
hardcore Hallam said:
but you do have to be in the right gear all the time. Anything under 6-7KRPM and the car doesn't seem to go any where, but once it's past that mark, the engine note changes and it takes off. It revs like a motor bike.

Exactly !!
Don't take this the wrong way but I kinda know that. I had a CTR before myself. When I had my CTR I loved the top end power and when I drove a golf gti I loved the low down grunt but missed the high end thrill. Right now I'm struggling to decide whether to get the S3 or have a big house deposit or get something cheaper and have a smaller deposit. I figured the new CTR wouldn't disappoint but it did. Did I take it into the power band? Yes you're damn right I did. I couldn't really feel the kick or a surge of power like the last engine. I even said that to the guy and he said it's more prominant, maybe I was already above 5500rpm, er no, I know how to drive. I slowed down on the bypass, dropped to 4th, foot flat on the floor and it went yeah but not like I remembered. And definately no noticable kick. Maybe I missed it. 10+ times. The torque at lower revs has definately improved though. I guess I'm too used to the power in mine, but I still expected that high redline to blow me away.
Wasn't the whole thread supposed to be about racing your car on the streets in general and not just ragging it from the lights?

Silver75, owing to your ageist comments and name I am assuming that you have reached the grand old age of 30 plus rather than being a Rover driver...

It is truly mazing how good older blokes are at driving compared to youngsters isn't it M8.

I do think you might just be a hypocrite though...if you are the sort of bloke who "I drive to the limit in built up areas, but rag it where the road is de-restricted and it is approriate" , then it makes you no better than those you brand as chavs who floor it from the lights in what could be regarded as safer circs depending on the road.

I have been to literally hundreds of fatal and life changing accidents over a number of years, and I can safely say that the vast majority are in de-restricted or at least none-built up areas, and generally involve middle aged men as a component (I didn't say cause) of the accident.

You aren't holier than thou', and no better or worse than the youngsters who you say must be chavs to do what they do.

I gave up judging people a long time ago, people will do what they want anyway and it's up to them because they generally know the possible consequences.

staz1000 said:
Don't take this the wrong way but I kinda know that. I had a CTR before myself. When I had my CTR I loved the top end power and when I drove a golf gti I loved the low down grunt but missed the high end thrill. Right now I'm struggling to decide whether to get the S3 or have a big house deposit or get something cheaper and have a smaller deposit. I figured the new CTR wouldn't disappoint but it did. Did I take it into the power band? Yes you're damn right I did. I couldn't really feel the kick or a surge of power like the last engine. I even said that to the guy and he said it's more prominant, maybe I was already above 5500rpm, er no, I know how to drive. I slowed down on the bypass, dropped to 4th, foot flat on the floor and it went yeah but not like I remembered. And definately no noticable kick. Maybe I missed it. 10+ times. The torque at lower revs has definately improved though. I guess I'm too used to the power in mine, but I still expected that high redline to blow me away.

Staz mate, I wasn't trying to teach you how to suck eggs, it was a general comment about the Type-R, for people who haven't driven one.
I know what you mean about the late surge not living up to the hype. As it's normally aspirated it is impressive, but compared to a turbo, especially a Bluefined turbo, it's always going to feel a litle disappointing.
Would definitely buy a CTR and have a bigger deposit for your new pad, it's still a great car.
I test drove the new CTR before buying the S3. Have to say it was horrible. There are a lot better cars out there. The engine took forever to get going and then hit the redline without any real surge at the top. The ride was just plain poor on B roads - S3 is a limo in comparison. Some of the finishing touches inside were nasty - giving the LCR a run for it money. I used to own an ATR and that is still a better car than the new CTR - IMHO
normski said:
Wasn't the whole thread supposed to be about racing your car on the streets in general and not just ragging it from the lights?

Silver75, owing to your ageist comments and name I am assuming that you have reached the grand old age of 30 plus rather than being a Rover driver...

It is truly mazing how good older blokes are at driving compared to youngsters isn't it M8.

I do think you might just be a hypocrite though...if you are the sort of bloke who "I drive to the limit in built up areas, but rag it where the road is de-restricted and it is approriate" , then it makes you no better than those you brand as chavs who floor it from the lights in what could be regarded as safer circs depending on the road.

I have been to literally hundreds of fatal and life changing accidents over a number of years, and I can safely say that the vast majority are in de-restricted or at least none-built up areas, and generally involve middle aged men as a component (I didn't say cause) of the accident.

You aren't holier than thou', and no better or worse than the youngsters who you say must be chavs to do what they do.

I gave up judging people a long time ago, people will do what they want anyway and it's up to them because they generally know the possible consequences.


Jesus did I open a can of worms or what!?!
You're right Normski, When I posted the question, I never actually mentioned traffic light racing, it just kinda went in that direction. All I wanted to know was, how the S3 faired against other cars, when it was safe to put one's right foot down a little. By the way I'm 30 too :)
normski said:
Silver75, owing to your ageist comments and name I am assuming that you have reached the grand old age of 30 plus rather than being a Rover driver...

It is truly mazing how good older blokes are at driving compared to youngsters isn't it M8.

I do think you might just be a hypocrite though...if you are the sort of bloke who "I drive to the limit in built up areas, but rag it where the road is de-restricted and it is approriate" , then it makes you no better than those you brand as chavs who floor it from the lights in what could be regarded as safer circs depending on the road.

I have been to literally hundreds of fatal and life changing accidents over a number of years, and I can safely say that the vast majority are in de-restricted or at least none-built up areas, and generally involve middle aged men as a component (I didn't say cause) of the accident.

You aren't holier than thou', and no better or worse than the youngsters who you say must be chavs to do what they do.

:confused: what has this got to do with anything I posted? You have just posted a whole load of ******** based soley on assumptions
Sorry guys looks like i used a poor example of what freddiedog was asking and took the thread in the wrong direction! Forget traffic light grand prix's! Perhaps he's asking on Motorways from 50 - 70mph or so, how the car fairs against rivals?

I also would not say the Type R is a rival to the S3, to the 2.0 TFSI yes. S3 in a different league, its closest rivals are R32, Renault Megane F1, Seat Leon Cupra R to name a couple and maybe Focus ST.....
silver75 said:
:confused: what has this got to do with anything I posted? You have just posted a whole load of ******** based soley on assumptions

Plenty of assumption, but most likely all true...hence your big bite
I think what normski is trying to say is that the 75 in silver's username refers to the number of points he is likely to end up with by the end of his professional dealings with him.......:scared2:
No I never said the type R was in the same league cos of course it isn't. But I think the new type r already looks a bit chavvy and I have no doubt the 35 odd owners in bedford will think it's as fast as an S3 (which is what this thread is about lol). Last night I found out my mate knows one of the 2 owners who've taken delivery. He picked up my mate in it and drove him drove down a 30 limit road at about 60. Says it all. And this guy is training to be a copper!

But anyway although I can buy a CTR for about 10k less than an S3 I wouldn't. Great handling but I don't like the looks or that engine (anymore).
Any suggestions? We were talking about it last night and really I'm a fool if I buy an S3 and not put the money into a house. Still need a car though lol
New CTR cam change over has been lowered to ~4500 rpm so maybe you missed the change over? After a decent powered turbo though they are very dissapointing IMO. Look crap too!
staz1000 said:
But anyway although I can buy a CTR for about 10k less than an S3 I wouldn't. Great handling but I don't like the looks or that engine (anymore).
Any suggestions? We were talking about it last night and really I'm a fool if I buy an S3 and not put the money into a house. Still need a car though lol

I believe the S3 is good !!! He He

Just buy one , you desrve it after your job, you can still buy a house.
Sensible isn't always the best option. You only live once !! ( alledgedly)

markwiggy said:
I believe the S3 is good !!! He He

Just buy one , you desrve it after your job, you can still buy a house.
Sensible isn't always the best option. You only live once !! ( alledgedly)


Mark don't say things like that! lol I've all but convinced myself not to get it now!
staz1000 said:
Mark don't say things like that! lol I've all but convinced myself not to get it now!

S3,S3,S3. You know you want me !!! ( The car) What else could you buy, nothing else would satisfy for the money.

(sorry Staz)
I'd love to. I am in love with the car. But have pretty much decided to get an old Golf Tdi and a motorbike, then when I get posted back to UK I'll get a caterham 7. Unless I can save 35k by next april! lol 10k would be a good enough deposit for me.
markwiggy said:
S3,S3,S3. You know you want me !!! ( The car) What else could you buy, nothing else would satisfy for the money.

(sorry Staz)
Complete no-brainer. House every time, particularly in the current climate.

Head MUST rule heart here. You would live to regret not putting the money you spent on an S3 into a house. In a couple of years, the increase in equity of your property will underwrite the cost of an S3.

You know it makes sense, Rodney.
Obviously very different attitudes in the drivers of this forum!

I have only a few things to say... If you like to trash, burn and race other male egos in the road do it and enjoy it just don't try that on me and respect the ones who aren't thrilled about the traffic light rush!

Another thing you have to realise is that how I spend £30k on car is none of your concern and there are many ways of enjoying 265hp other than racing on the streets increasing the odds of accidents... I can have a tremendous accident on a quiet road, upsetting a tree and die but the probability of crashing on incoming traffic or running through a pedestrian is far lesser than busy streets or city.

Each one to its own, because most of you never had a "proper" accident or don't participate in "proper" races in a racetrack you feel the need of that adrenaline rush which is fine but it is not everyones cup of tea...

Please respect other opinions as I respect yours no one is right here, just different perspectives both valid, don't try to sell me yours though!

Having said all this I will drive my car fast lots of times but I will NOT race anyone on the road! Believe it or not I don't care...

Who are you directing your anger to Pedro?

I'm looking forward to moving back to this country so I can start doing some proper trackday stuff like yourself. I admit it's the best place for it.
newbiecrg said:
Obviously very different attitudes in the drivers of this forum!

I have only a few things to say... If you like to trash, burn and race other male egos in the road do it and enjoy it just don't try that on me and respect the ones who aren't thrilled about the traffic light rush!

Another thing you have to realise is that how I spend £30k on car is none of your concern and there are many ways of enjoying 265hp other than racing on the streets increasing the odds of accidents... I can have a tremendous accident on a quiet road, upsetting a tree and die but the probability of crashing on incoming traffic or running through a pedestrian is far lesser than busy streets or city.

Each one to its own, because most of you never had a "proper" accident or don't participate in "proper" races in a racetrack you feel the need of that adrenaline rush which is fine but it is not everyones cup of tea...

Please respect other opinions as I respect yours no one is right here, just different perspectives both valid, don't try to sell me yours though!

Having said all this I will drive my car fast lots of times but I will NOT race anyone on the road! Believe it or not I don't care...

It's not about trying to burn people's egos and we've established that it was a mis-understanding with the whole traffic light Grand Prix thing. No-one has even implied that they street race, if I have, then I apologise, that's not what I meant. As for the 'proper' accident, up until recently, I raced motor bikes at a high standard (British Supersports). So I know what it's like to have a 'proper' accident, also without the luxury of a car frame wrapped round me for sefety. Yes I am an adrenaline junky, and I know that's not everyone's cup of tea, but I don't put road users in any more danger than you do. I'm not trying to sell you anything mate, I'm just sharing my thoughts.
On a lighter note, have you picked your car up yet?
staz1000 said:
Who are you directing your anger to Pedro?

I'm looking forward to moving back to this country so I can start doing some proper trackday stuff like yourself. I admit it's the best place for it.

No anger at all Staz100, just politely giving my thoughts about the theme. :)
Freddiedog said:
As for the 'proper' accident, up until recently, I raced motor bikes at a high standard (British Supersports). So I know what it's like to have a 'proper' accident, also without the luxury of a car frame wrapped round me for sefety. Yes I am an adrenaline junky, and I know that's not everyone's cup of tea, but I don't put road users in any more danger than you do. I'm not trying to sell you anything mate, I'm just sharing my thoughts.
On a lighter note, have you picked your car up yet?

No worries my comment was general not personal. The proper accident was a road accident. I had both a big crash in the road and some at the race tracks... The road one just made me realise how small we are and that we are never in control, even if we think we are... I could have died that day if I didn't had good car control what I could not expect was a big trailer parked on a motorway slip road (it was a big sweeper corner were you could do 100+mph (I was only doing 70mph though...completely my fault but have done that over 100 times until that day...)

I'm still an adrenaline junkie and I'm sure we are very similar drivers and try to be safe an not put others at risk while enjoying high speeds, etc.

My car is ready for collection since Monday but this week I'm working away so only next Wednesday I will drive my baby! At last!

No anger here, just plain healthy discussions as the forum is intended to.

Good thread though!

My S3 still hasn't been delivered, so no "races" yet. Nevertheless, my brother still has a lot of drivers trying to test his S3 mk1. Last time, he was pretty sad, a bmw 535d gave him a lesson. It was in a straight, and that S3 had a few months of low revs, he had surgery... Totally different cars, but it was a beating. Seat leon's TDI are also feisty drivers but no match in there...
I know where both sides are coming from. In my eyes theres no wrong in flooring it now and again when the roads clear but its all about limits. Im also positive that a lot of peoples definition of 'racing' is vastly different. Racing to me is a little blast of 2nd and 3rd if behind someone who boots it or dropping it on the motorway for a bit. When adrenaline takes over and its your ego your showing off and not your car, that it gets dangerous.

While out driving a new S3 a few nights ago i was on the motorway and a GTI came a bit too close for my liking so i dropped it and watched his car get smaller in my rear view......only a GTI but still good craic !
Mo said:
When adrenaline takes over and its your ego your showing off and not your car, that it gets dangerous.

Precisely, my point.

Mo said:
While out driving a new S3 a few nights ago i was on the motorway and a GTI came a bit too close for my liking so i dropped it and watched his car get smaller in my rear view......only a GTI but still good craic !

Nothing wrong with that...

aiculedtzu said:
This Saturday i will take my S3 to a drag racing event for the first time. I'll keep you posted.

Wish me luck :)

I'm back and although i couldn't get a decent start (need more practice) my car was faster than:

- Nissan 350Z - stock
- Subaru Impreza WRX STI - 2004 - looked stock to me
- Honda S2000 - full racing exhaust, cold air intake, racing clutch
- some tuned Honda Civic's
- Alfa Romeo 164 V6 Turbo

My best time was 13.836 sec @ 101.64 Mph. I'll post some pics and movies as soon as i get them downloaded from my camera.
Thanks Al, just make sure you run it in properly :)

Also i have a question to all the S3 /A3 2.0T 4x4 owners: What is the correct RPM to launch the car?
Funny, I have the exact same question! Tried around 3000 RPM a couple of times but did not managed a good start and far from the 5.7sec 0-100 km/h... Probably needs more practice but trying to save clutch! Lol!!

Also another one for you does your secong gear reaches 100km-h (62 mph)? At what rev?

Hi Pedro, i'm glad to see that your S3 has finally arrived.

Regarding the starts, i would say 3.000 rpm is way too low. On my first attempts, i tried to launch the car from 4.000-4.200 rpm but after i side slipped the clutch the revs dropped to around 1.500-1.800 rpm where is practically no boost. On my final attempts i launched the S3 from ~5.000 rpm and the revs dropped to around 3.000 rpm, which is decent but far from perfect.

The ideal situation should be that after you release the clutch the revs shoud drop to around 4.000-4.500 rpm. Here is a video made by a fellow countryman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL3RObldLOM

I'm very pleased with the performance of the S3, is only 0.4 sec slower on the quarter mile than a Mitsubishi EVO9 with ecu remap and racing clutch. And with a good start i think those 0.4 sec become only 0.2 sec.

P.S. I shifted in 3rd gear at ~6.500-6.700 rpm and i didn't reach 100km/h.
aiculedtzu said:
Thanks Al, just make sure you run it in properly :)

Also i have a question to all the S3 /A3 2.0T 4x4 owners: What is the correct RPM to launch the car?

I was launching my car at 4500rpm when i was at santa pod.

I got 14.44secs which wasn't too bad although i would have liked to get nearer the 14seconds mark.

It was 25degrees outside when i ran so it was rather hot which increase charge temperatures.
When AutoCar did the review on the new S3 they stated it would only reach 59mph in second gear.

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