Tempur 'memory foam' Mattress


Looking for Boost!
Staff member
Sep 4, 2003
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Solihull, Midlands
Ok, does anyone else have one of these?, I recently purchased one from recommendation of a friend, as I have lower back problems and the missus wanted one anyway.
Not too sure if they are comfortable or not(i've had mine 3 weeks), as since the last week of illness, I've not found it comfortable to get along with to recover.
It uses spaceage technology(apparently) in the form of memory foam, and it actually moulds into your body's shape, so when you first lie down, you quite literally sink into it, as it makes an indent of your body into the bed, so this makes it difficult to shuffle a couple of inches to one side, once you are settled, as you are actually sunk into it lol. Once i've fallen asleep though, I've slept through the night, so it must be working!
So anyone else with one of these, I'd like some feedback and opinions.
Yeah had one for about 9 months now, got it off Ebay though as the ones advertised on telly are around £1k for a king size, see mine here £300 ;)


Need to get one with a foam base as well, not the sprung base.

I have slept better than ever on mine and I don't sink as much as you said JoJo as I opted for the firm version.

All in all I it is 100% better than our last matteress.
I've got one as well had it for a couploe of years and love it.

We went for the thickest version though. Brillant, most comfortable matress I have ever slept on but it did some a bit of getting used.

We have the pillows as well but we hate them!

Can't recall the make, but we all have memory-foam ones in our house :)

I had back and shoulder pains, but most are all gone now, and i don't think it's a coincidence ;)
I think it takes a few weeks of getting use to also, but me being poorly has made me a bit sensitive to my environment, like every little thing around me becomes annoying. I weight something like 15st, so it definitely sinks in for me lol, my missus is like 7 1/2 st(Yes I'm a fat ****** that's twice the size of my wife!), and the bed hardly twitches when she's on it.
Have one too - it takes getting used to, but you will enjoy the most comfortable sleep ever once used to it.

Took me about a week .......
I have a combination one - normal sprung mattress with a couple of incehs of memory foam on top.
I'll sleep anywhere but the missus suffers from a bad back and hasn't been impressed with this mattress. Looking at getting a tempur one next.
How do the tempur copies match up ? Are you just paying for the tempur name?
I bought one just before christmas, delivered in january, like most have said, it took me a couple of nights to get used to. But now I wouldnt go back.
I used to wake up every morning with an ache in my side, under my ribcage. Not anymore.

I must have been through about 4 cheapo beds over the last 7 years, although the last time was a silent night matress, but it was way too noisy, the springs inside used to creak when you moved on it. No good when you have a little one who is a light sleeper.

In the end I got sick of laying there trying not to move and wake her up so we went out and bought a new one.
We actually bought a Queen size one which cost a few ££, but it should last for ages so I'm happy.
Can someone tell me if the tempur mattresses are any hotter than normal ones...particularly in the summer? We've been considering one to go on top of our existing solid base with drawers and its the only thing putting us off. Also where is the best/cheapest place to buy from, I'm in the Herts/Cambs area, on line, Ebay shop etc?
have you considered a water bed, moulds to you the same as the memory foam but doesn't hold a shape so if you move it reacts instantly. also you can set the temp so it's warm in winter and cool in summer
you lot are alright i get home so pis-ed most nights i have to sleep in the dog house, talk about aches and pains !
My grandfathers advice to me: "Buy a good bed, and good shoes, because if you aren't in one, you're in the other"
Stringster said:
I have a combination one - normal sprung mattress with a couple of incehs of memory foam on top.
I'll sleep anywhere but the missus suffers from a bad back and hasn't been impressed with this mattress. Looking at getting a tempur one next.
How do the tempur copies match up ? Are you just paying for the tempur name?

As said in my post I paid about £300 for mine of Ebay and it is top class.

I have to agree with marriedblonde though, we also have the pillows and they are way to hard for me so sleep with a nomal pillow, don't have any neck or back pain anymore, unless I am well drunk in which case I sleep like ali bongo!
my dad got a copy one from ikea. alot cheaper seems hard to me to sit on but he likes it.
I have a Simmonds one that was over a grand, found it a bit difficult to get used to but you get there in the end, just keep at it. The pillows are a different story, I think your head needs to weigh about 20kg to make an impression on them, I don't use mine. I prefer a 3 quid sainsburys one that I can replace every 2 months.
Another good thing is you don't get dust mites in a foam mattress.
hey sorry to bring this back up but i'v been lookin for one to i'v got the pillows and man do they get hot once you put your head on them but anyway about the matteressessss(sp):confused:

well heres a link to some company i was going to by from havent got one yet and other prioraty's have taken over atm

Well... into my 4th week with a week of illness in between, it's comfy for sure, but I do seem to get quite hot, nothing todo with the fact that I'm a fat bar-steward though lol.
jojo said:
I got the genuine item from this place http://www.back2.co.uk/ , they don't offer the 60 night trial and there is no refund option, but they are cheap!(still more expensive than other brands though!)

SOmeone out there is flogging second hand mattresses on ebay - ugh :puke2:

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