steering lock/crook lock/handbrake-gear lock...



Does anyone still use these???

I mean obviously it's not recommended that anybody replies saying "No I don't use one!" But I'm sat here on a sunday afternoon and just flicked the telly over and traffic cops is on (BIG fan) and the cop said about how the problem of theft of extremely high powered cars is increasing...

I was just thinking about this, I keep my car garaged and out of site, and I have an old steering lock I use that was bought for me by my mum when I first passed my driving test. I use it all the time, 5 seconds to put on, 5 seconds to take off, and there's no guarantee that mine specifically can't be ripped off easily, but thieves just don't carry the kind of tools needed to remove these prehistoric yet extremely effective car-theft deterrents.

I appreciate this probably won't be such a "busy" thread... but maybe it's something to think about
The Disklok seems to be the current best visual deterrent, juts make sure you order the correct size for your steering wheel i.e. not too big.
Don't use one myself but I see plenty of desirable cars that do use extra locks as you have. Most people tend to believe the insurance will pay for any theft and yes they do but it's so much inconvenience when it happens, not to mention the hike in premium when renewal comes around.
Keep using yours Mr t8dpr
Stop lock pro.

For the minimal effort it takes to put on and off, it may just keep the car in my possession.

Yes stuff can be replaced but the amount of admin and over all cost is a still a **** load to the poor ******* left looking at the empty space on the road.
it really is a hassle, I see many nice cars around here and while its not an awful area, people will travel for some of these cars and I often think "you're crazy leaving it out overnight seemingly completely unprotected, and a (several quid a month) tracker is one thing but does anyone wanna see their car returned 45 minutes later with (cop-stung) 4 flat tyres and £4000 worth of damage?

those guys at disklok own some stunning cars by the way ;)

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