Penalties for using phones and other hand-held devices while driving to increase


Grumpy Old Man
May 26, 2003
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I suspect this is just another PR campaign with nothing to back it up in the way of detection and enforcement.

But it really does need to happen. It's one of the most dangerous things a driver can do.
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You are right it does need to happen, no excuse to use a phone whilst driving anymore

Most cars have bluetooth now, and if not handsfree kits are cheap enough.

If you have to use your phone when driving at least make sure its handsfree

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Just been out this morning and I have seen 3 people on mobile phones whilst driving. Two of them were on the motorway.
Unless they really go out of their way to enforce this people will just carry on . Six points and a £200 fine is a step in the right direction.
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If that doesn't stop anyone on here messing with their phone whilst driving, I don't know what will.
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When I am driving, my phone is bluetoothed to the car and then either in my pocket or the centre armrest. Dont have to have it in my hands to answer a call if one comes
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My absolute pet hate, the possible consequences of this lazy arrogance are horrific. Just don't do it.
The AA recommends you don't use your phone at all, even with a hands free kit.

My company doesn't allow us to take or make a call whilst driving.

Get caught on the phone twice while driving and you will lose your licence - The Independent

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It should be a 12 month ban for 1st offence no excuse, in this day driving needs to have complete attention at all times.
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It should be a 12 month ban for 1st offence no excuse, in this day driving needs to have complete attention at all times.

100% agree, if you are caught with your phone in your hand whilst moving, you should be fully punished
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Absolutely horrific!

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Totally horrific. I use this clip with my seniors in school to challenge their point of view regarding fines and punishment.
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i do a 20 mile motorway commute every day and probably see 10 people a day more engaged with their phones than their car - and those are just the ones i see!

i was caught a earlier this year myself and after attending a training course have seriously altered my own behaviour - it's easy after years on the road to think you can do 10 things at once, but taking your eyes off the road is the one thing you should never do

it makes me really angry now when i see others, and i wish there was something you could do to report people
Perhaps controversial but is it really such a big deal? From the article:

"Department for Transport figures show that a driver impaired or distracted by their phone was a contributory factor in 492 accidents in Britain in 2014, including 21 that were fatal and 84 classed as serious."

Motoring accidents in 2014 totalled 146,322 so 492 phone related ones is just 0.33%. Perhaps "they" should concentrate on other stuff eg the other 99.67%

I don't use my phone in the car btw, just highlighting how some things get blown up by the press and others.

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Perhaps controversial but is it really such a big deal? From the article:

"Department for Transport figures show that a driver impaired or distracted by their phone was a contributory factor in 492 accidents in Britain in 2014, including 21 that were fatal and 84 classed as serious."

Motoring accidents in 2014 totalled 146,322 so 492 phone related ones is just 0.33%. Perhaps "they" should concentrate on other stuff eg the other 99.67%

I don't use my phone in the car btw, just highlighting how some things get blown up by the press and others.


Fair point, but 105 either fatal or serious accidents that could of been completely avoided if the driver just didn't look at there mobile phone is still ridiculous to me, regardless of how small of a proportion it is against total accidents....

I would imagine a large proportion of the other accidents involve a myriad of different variables and circumstances, for which attempting to solve would be a near impossible task involving greater education, driving skills and general awareness over a number of years.

Telling people to not drink or put down their ****** phone on the other hand, is slightly more manageable....
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I totally agree that using a mobile phone when driving is dangerous. I've seen too many drivers use a phone on the road and how badly it affects their driving.
I want a ban from driving if caught using a phone on the road. There's no excuse for not pulling over and stopping in a safe place to answer a mobile phone call or read text messages or scroll your playlist etc.
The other thing that annoys me is how many drivers break the rule book when driving on the road, showing Iittle or no consideration for other drivers at all, and putting over people at risk... you wonder how on earth they passed their test!
Have a think about the people you encounter who're on the phone as you go about your business. Watch them as they pass you on the pavement or in the supermarket aisle. Consider the way they're preoccupied, unaware of their surroundings, the other people in their immediate vicinity. the way they gaze unfocussed into the middle ground (always assuming they're not staring straight at the screen).

Now add two tons of unguided missile to that equation.
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i agree a ban no messing with fine and points have the car towed away there and then also if some ie member of gen public manages to record or photo someone on there phone the same shold apply
Perhaps controversial but is it really such a big deal? From the article:

"Department for Transport figures show that a driver impaired or distracted by their phone was a contributory factor in 492 accidents in Britain in 2014, including 21 that were fatal and 84 classed as serious."

Motoring accidents in 2014 totalled 146,322 so 492 phone related ones is just 0.33%. Perhaps "they" should concentrate on other stuff eg the other 99.67%

I don't use my phone in the car btw, just highlighting how some things get blown up by the press and others.

Only 492 accidents that proved to be attributed to using the phone, I suspect there is a lot more where a phone is to blame but not ever proved.
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