The time as come im selling guys


Registered User
Aug 11, 2010
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hi everyone a lot know me and a lot don't but the time as come for me to sell iv just got my own plc with the fiancée and hv a baby on the way due in 3 month so need a family car now, drop the tools and the modding for nappies and toys haha.

wanted to say thank u for all your help guys over the past 6 year and for putting up with my spelling and how I write

sad day for me to be putting it up for sale specaily after iv just finished a build and had it mapped again .

so I'll be posting in the for sale chat classifieds, auto trader maybe, piston heads so on anyone here wanting to know spec and hv pics mail me can sort something out, letting go of a car I hv 15k in is deverstating but needs be family comes first. hope u all hv a great life and a good Christmas and new year.

I'll stick around and pop on now and then see how u all are doing and check your builds out
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Reactions: superkarl and Sandra
Gazz congratulations on the expected arrival. Whoever buys your car will be getting a fantastic, well looked after car. As you say. Family comes first. Don't be a stranger. Have a fantastic Christmas :)
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Reactions: s3gazz and Clart
Congratulations Gazz.

You've always been friendly on here, and you've certainly entertained us all :)

All the best with the new car and family mate :)
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Reactions: s3gazz and Sandra
iv just got my own plc with the fiancée and hv a baby on the way due in 3 month so need a family car now
Yeah, need something practical with lots of space... maybe like this:
8404658214 dc8a7979dd b

Best wishes for you and yours!
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Reactions: s3gazz, Sandra and Nilz
Dont sell it dude!!!

I had mine when the little one was born....he is 6 now and I still have it :) ( the car I mean)

Any ideas on what you want to go for next??
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Reactions: s3gazz, Sandra and Essflee
The S3 is the perfect family car, you got looks, performance and a bit of space for the kids. I bought an X-Type when my little one was born and soon found it had less space than the S3, Plus with the S3 the kids can't fling the back doors open onto a lamp post

Congratz Gazz and good luck

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Congratulations M8! >.<

You'll be back though... :)
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My boys now 2 and a half and never had problems for space apart from going away with cases and prams, just had to chuck the pram on the back seat, would be impossible with 2 children though in that scenario,

Makes little man laugh too when I give it a little bit of boost in 2nd gear, just enough to push him back , lol
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Reactions: Nilz, s3 Hoggy, s3gazz and 2 others
thank a lot for the messages guys will miss u all hehe.

cars on my mind are either a BMW 3 or 4 series, VW gold diesel, Nissan Navarra, or the worrior, A4 would love a s4 lol

You'll definitely be back >.<
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when I collected my first from hospital you didn't even have to wear seat belts in the back of cars, if they were not fitted, so it was carry-cot sliding around on the back seat of the maestro - space for prams and changing bags pah

good luck with the new one.
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Reactions: Sandra and Nilz
Good luck dude! I've just bought an M135i and yet to receive it! It's a brilliant car though!
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Reactions: voorhees, s3 Hoggy and Nilz