2.0 BKD Squeak


Registered User
Oct 5, 2015
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My cars developed a squeak on the way back home (30 miles) a few days back. It was very wet on the way back so I just thought maybe some water had got under a belt?? Turning on the engine today, the squeak is still present and its present throughout the rev range. Any ideas guys? Is the car still drive-able?

Oh and here is roughly where its coming from.
Apologies for the god awful formatting, the car is currently on 79k miles, and it's had a cambelt kit and water pump on 68k miles
Hello most likely will be the alternator clutch pulley belt? i think thats what its called. Its located where you put the red circle on the pic.
Mine would squeak loud when engine is cold and get abit quieter when engine is warm.
Bought a new one from BBC for something like £6.
Reactions: SnazzyWafles
That's the cambelt cover circled, may just be the plastic cover touching the cambelt,, wiggle the cover all around as far as you can with the engine running and see if the squeak goes. Of course, make sure you are aware of the other moving parts before you stick your hands anywhere.
Other causes- The alternator belt is at the bottom of the engine in front of the cambelt, no covers on that. It drives the Aircon compressor and alternator and is likely to be either the belt it's self , one of the pulley bearings or tensioner.
Forgot to say, if you have no knowledge of working on cars then a local garage is the place to go.
Reactions: SnazzyWafles
Thanks for the replies, I'll take a look today. Will probably be a garage job in the end. Anyone got any suggestions for a garage in preston area? Im thinking ADS?
Awesome GTI are in South Manchester. They are VAG specialists and know all about our cars.
Ended up going to ADS as it was close and I didn't fancy risking a long drive. Boy was I lucky! The runner on the alternator snapped off just as they where loading the car onto the ramp. Luckily nothing was damaged. All sorted now, and would really recommend them to others! Great bunch of guys!
Warning, highly technical diagram incoming. Only proceed if you are an expert.

The the black thing that has the belt on it fell off. Just completely came off. The internal "gubbins" of it were all chewed up.

Aha, the black thing and the gubbins, yes got it.
At least you know know now.
Guess you mean the pulley wheel !!

Jeez, never heard of one of those breaking off before :-/
Yeah came clean . . . well to be honest it made quite a mess, but straight off. All sorted now though

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