yourAudi - Track New Car Order

I guess that our "VW side of the dock" hypothesis will be answered as well. Can't say I won't miss tracking my fleet when all this is done. Will go through the same process again when my other half changes her car later in the year!

Yeah I though that too, until I looked on YouTube and found videos of Audi's being loaded from that side of the dock!

I'm going to miss my "fleet" too haha, I will try to check in on them every now and then maybe lol
Well coincidentally my car moved from status 20 to 21 over night. This was after exactly 3 weeks of waiting.

I am in Manchester so would be amazed if its not coming into Grimsby!
Although I have watched videos of VWs and Audis being loaded onto the same boat.
I am in Manchester so would be amazed if its not coming into Grimsby!

Yeah I'm Manchester area too.

Which bit do we think is the VW section? The bit on the right?

Although I have watched videos of VWs and Audis being loaded onto the same boat.

I don't think they are segregated as much as I initially thought. The VW plant is West of the port so I assume most vehicles there are VW. They probably distribute other brands there too though depending on the shipping.

Nope, still on code 38
I didn't get to code 38 till 8/4 so mine must be coming on the next boat, I'll continue to track ships by myself haha.

I am in Manchester so would be amazed if its not coming into Grimsby!

I'm from near Manchester aswell so expecting mine to come into Grimsby.
Nope, still on code 38
I didn't get to code 38 till 8/4 so mine must be coming on the next boat, I'll continue to track ships by myself haha.

I'm from near Manchester aswell so expecting mine to come into Grimsby.

Just picked up an email from my dealer letting me know that my car was on a ship this morning, presumably the EMS Highway! (hats off to wagster for post 1051!).
Reactions: Wagster
Just picked up an email from my dealer letting me know that my car was on a ship this morning, presumably the EMS Highway! (hats off to wagster for post 1051!).

Nice! Great communication from the dealer too. I haven't heard a peep from mine and my car due to be with them in the next couple of days. I only found out by chasing it with Audi CS
Has yours moved at all? Mine is still stuck on stage 20! It's been 19 days and counting... Based on previous peoples experiences I was expecting to be further ahead than this by now.
Mine just moved into the panel shop about yours? Quite pleased but a tiny tiny bit disappointed it won't be the facelift version!
Mine just moved into the panel shop about yours? Quite pleased but a tiny tiny bit disappointed it won't be the facelift version!

Mine moved to Panel Shop over night as well. However, I dealt with the disappointment of it not being a FL by cancelling my current order and agreeing with my dealer to swap to an FL when the orders open next month.

Pleased with my decision but frustrated I may have to wait till August or even Sept if I decided to hold back for the 66 plate.
Odd, my cancelled order has also made its way into body shop overnight, having been in status 20 since the 22nd. I wonder, given the extraordinary delay in stepping through to build, if it's now one of the first facelift models.
Mine went to Status 20 on the 24th and only went into panel shop over night as well. Spoke to Audi UK yesterday and they insisted that only cars with build weeks 26 or higher will be the new FL. All those built before the 26 will be the PFL.

I was wondering the same as you and wanted to check before cancelling my current order
Just picked up an email from my dealer letting me know that my car was on a ship this morning, presumably the EMS Highway! (hats off to wagster for post 1051!).

Happy to be of help, pity mine is still waiting at Emden
I'm currently tracking the following 21 ships. I thought I would post them on here to help others in the future. They all have been to the VW/Audi loading areas in Emden.

1 African Highway
2 Gran Canaria Car
3 Weser Highway
4 Schelde Highway
5 Ocean Highway
6 City Of Rome
7 Neckar Highway
8 Verona
9 Emden
10 EMS Highway
11 Green Cove
12 Dionysos Leader
13 Liberty Ace
14 City Of Oslo
15 Hoegh Delhi
16 Elektra
17 Hartland Point
18 Grande Amburgo
19 Clover Ace
20 Hoegh Bangkok
21 Metis Leader
Reactions: RYes3

EMS Highway just left Grimsby for Emden. African Highway currently en route to Sheerness for you boys down South.
Our new one has just left the factory so should arrive about the end of the month. Earlier than expected but not bothered one way or the other, just glad to see it arrive at some point.
Mine's finally changed to order status 38!!! Tracker still not showing it being on a boat.

Does this mean it's on African Highway which left for Sheerness last night? Or, perhaps being loaded onto Gran Canaria which is sat at Emden? I guess I'll find out later once Gran Canaria updates its destination.
Reactions: RYes3
38 is at the port, this for me was the longest wait, 7 or 8 days including code 30 (on train).

It's usually a couple of days after you go code 38 that you get on the boat. Keep tracking everything that leaves Emden and then check your tracker each morning. It updates at 00.07 am but I am unsure of what time zone. I checked at 01:07 this morning and mine hadn't change yet just now it has. If yours changes to 39 the day after a boat leaves, that's your boat!
Reactions: StevoGuide7

Status 40 this morning so the ship tracking is over! (now if only there was a way to track car transporters?!) My dealer reckoned that my car should be processed through the dock and with the distributor by Monday but then we are at the mercy of the transporter company, the default 7-10 days has been mentioned so fingers crossed for a quicker delivery.

Here are my status code dates from QC onwards;

"orderStatus": "40",
"statusDate": "2016-04-15T01:07:44+0100"

"orderStatus": "39",
"statusDate": "2016-04-14T01:07:38+0100"

"orderStatus": "30",
"statusDate": "2016-04-05T01:07:29+0100"

"orderStatus": "24",
"statusDate": "2016-04-04T00:00:00+0100"
Reactions: RYes3
Mine was code 30 for 18 days. What was it doing then if it wasn't at the port? On the slowest train ever??

Yep, sad times as I empty my fleet haha

Here is my codes

[orderStatus] => 40
[statusDate] => 2016-04-15T01:07:44+0100

[orderStatus] => 39
[statusDate] => 2016-04-14T01:07:39+0100

[orderStatus] => 30
[statusDate] => 2016-04-06T01:07:42+0100

[orderStatus] => 24
[statusDate] => 2016-04-04T00:00:00+0100

[orderStatus] => 23
[statusDate] => 2016-04-02T00:00:00+0100

[orderStatus] => 22
[statusDate] => 2016-04-01T00:00:00+0100

[orderStatus] => 21
[statusDate] => 2016-03-31T00:00:00+0100

[orderStatus] => 20
[statusDate] => 2016-03-17T01:10:30+0000

[orderStatus] => 10
[statusDate] => 2016-02-02T01:08:05+0000
Nice! Great communication from the dealer too. I haven't heard a peep from mine and my car due to be with them in the next couple of days. I only found out by chasing it with Audi CS

Yeah, really happy with the service from the guy I'm dealing with, when he has had info he has passed it on. Popping into the dealer next week to finalise paperwork in advance of delivery, getting very real now !!
Well spoke to my dealer this morning as my tracker is still showing 38, all she can see is that my car is released to ship but no other details. She did tell me that it their cars go into Tyne so my hope of it being on the Verona that left yesterday and due in Tyne today is a no go and at the moment no more vessels due in Tyne from Emden for at least 5 days as I can only see 5 days in advance

Aah gutted. It's weird, 5 days is nothing in reality but when you have something like this that you can keep checking it seems to take an age!
Aah gutted. It's weird, 5 days is nothing in reality but when you have something like this that you can keep checking it seems to take an age!

5 days is a minimum as I can only see maximum of 5 days in advance of what vessel is due in to Tyne. For all I know there might not be another ship from Emden to Tyne for a good few weeks lol.

My car came to Sheerness, I found that African Highway and Gran Canaria are the 2 ships that frequent the Emden/Sheerness route the most
Reactions: RivieraS1
Going for another correct prediction wagster? You're pretty good at this!

Well i don't think mine will be on it unless they have decided to throw off at Grimsby instead of Tyne lol.
Reactions: RYes3
5 days is a minimum as I can only see maximum of 5 days in advance of what vessel is due in to Tyne. For all I know there might not be another ship from Emden to Tyne for a good few weeks lol.

When I was tracking my order to Tyne, I did notice that there would be no arrivals shown for a while, then the next day for example an arrival would have been added in for a few days later.

It is also worth noting, that there are a few transport vessels arrive in the Tyne from Grimbsy. I don't know if these vessels are double loading there deliverys.

Have a look here - I can see 2 deliveries from Emden and a few from Grimbsy too.
Reactions: Wagster

Thanks for that, now watching City of Barcelona and Autopride.
So is mine and it was released to shipping on the 8th April

Mine was released for shipping on the 8th aswell, I've been told it will be coming early next week hopefully.

Code 38 for over a week?!

Mine left quality control and went to 'In Transit' 3 weeks ago now on 26th March.

Why was yours in transit for so long? mine was at 38 the day after it left the factory.
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