Completely GUTTED!!!!


Registered User
Feb 23, 2006
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I was woken up by the boys in Blue last Saturday night/Sunday morning at 3;15 am.
"Morning Sir, Are you the owner of the Black Audi S3 Reg no ******?"
"Can you get dressed and come outside please?"

I throw on some rags and off i plod. Once outside i was shocked to see my whole car in a sorry state to say the least.
"WTF as happened here then?" i said,
"Now before you get to excited Sir we have your Neighbour as an eye witness and we actually caught them red handed with all your parts"

Now on closer inspection with the arresting Officer the damage became more apparent.....
Attempted Headlamp removal prizing againist bodywork,
Fog light removal again prized against bumper,
Headlamp washers prized out,
Both Polished Geniuine Mirrors removed and base plates/looms damaged,
Rear bumper insert prized away against bumper,
Scuff on rear N/S wheel arch where i think they may have tried to get close in another car before hand,

"Now how much damage has been caused here Sir?" the officer says.
"£800?" he suggests,
I say "That figure would just about get me a complete Mirror at Audi, and with all the paint damage you would be closer at around 2K mate"
"I know this is a top of the range A3 and these parts are probably stolen to order especally them mirrors you have".
"Ok" he says. "call us in the mrning and we'll give you a progres report"

Off i go back to bed thinking that Justice is taking place and the Police have actually came good for once. After all they have both an eye witness and caught them red handed.
I get a call in the morning from an accesser employed by the Police to come and check all the damage and another from the forrensic dept to do another once over.I find out from the accessor that the 2 guys are of a Eastern European nature and have decided that they know no English but manage to suggest they were drunk at the time, and the police are waiting for a translator to arrive later that Sunday.Mean while forrensic woman turns up and sprinkles the whole car in Aluminium dust. Great.
"If you call back in the morning we'll let you know whats going to happen" they say.

Completely fuming about the whole thing as i have no car as "It's not road legal" (copper said). Only owned her for a few months as well. So treated myself and the Missus to a Take away to sulk into. Whilst walking back from the Chinese at 10 pm Sunday night i get a call from the Police.

"Evening Sir, We have some progress news regarding the damage to your vehicle"
"Great" i say, "What's happening?"
"The 2 guys arrested have admitted guilty to removing parts from your car and said they are sorry as they where drunk and didn't know what they were doing"
"Yeah....and......", I say,
"Well they have no previous in this Country and we have had to let them go with a CAUTION"
Well you can imagine my response to that and what i did NOT call the Police force.
"So when can i get my property back then",I asked.
"it's with forrensics and they'll be in touch"
"Why is it with Forrensics if you havn't charged them and you probably took prints anyway,Right?"
"Yes we took Finger prints so i'll request to them that they have it returned at earliest the opportunaty"

Now this is where it gets more strange. So-called forrensics didn't return anything untill the following Sunday when the arresting Officer (the one at the start with his £800 estimate) comes round and gives me a piece of paper to sign and hands me two Mirror lenses from the mirrors themselves.
"Where the rest?" i ask,
"Thats all we found" he says.
"Thats strange" i say because on the night of the arrest you knew all about my car being "top of the range" and described to me the parts found,"especally the mirrors" and now you are only handing me the lenses"
"Well maybe you should have checked the bushes in case they stashed them in there" he said.
"But you said you caught them red-handedwith the mirrors and other parts" I said.
"so when did they have a chance to stash anything then?" i reply.
"I don't know they could of done it at anytime"
"Very stange as the most expensive parts have all of a sudden gone missing ay?.and I will be following this up as an offical complaint as my property seems to have vanished from the time of arrest and getting to the station".
"Ok Sir" and off he goes.

I have heard nothing since as the officer is working nights and can't call in the day apparently.

I then took Monday off work to sort things out at my local Audi dealer. I am fully comp business use insurance with Elephant and to rub salt in they tell me that the Audi dealer is not there approved garage and i have to take it elsewhere. I refused and stayed at the Audi dealer who then tried to offer me a FORD! and it was a KA!. By this time i was not very amused and stayed there untill they had a suitable courtesy car was available (10 mins). And guess what a new Sportback just so happed to materailise. I then get a call from Elephant telling me that my 4.5 years no claims are no more due to not having any 3rd party to claim againist for the damage.

So overall a very big waste off time and me the victim comes off worse for wear, now how do you work that out?

Sorry about all the "He said" "I said" stuff :-(((((((((
That sucks mate, muggy little theiving cu**s!!

Ive had trouble before, my last car got broken into and the police caught them redhanded also. All my stereo equipment was taken for fingerprints, had to attend court for the hearing and the arresting officer didnt turn up to court, theiving scum got away scot free.

No justice!!!!

Ps. Oh and it took me about 6 months to get my stereo back!!
A couple of C U Next Tuesday's, I'm totally gutted for you mate, really sorry to hear that happened......
yeah mate, sorry to hear that. I am also gutted for you. It's ****** that the victim suffers in so many ways!!! boils my ****. Good luck with teh official complaint, make sure you note down as many dates, times and actions as possible, so you do not forget anything that may help you in the future!

Good luck, and keep us posted of course!
gutted for you mate. Would definitley make a note of everything that went on and make a proper complaint. Maybe sell the story to the local rag. Good to see our council tax increase is being spent on donuts for the police.

Hope it gets sorted quickly mate.
$hits, Hope it's all sorted without too much fuss :mad:
Very similar to when i
a) had my mirrors nicked - was basically told they would have been stolen to order. And that i should look out on ebay to see if i could buy them back! Great advice!
b) had my laptop nicked from my flat - they found a guy with my laptop in the street a few days later (not quite sure how they did this!) and he claimed to the police that he was trying to return it to me. they didnt charge him because he claimed he was trying to return it to me! It was a mac and so my address stored on it. But it was about 4 days after the incident. Rubbish.

This is probably because they assume you'll have insurance and just claim.

Thats just p!ss poor I wonder if you could insist that they are charged with the crime, especially with the value of goods involved. They were drunk were they breatherlized? The police have obviously not shown due care with your property
If someone has no criminal convictions providing the crime is not serious in nature they are entitled to a caution unfortunately! Not the polices fault but guidelines set down by the Home Office and the CPS to try to sort overcrowding out in jails etc...

When property is seized by the police everything has to be entered onto a computer system so my advice is Duber to contact the Duty Inspector of the shift who was on at the time of coming out to your house on the night in question and ask him/her if you can come to the station and look at the screen to check exactly what was seized from your car and that will settle everything.

Somehow I think it might have been a slip of the tongue/excitement when he said "we caught them with everything" as I cant see the parts getting lost/stolen somehow
Really sorry to hear all this.

A lot of people seem to be thinking they 'got away' with a caution. A caution is not a telling off anymore, it's a full on criminal conviction that you have to declare on job applications etc (if either of them ever bother to get a job that is!).

It's not much, but thought you should know that it's still a criminal conviction and the police would have balanced getting a conviction now, or the risk of it falling through at some point if it went to court.

I share your pain though...
Thanks all, Still no progress though :-(((((. Personally i think once the arresting officer knew the worth of the mirrors he listed "wing mirrors" so i'm inclined to think that the term is used very loosely because he has indeed returned 2 mirrors from the wing of my car. Soooo in fact on paper he has gave me back my "Wings mirrors" but we all know they are not the expensive part in this case.

I've been thinking if the 2 guys were drunk then shouldn't have that alone been another charge? and if no other vehicle was involved then what the hell they doing on foot at 3am in my area as there is nothing around open at these times.

My Insurance called up today and requested that i have to pay an extra £20 a week to be covered on the A3 Sportback 1.9 TDI untill mine is ready and they are now questioning that scrapes along the side as they don't quite fit in with other damage claims......To be continued.

If they were shouting abuse and causing a disturbance to the annoyance of others then they could be charged with drunk and disorderly but being drunk in a public place at 3am.....thats most weekends for me coming in from a night out!

Just as Tooks rightly points out re the caution some people don't understand that evidence is what the police need. It may have been the case that yes your neighbours saw them but don't want to go to court and risk reprisals with the tow rags and refused to give statements to the police etc.

Therefore a caution is the only way to go as it would have got kicked out of court due to lack of evidence and they would have got away scot free!

I know this may sound stupid but have you had a VERY good search of the surrounding area? It may be the case they have stashed the stuff close by as they were taking it especially if they were drunk and caught at the scene.....worth a go!
Just had a good search around and guess what.............. Found a Chisel and a pair of grips/pliers stashed in a bush... mmmmmmmmm but no mirrors...
I know, I was 6 mths away from protected n/c. Had a word with elephant and they are now only going to deduct 2 years from it. A wee bonus i suppose.
Duber said:
I know, I was 6 mths away from protected n/c. Had a word with elephant and they are now only going to deduct 2 years from it. A wee bonus i suppose.

i thought that losing two years n.c.b. per claim was the norm

i have had my 2 previous cars stolen, and lost two years each time.
sorry to hear that mate. I hate the police. Only there to shoot,err i mean pull over innocent people and issue tickets.
I hope this matter gets resolved.
One word: Un-f*cking-believable.

Gutted for you matey, absolutely gutted.

Reassuring to know that we can pay our taxes and not be in the slightest bit safer or better off.

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