New turbo run in procedure?


Registered User
Feb 24, 2014
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Finally installed my head gasket, timing belt, water pump, aux belt, rocker gasket, egt valve, new oil and most importantly my new turbo. Tomorrow I will finish and fire it up

Is there a procedure I should follow as not to damage my spanky new turbo??
Crank the engine(unplug the coils) with the oil feed off the top of the turbo so there is absolutely no chance of oil starving it. Then once you get a flow of oil out the feed connect everything back up and fire it up
hmmm i dont think that is really an option for me as it is incredibly difficult to undo that banjo bolt in situ
Sucks to be you then doesn't it.

Umm, I guess you could just cross your fingers as a precaution?
Crank the engine(unplug the coils) with the oil feed off the top of the turbo so there is absolutely no chance of oil starving it. Then once you get a flow of oil out the feed connect everything back up and fire it up

To be honest I think this is a bit of a backwards way of doing things...

I'd squirt some oil into the turbo gallery before fitting it, then disconnect the oil return at the block and crank it (coils unplugged) until oil is nicely flowing out the return... That way you know for sure the turbo is full of oil before you start it

And Klappe is right, if you're not going to do any of this then you probably shouldn't be doing it at all
You can squirt oil into the oil feed hole on top of the turbo prior to fitment although this will drain out again but should at least coat the moving parts... then on first start you pull the injector plugs and turn the engine over a few times to get oil circulating and a bit of pressure up... once happy, reconnect the injectors and start engine... happy days... :)

Could I try syringe some oil down the pipe from the oil filter end

That would work yeah but tbh the bearings are pretty robust and if you do the start up procedure I suggest there will be plenty of oil in the right places for when you start the engine properly... the RPM's on crank are low so any wear will be next to insignificant...


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