Detailing in this cold weather


Drive safe, stay alive.
Jun 12, 2012
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Anyone have any tips for detailing in this cold weather?

Havent even had the chance to wash my car as its so cold. Can't imagine how Id polish or apply a layer of wax on my A3 at this temperature?!

Dont have a garage either to detail in :(
wash yes but wax i wouldn't i waxed mine yesterday with dodo juice orange crush soft wax and it wouldn't buff off just smeared so had to re wash and theres still some on there
wash yes but wax i wouldn't i waxed mine yesterday with dodo juice orange crush soft wax and it wouldn't buff off just smeared so had to re wash and theres still some on there

ah cheers mate, might just wash mine and pour some demon shine over it!
ive been washing mine every week and put turtlewax ice wax on twice over the cold weather with no problems buffed up great i am quite impressed with the wax
I wouldnt really class Turtlewax Ice Wax as a good wax though. Do not apply a descent wax in the cold as you will be wasting your time as you will have to remove as it will not buff off properly. Thats why if your friends with anyone on Facebook thats a mobile detailer, we all winge when its real cold due to this fact.
as above, hard waxes really wont work.
But you CAN give it a quick wax with a liquid wax of sorts.

I bought a simoniz wax from tesco for couple of quid, its called diamond i think. Blueish colour... its actually really impressive for a cheap liquid wax.
I did mine the other night quickly as i dont like leaving paintwork unproteced in the snow. serves the purpose and was very quick to apply and comes off very easy.
I just make sure it's had a good detail prior to the winter months, apply a good protective coating.. Then all I do is blast it with the power washer now and then. Nobody expects a spanking car in this weather really. And as above, now and then use a QD..

It's good enough for the winter IMO

However, on the flip side.. My mate asked me to detail his car for him the other week.. All I had was overhead cover from the rain, cold and wind that decided to spoil the day. I used Kleen Freaks wax and had no problem putting on and off..
wash yes but wax i wouldn't i waxed mine yesterday with dodo juice orange crush soft wax and it wouldn't buff off just smeared so had to re wash and theres still some on there

Can agree with that I got excited when I got my poorboys black hole and Nattys blue wax and applied it last month. As it became colder I couldn't get it to buff properly off the roof and looks terrible when really cold ... Doh! Will meguiars step 1 remove it when I apply it when it gets warmer? Hope so :)
Can agree with that I got excited when I got my poorboys black hole and Nattys blue wax and applied it last month. As it became colder I couldn't get it to buff properly off the roof and looks terrible when really cold ... Doh! Will meguiars step 1 remove it when I apply it when it gets warmer? Hope so :)

Spent a lot of the Easter weekend applying meguiars step 1, step 2 and step 3 as well as cleaning wheels with Mer wheel cleaner and sealed with wonder wheels sealing spray - results are OK but not brilliant - certainly used a lot of elbow grease trying to buff the step 3 at 2C.......think i will rewax in month after a couple of washes
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I bought the mer wheel wax as well. And meguiars step 1,2 and 3. Think il just try step 1 and 2 then give the nattys blue another bash when it's a tad warmer :)

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