Snapped coil


Registered User
Jun 29, 2006
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Hi all,
I wonder if anyone can shed any light on a problem I keep having. I have a 56 3.2 TT. In the past 6 months, I have had 3 coil packs go, and every time they SNAP in the engine. This results on a costly bill from the garage when they have to get them out. Pretty frustrating since the part is only about £35.
Has anyone else had the same issue? Is there a way to get these half briken coil packs out of the engine?
Update: for anyone else having a similar issue.....someone on a forum suggested some strong glue to bond the broken parts together, allowing the broken half to be pulled out.
I will give this a try!
Isnt there a special VW/Audi tool for removing coil packs, not sure if it will work on broken ones.
Sorry I can't help with your query blue03 but may I ask on why the coil packs keep snapping.
I had a snapped one, but the AA got it out for me, maybe worth using them, or any breakdown to remove the coil and you only pay for the part.