Urgent help required. MOT in the morning! Pink fluid leak


Audi A-Trizzle!
Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
Milton Keynes
Hi all!

Long time no see :happy: hope all are well.

I've been using the audi now n again but mainly driving my new car (Focus ST) have been prepping the car for sale (selling some bits getting it close to standard) any way i came home tonight with my MOT book for the morning and found a puddle of pink fluid!

Its quite a light pink (water was by the car so may have got diluted by the rain) and it doesnt really have a smell.

Coolant looks fine (orangey anyway not pink)
Brake fluid and PAS is a green colour so cant be that.
Dont think its washer water as thats mostly water anyway but i dont think ive used any pink screenwash.

any ideas? need to try and get it fixed even temporarily just to pass the MOT.

Im thinkin it could be gearbox or shocks?

weird tho as it just appeared today and hasn't been driven in about 3 weeks. (think my car is trying to say dont sell me :keule:)

urgent help appreciated.

Cheers lads :blush:
G12 engine coolant is pink so it'll be that. Your coolant bottle might look orange but what's in it should be pink.

ok cool thanks mate.

would rad weld or similar be ok to use? ill get it up on the ramp and have a look in the morning to look for the leak (tighten up joins etc) ive got a spare bottle of coolant aswell.

hopefully its an easy fix. easier now i know what to look for.

weird how it just started to leak randomly. has been fine for months and the puddle appears overnight.
dont put rad weld in it. fix the leak.

if it needs a radiator/coolant housing/hose then fit one as if you were keeping the car! a new radiator is a selling point, it proves to you buyer your not a tight ****.

radweld, jesus. if theres a scratch on the front wing you wouldnt paint the wing satin black prior to selling it. you leave it scratched or have it professionally painted. same here. fix it properly or not at all.
had to respond to this 3 years later... random login sorry mods but turns out it was some pink windscreen washer fluid that my gf sister put in the car and it got stuck on the tray underneath and slowly dripped out leaving a puddle... whoops!