i cannot ****ing believe what im reading...


Mar 28, 2010
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Liverpool/Southport. N west
Modern Warfare 2's Favela map pulled after Muslims claim offense | Games industry news | MCV

so are they going the remove the whole entire ****ing game because KILLING IS ILLEGAL. not to mention the range of ethnicitys in the game that there is wars with, could that be treated as racism. Are they going to remove HUMANS and replace them with blue gooey wobbly men so as not to offend anyone. Will they remove cerrtain weapons that, coincidently may have been the cause of someones death and therefore offend people.
if you got me started on this i'd probably get banned
yano what gets to me most, it adds to how ****ED UP society is nowadays. First we have people being actually sentenced to time and such from things said in Twitter and Facebook and all them. we have footballers doing it (no interest in football so dont know details), average joes, and other celebrities getting in trouble for things they say on a damn NETWORKING site. Now we have people out there pathetic enough to bother there useless lazy **** to complain about something sooooo tiny. How is something so small an issue to anyone, i do not get it. if this is the case then we can nit pick at alsorts like i did in the first post.

society literally cant do anything these days. This health and safety PC anti whatever 'free speech' world we live in is such utter crap.
Not being able to express a view on a website, not being allowed to put certain words in a VIRTUAL world bathroom.

in years to come WHAT THE ACTUAL **** ARE WE ALLOWED TO DO OR SAY?! where does this crap end?!
Totally agree Karl it's getting worse by the day, I can't bear to think what it's goin to be like in the future winds me up !
I was only having this conversation with a mate not so long ago my neice was in ours a few weeks ago singing songs from school and she was singing bar bar rainbow sheep apparently you can't sing bar bar black sheep any more, I mean c'mon what's all that about!
Oh no they can't have a frame in a bathroom
F***ing bull
Great map though not played it in ages
Think I might just stay in bed so I don't offend anyone on my day to day business. Mind you, that would probably be offensive to paralysed people :confused:
Someone had a pop at me the other day, saying you can't call it that, it is racist.

I was talking about a WIPE board. I am totally politically correct. I had to repeat, WIPE you cloth eared raghead, not WHITE.

Honestly, some people!
Someone had a pop at me the other day, saying you can't call it that, it is racist.

I was talking about a WIPE board. I am totally politically correct. I had to repeat, WIPE you cloth eared raghead, not WHITE.

Honestly, some people!
if it is/was a WHITE board, then why the **** cant you call it that.

it is a board

it is white in colour

it is a white board.

if someone said to me thats offensive, id say well you offend me, and probably lamp them. sad ****s
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Yes, it's very sinister what is happening in this Country, and not only in relation to 'free speech',,,,, it is not accidental or unintended, it is all part of the deliberate policy of oppression of 'dissent' from the masses........!!

If we really lived in a society were the overwheming majority of people welcomed (as is claimed) the 'enrichment', 'diversity', and Political Correctness, that goes with it,,,,,,,,, then it would not require these 'obscene abuses of power' by the state to enforce it...!! Would it...??
See Gary Linekar dropped a goolie when he saw two Muslim players celebrating a goal by praying to their god on the pitch, he said they were eating grass. ROFL Gary!
Using religion as a fascade to hide the fact that you are a total cnut is clearly the big thing at the moment. It is so offensive to the honest and respectful religious people, without even mentioning the non-religious people that seem to get ****ed up by it. In no way is this a reflection of Islamic followers, just a real world observation that an entire religion of people is being judged on the actions of a minority who are out of touch with the real world.

The sort of person who would complain about this simply cannot claim any moral high ground or reasoning for this; because as a religion of peace what were they doing buying a first person shooter game? Getting in some practice for their next sightseeing trip in London?

This sums up my opinion of religion in general -











Go on, ban me. I'm only telling the truth.
I'm not religious at all, and as much as things like this can also p*ss me off, I can't help feeling that its getting to a stage where if someone complains about something because it "offends" them religiously then its immediately dismissed and met with claims that its "PC gone mad" etc.

People complain about much smaller (non religious) things than this, with a view to getting them changed, but because its not religiously inspired its not seen as being (as) bad.
Looks like ill be barbequeing in a hot place with a boner demon then.With asbestos socks.
Ha ha ha....Jesus sets fire to a school bus...and boner... Lol