Got her remapped!


Registered User
Apr 11, 2011
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Got the S3 mapped on Saturday, base map put on, then fine tuned on the road , then a 15 minute drive , back and checked on vagcom and A final wee adjustments made. What a difference it made, totally transformed the car to what Audi should have done to the car when it left the factory. I also have B5 tip fitted.
Monday she was put on a trackday in mondello park. 5 laps in the damp which were great, 5aps when it dryed up which were good, and another 5 when the heavens opened up, which was brilliant. The car really impressed me.
I had the EPC turned off at this stage and was well able to control some power slides/drifting, such an easy car to handle Happy bunny with it so far.
Well done buzzer! Glad to hear ur smiling! What's ur power figures?
Didn't get a figure. Dropping back to him on Friday to put on the rollers and tweak the rap. Will post it up then, I recon about 245-250bhp. Don't really mind what it is, as it feels fast.
Exactly mate well said ! I good strong power curve is much better then a quick load of boost !!
Sounds good to me dude...
Have to get a maf fitted, the one on her is not 100%. Might be even better to drive after that alone.
Had to sort the leaky pipe work and n75 when I got her first, and then the B5 tip. Been waiting a while for it.