What to use on new alloys???


Registered User
Jan 11, 2011
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gettin some new alloys tommorow bbs CH Reps, just wondering is there anything out there to protect the wheels, im sure i read on here a while back theres some sort of stuff you rub on your alloys before you put them on. it helps against corrosion an so on??
Poorboys wheel sealant seems to get praised a lot, I've bought some but haven't yet got round to using it
Poorboys is good but I now use blackfire metal sealant which appears to work really well.
Poorboys wheel sealant seems to get praised a lot, I've bought some but haven't yet got round to using it

I use this... works fine for mine considering how marked they are lol... great for easy brake dust cleaning... have to keep on top of it of course...

Poorboys is good but I now use blackfire metal sealant which appears to work really well.

I have used this stuff on my last 2 set of rims, MTM Bimoto's and BBS RC's, it definitely works good, you can see the water bead off whilst washing. I did them off the car, so I could do the insides aswell! Well worth it!
As a bonus Poorboys smells great to!!! Is like rubbing candy on your wheels.
I recommend the nanolex stuff. I always use it on new wheels and it keeps them looking brand new, quick blast with jet washer and everything pretty much falls off!
how often would you recommend using this poorboys? once a month ?

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