ASN's Pub

Oh really? I'm shocked. I really like them, but might try the ps3's.
im still alive in case anyone cared, if not, go **** yourself

Il try and bring the pub back to life again....

So this year I mostly did a bit of travelling/working
In Ireland:

In the north east of Spain:

Also visited Andorra, Barcelona, Llieda and for all you football ******* I went here:

over a period of about 3 and half months I grew this:

but my bunny died which was devastating:

and I laughed very hard at this today:

In other news, me and my girlfriend moved into a new flat which is awesome and weve just had it painted and a new carpet put in.
My car is also still dead as a dodo and ive not raised a spanner in probably 4 months, which will hopefully change soon, despite my busy schedule.

Anyway, your turn...
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Reactions: CHEZ, Nilz, Jay A3 and 2 others
if you dyed your hair ginger you'd look like a leprechaun lolz
Reactions: jojo and superkarl
What does your beard end up like if you grew one?

Sarah's semi agreed to letting me grow a beard when she's pregnant.
Doubt I can handle the itchiness though.
Never tried and never will grow a beard. After 70years It will still look like bum fluff

Reactions: CHEZ, Nilz, ScottD3 and 2 others
Jay, you got from now will Inters to grow some form of facial hair and make it look like some monk/buddha.

Westy, do it but don't dye it this time.
Go o natural.
LOL....Karl you actually look like Andreas from the X factor (so ive been told)!!

How is everyone??
Reactions: Sandra, superkarl and Westy
Same old Nilz, You?

We know Jo, we've seen your thread and you've been posting it, so assumed you was fine.

Shame about the car dude but I guess its the risk of tracking.

Any video footage of it?
No videos that I know of mate.... But I have the action shots, just need Chris to drop them off to me to upload, they are all in HD, so need to reduce the sizes first!
Reactions: ScottD3
Im all good thanks Scott, had a bit of an up and down few weeks, but getting back on track now so its all good
im having one of those days where i don't want to speak to anyone and any conversation is painful. I think i might have a social disorder

You "think"! I'd definitely agree that you have a social disorder. Growing a huge beard and travelling round like a hobo doesn't help your cause either.

Morning all, good to see the pub is drawing in a few punters again
Anyone doing much this weekend?
just because you are folically challenged doesn't mean you can call me a hobo.

i want to go to my dads and work on the car and refit the gearbox, but, I suspect Il be stuck inside doing work, or failing that Il be staining some wood that i collected yesterday.

p.s. That's not a euthamism (i cant spell that word) its genuine diy.
Reactions: Westy
Morning all, hope you are all good

At least its Friday and for a change this weekend, im hoping to do sweet FA!!
Reactions: Sandra
Good Morning all, hope your all well.
@Nilz , lmao at nothing to do all weekend. Im sure the Mrs has plenty things lined up, you just dont know what they are YET. Enjoy. x
Sandra, we have had a lot on over the past few weeks and it has been manic, so for a change, even she has said this time that we are going to chill out this weekend, so im looking forward to it!!

Im hoping it will be a weekend of playing PS3 and Wii and watching Movies

Win Win!!
Reactions: Sandra

Def a win win then Nilz, that sounds like a really good chillout weekend. I think im going to indulge in some major retail therapy, eat out, maybe take in a movie. That be saturday taken care of. You enjoy your weekend Nilz x
Sandra, that sounds good too, im just going to skip the retail therapy if i can help it
Reactions: Sandra
Afternoon Gents and Gentessess (?!?!)
Been a while, been checking in but its been proper dead.
Just got back from a week in Spain with the Mrs. Well chilled.

Not really done much car related bits recently, weather has been super gash lately.
Hope alls well in Pubville.

Epic beard Karl, I'm in the middle of doing the same,
Nice wee face blanket for the chilly winter months.
Reactions: superkarl and Sandra
@Ultra Violent, afternoon stranger. Good to hear you well chilled out after the holiday. Im pretty sure your car will need a wash after the recent rain. Did i hear you say the drinks are on you today, lol. x

UV, get some pics of then.

Beard trimming and maintenance has always raised a question or two.
Do you comb it, wash it like head hair, square it off or let is grow out as it would naturally?
If you do comb and trim it do you use normal items or special beard designed items?
What about a neck beard?

EDIT:=- Beard Comb
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