my 2011 s3 sportback arrived at dealers at 12 was home by 7 tonight!!


Registered User
Apr 9, 2010
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As said, my red s3 sportback arrived with dealer today at lunch time and i was on my way home by 4.30.....
i ordered at my10 prices and gues what was there to delight me....................yes the tech spec as my car was a my11 spec oh and that would be no extra cost

what a result and what a graet 100 mile drive home, esp after driving the 1.6 astra for 3 months
will post some pics over the weekend
Nice one mate sounds good. Look forward to the pics.

Apparently my car is at the port now but have been told will be about 2 weeks till I get it! Hope it is a bit sooner tho!
Congratulations mojo
nearly 300 but have been work all day today in the van, i prob won't get chance to drive it properly untill the weekend and that seems soooo long away!!!
Try you need to create an account and then upload your photos. Once done you can get a link code from each pic (you need the one for the forums) and then paste the link in a post. I have probably made it sound complicated but once you see the website and try it, it is fine.
Did a bit of searching and found this:

If you would like to use Photobucket to store your pictures, you will first need to signup for an account. Once you have an account an have logged in, you need to upload your picture using the wizard on your home page:

Once done click on the 'Return to album' button. Now click on the thumbnail of your new picture at the bottom of the page.

On the right hand side of the new screen you should see a box with the following options:

Click on the text next to this will automatically highlight the text. Now you can copy it, and paste it straight into your forum post.

Hope that helps. Cheers.
Mainly the tech pack along with everything else that come with the my11.
Just been looking at them pics mate, i like the look of the new alloys, i brought snow foam lance and snow foam the other day so hopefully get to try that out this weekend...

Thanks mate, yeah I am getting used to them I saw a MY10 S3 BE when I was at the dealer and I still really like those alloys, I think they are a bit darker than the MY11 ones and look better against a White car. New ones will be easier to clean though. I need to get a pressure washer & stuff now as it will be a ****** to keep clean!

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